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Everything posted by thehumandove

  1. thehumandove

    "Soldier Clothing"

    Well, I can't confirm shit. I just know my friend isn't a hacker and he found it at a heli crash. No proof or anything, but as far as I'm concerned it's fair game. I prefer the ghillie suit myself, but it seems pretty rare. Your call
  2. thehumandove

    Problems with DayZ

    Sidechat isn't even close to an issue with the mod. I could think of 1000 other things to list, but you list sidechat? Jesus
  3. thehