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L0G!N (DayZ)

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Everything posted by L0G!N (DayZ)

  1. But he does that in the general forum right ? ... which is where i would like to post suggestions too at times, just because here one doesn't always get enough responses for some reason :/ ... unless if people think your idea sucks then you get a ton of GTFO kind of comments, usually from people that should just stick to the General forum but come here just to insult a few more people, or because they are looking for easy pickings...
  2. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Server lock, after death.

    Ehrm no tnx, it's somewhat hard to find a decent server with a decent ping and the setting i want already... having a fixed 'home' server will also increase the chances of making friends on that server. And what about clans that run servers, would they be locked out of the server they are paying for?
  3. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Loot washing up along the shore line

    I'dd be all for this given players start out with nothing, i actually suggested compensating the spawning with nothing with loot piles on the beach. Feel free to check my list of ideas for more details on spawning with nothing...
  4. L0G!N (DayZ)

    "On Back" slot for 3rd/ quicker 2nd primary!

    I would be all for this as soon as Weight is added to all items and it influences your movement speed, then i'dd even be all for you staching as many 3-5kg guns in your pants as you like :)
  5. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Loot respawn after 1 item taken

    I think this is quite realistic, i guess somebody beat you to it and took al the good stuff already ... I would personally prefer 'tiered loot buildings' though ... if you want more details check the list of ideas in my sig.
  6. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Attach tent to backback

    I would be all for this as soon as 'weight' is added to items, so you don't end up with more slots because of this and still get a penalty for dragging along 3-4 kilos...
  7. Softdrinks with a lot of sugar usually make you MORE thirsty instead of less ... so yeah, idd be all for giving different kinds of fluids different kind of stats!
  8. I'm not sure how this works in the arma engine, but usually there are a couple more hitboxes on a character, and not all of those insta kill. Sure a headshot does (99% of the time) but not all bodyshots are instantly deadly or else there wouldn't be any gunshot survivors and there are... agreed on all of the rest, except for maybe some of the difficulty settings, but these should come with just ONE option for server admins, you choose a difficulty setting for your server and that comes with X or without it.... as such players can choose what they want, and basically not call themselves an expert on an expert noted server with half the recruit options active :/
  9. L0G!N (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    Making a bow is not what i would do in a survival situation, it needs way to much resources and way to much work... if you want a somewhat decent ranged weapon that is easy to make and doesn't need a lot of resources (2 sticks is basically enough), you make an Atlatl :)
  10. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Yabby net

    Wouldn't we also need a BBQ to be able to cook them :P ... (ok louzy humor, but i just couldn't restrain myself putting up some Auzzi stereotype)
  11. L0G!N (DayZ)

    DayZ Workshop?

    Why, the winner of the competition gets forum glory, i dunno give them a brown beancolored forum name or something. A custom title 'Golden beancan winner' or w/e ... and ALL the content submitted for the competition is available for implementation, these things are aside from eachother, because who knows, maybe we think A should win the competition because his structure is realy cool or w/e but the Dev team don't like it in their game for some reason... The competition and the Content generated for the game are two seperate things, while concerning the same thing (aka player generated content). Why limit implementation to the winners, and why even gurantee the winners implementation. They won a forum competition, and at best they should get a T-shirt saying: I won the DayZ forum competition and all i got was this louzy t-shirt...
  12. L0G!N (DayZ)

    'Tiered' loot buildings...

    So nobody thinks this is good or bad then? Not even a can of beans for the effort ?
  13. I personally have a rather big issue with 'most popular' or 'most commented on', because you know what i noticed over the 2 weeks i been here. All the crap posts get tons of people screaming they don't want this idea, or people cheering the idea on because they want more battlefields but just with zombies added. And realy good ideas seem to be hardly understood by people, they don't leave a comment because they don't get the idea and don't want to look stupid. Like this idea for example: http://dayzmod.com/f...loot-buildings/ Which is likely one of the best ideas for the game on this whole suggestion forum sofar... Either people don't get it, or they think it's great but don't actually want to let everybody know because they fear their easy game will be destroyed, and those that do no like it fear of posting to be called out wanting an easy game. So what i am to do, fill it up with a monologue to boost it up so it will actually get read and commented on. And that is not the only thread it concerns, like i said good ideas hardly get any discussion because they are good ideas, or they are perhaps to complex for people to grasp, or they make the game harder, and people don't realy want a harder game... Mostly though i think people have a hard time understanding what a particular idea accomplishes for the game, and if the idea has more than one paragraph (or more than 120characters, or however many twitter allows) they just don't want to read it ... And exactly those things will make a 'most popular' or 'most commented on' list filled with all the ideas you don't want at the top...
  14. L0G!N (DayZ)

    New sense: Smell?

    Smell only has a couple of meters of 'function' and the human nose isn't realy set up to track any smells, if we add zombie dogs though, the thing becomes a lot different. I think in comparison, where a human as about a postage stamp of smellcells a dog has about a footballfield. And for dogs it doesn't realy matter if you smell like poo or like rozes, they can smell good enough to follow the trail of skincells you loose as you go ... perhaps if the odour printer was released it be a good feature, but more in a sense that it be rather 'social' to wash yourself every now and then :P
  15. L0G!N (DayZ)

    L0GIN's suggestions for DayZ

    This is merely a thread to list my idea's in a logical fashion, so that I can add it to my signature, and to enable people to read my views on DayZ enhancement as a whole. No discussion is needed, go to each individual thread if you want to leave a comment! All these idea's make DayZ a tad harder by restricting what people can do, the items they find and can take with them, various ideas add more content to the 'mid-game' experience by providing more ways to progress your character, and the presure on space and progress will also facilitate grouping up more, while i took utmost care to not make lone-wolf play impossible. Best would be to implement all of these as one big package, as they all touch on eachother in some sense. Add weight to items: http://dayzmod.com/f...eight-on-items/ Start us off with nothing: http://dayzmod.com/f...nothing-please/ Reduce inventory space: http://dayzmod.com/f...nventory-space/ Reduce toolbelt slots: http://dayzmod.com/f...sions-teamwork/ Inventory Mockup: see added attachment Learning by doing: http://dayzmod.com/f...es-professions/ Tiered loot buildings: http://dayzmod.com/f...loot-buildings/ Add depth and immersion through infected : http://dayzmod.com/f...-and-immersion/ ________________________________________________ Compilation threads: These are threads that try and combine various ideas across the 'suggestion forum community' as well as my own, into one thread. Full Medical / first aid : http://dayzmod.com/f...ical-first-aid/ A compilation of 'all' medical suggestions sofar, dealing with sollutions to physical conditions (relates to the Full Physical thread), with links to individual threads on specific topics. Full Physical: http://dayzmod.com/f...-full-physical/ A compilation of 'all' thing physical and character responses to conditional states (relates to the Full Medical Thread), with links to individual threads on specific topics. Full Character Progression: http://dayzmod.com/f...ilation-thread/ A compilation of 'all' things a character could progress in during their time alive, with links to individual thread on specific topics. Also includes the Learning-by-doing OP. Full Clothing: http://dayzmod.com/f...ad-compilation/ A thread dealing with all things related to clothing 'stats' and possible clothing pieces to be included in DayZ. ________________________________________________ Misc: Adding achievements: http://dayzmod.com/f...ng-achiefments/
  16. L0G!N (DayZ)

    The Cool Idea Master List

    While i like the idea of a compiled list, i have a few problems with your list, they are a list of what YOU think is cool or easy, and by the looks of the list some may not be as easy as you think they are. and whether the ideas are 'cool' is entrirely up for grabs... (also fishing is in there twice) The 'better' way to go about this is also a lot more work, but it would be having polls every 2 weeks or so that have people vote on what they think is a good idea, and then have the winners of each poll mere into another poll that determains the ultimate best ideas based upon a big audience. and then a Mod having these ideas emailed to the Dev.team ... but setting something up like that takes a lot of work, and should likely be persued by a Moderator to make it carry some weight and so that these polls can be stickied and closed etc...
  17. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Do suggestions even go anywhere?

    I thought the same thing tbh. and if there is one place Rocket can find new fresh ideas that he didn't come up with yet, it's here. Also, it's fairly likely that most of the ideas for DayZ are also being thought of by other people (duplicates in this part of the forum show this without any doubt), and it's exactly here that these ideas get discussion. And if Rocket is indeed realy interested in engaging with the player base and getting feedback on ideas, this would be the place to go without having to tell exactly what is on his mind in regards to the ideas he has himself. Say Rocket is thinking about added bloodregeneration for some particular reason, well there are tons of threads about that and all of them show what and how the community thinks about that idea, not just 'i want/dont want' comments, but actual concerns work arounds most reasonable implementation for DayZ etc. He can read all about it without starting a riot on the generalforum with saying, i'm thinking about adding bloodregeneration, what do you think? To then have social media twist his words by saying 'rocket is adding blood regeneration to dayz' starting an even bigger riot, where he then has to explain to ALL media, that he was just throwing out a bone to discuss a topic and how it got out of hand from there realy fast (like killing noobs with snipers in Electro fast). And he doesn't even have to say, well this sucks i won't, or this is good i'll considder. He can just ask questions if things are not clear, or if it's and idea he had himself mention that and give some of his thoughts on the subject. Even doing this for the 'bad' ideas (just to note though @geekster, ideas are never crap, they are suited for something or not, and while they might not be suited for X they may well be the thing for Y, ideas are what made humans thrive, take the atom bomb f/e while the idea of massdestruction is pretty crap for those it concerns, M.A.D. has kept our world somewhat of a safe place for quite a few years. So idea's can only not be suitable for a certain context, but they are never crap), will atleast build up somewhat of a quotable list of Rocket thoughts, that helps make ideas better, or can be pointed at to stop some silly 'want/dont want' conversation... And another reason to go through the suggestion forum is that amids all that 'rubble' there are bound to be some gems ... even if its just 1-2% of all ideas, i bet if you knew for sure where to find a gem, if only 1-2% of everything you sift through is a gem, you would go for it. Another thing with 'ideas' is that the responses to them give likely the best feedback on the 'mood of direction' the community would like to go. Not that you have to implement those ideas that come with it, but the general feedback can be valuable in regards to evaluating other ideas (if they dont/do like this they likely (won't) like this too (either)... and ignoring part of your playerbase that is likely the part that spends most time thinking about your game and wants to help improve it, is a rather silly thing to do no? Why go to 4Chan to pick up ideas if you have a whole forumsection filled with specific ideas for your game... it almost feels like not taking people on this forum (as a whole) serious ... Anyways, some responses from dev's in any section of the board are greatly appreciated, by all that it concerns, if only to know that there is a chance the devs read your post and that each part of the community (whether they are interested in meme's or ideas or just rambling/ranting) are taken serious...
  18. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Why cant the visuals look like this??

    If everything is like that all the time it would get boring fast... similar with the colors, i don't know if you get out of your house much, but colors in nature are actually fairly bright. I do think though the things you mention should be integrated into the day/night/weather cycle. The fog/dew is cool, but only realy makes sense in the morning, evening and night, esp. when it's sunny fog clears like fast, similar when it rains. The hue should also change based on the time of day, and perhaps even based upon the 'passed weather' (if it's hot for a while and thus dusty sand clods everywhere and grass dries out), and in the evening/morning colortones can be a bit more reduced due to lack of sun... coolest would realy be if they had seasonal changes, then your two ideas would go great with summer and prolongued drought for the color. and mist for spring/autumn. But if you realy want mist i think some seasons should realy have 50m view mists at times...
  19. L0G!N (DayZ)

    DayZ Workshop?

    I suggested this as a forum competition, which i think would work better than an open place, or would atleast inspire more people to try as there is forum glory to win too... such a competition may well benefit from the system you suggest, but then if there isn't an easy system readily available that does this, then the dev's would have to make it, a forum competition means people just upload the files somewhere and show their product with a picture or text... Winners would obviously be picked, and voting can be done using the forum... at the end of the deadline just create a bunch of polls for preselection, then have these polls nr1&2 end up in a final poll and send those to the dev's (though they will likely check them out themselves) and the winner gets forum glory! ... if there is readely available software to do such a thing than it can also be used for the forum competition... so it be a win/win, and that place can keep running and forum goers may keep making stuff if they feel so enclined... All assets in the meantime could be collected by the dev's or even the forum mods, so that they can all be reviewed, the dev's may be looking for something that we don't know of, while we just vote for cool. So giving the dev's everything easily catagorized is much more important than giving them what 'we' think is coolest!
  20. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Hiding Bodies fix to be fair.

    Well as far as i know Arma2 also doesn't have loot on bodies, and we are not talking about Arma2 ... we are talking about DayZ that, when making use of this feature of the Arma2 engine, give people the option to totally deny loot to other people. If you hear flies you should be excited, because it's likely you found both a place where somebody died recently, so it may be dangerous there, and a chance to find some loot. Now it just means that somebody killed some-one else he hid the body and is likely long gone... and yes it is 'authentic' in a sense that to have a body sink in the ground you generally use a shovel ... The shovel would create the need to have a shovel, just like all tools and med supplies create a need to do something, it's how DayZ works... so yeah if you don't have a shovel then you can't hide bodies, so you leave a trail, perhaps best not to kill humans/zombies untill you got a shovel, or kill, get your loot and get out... all bodies despawn eventually anyways... I personally think it's a good thing to implement and i don't see what your problem with it is? Anything that makes this game a tad harder (without being to far out or OP) should be implemented. That way, in order to make the game harder, there won't have to be 'far out' or OP things implemented in the game.
  21. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Hiding Bodies fix to be fair.

    yeah i included a shovel & 'pack' for this purpose in my 'if you are good at something' suggestion after it came up in a thread about hiding bodies. Guess having it discussed specifically isn't to bad :) @Deviant: How is it a problem to make it more authentic and require a shovel? Most would view loot-denial as somewhat of a 'troll' and tbqh. it totally defeats the purpose of the flies alerting you to a fresh body, that then doesn't seem to be there... If the hiding would require a shovel less people would likely be able to hide a body, which may make it an interesting thing to check out again. As of now i learned to just totally ignore flies as there is no body there in about 95% of the time...
  22. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Universal server time

    First bit, i think we both know what we mean by now, we just seem to be misreading eachothers posts somehow. As i thought you misunderstood my meaning by the reaction you gave... Just to be on the save side i think it's always better to generalize a statement, as even 'if' i were to change servers in favor of daytime, it's not just me doing it... so use 'people' isntead and nobody needs to feel attacked. As i said, i think the time is likely to go up, which means night & daytime will be reduced, hopefully to a point where people stop caring about jumping ship for just that hour. night is actually a lot of fun, and in general actually the easier time, as zombies have as hard a time seeing as the player has, but the player has a brain and the zed have lost theirs...
  23. So i see a lot of people requesting 'civilian guns' well in my country the only gun i am allowed to shoot without rigorous permits: - bibi gun, not even sure if i'm allowed to have the pointy ammo with the hairs at the back... But, what do people mean when they say civilian guns? A friend of mine oversea's has an M16 semi, and i think in my country a semi is the highest permit weapon you can have. Not sure about calibers though... but then i don't live in the USA, So what IS civilian?
  24. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Making looting more realistic!

    Best idea to do if you don't realy have anything usefull to say, just give the OP a can a beans ;) so if anyone bothered to read responses and wants even more way to make looting more 'authentic', hit this link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35142-tiered-loot-buildings/ ... you may have stumbled upon me suggesting this in other threads on loot, but i thought it deserved it's own thread :)
  25. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Skills Idea

    @disgraced, did you even read the suggestion i made in regards to 'professions&classes' because I agree with your point of view, but how about limiting what everyone can do by giving them less space (which is basically the same as the OP here is suggesting only in a different place). Because i think it's realy weird that people can be 'rambo/macgiver/beargrills' all in one... and I fully agree 'classes' as in predetermained molds you pick from are not the way to go, hence i took another approach... if you do think players should be able to carry all tools with them at all times, then we disagree, but don't go pile up all suggestions based upon a single word in the title, without even reading what the suggestion actually suggest to do...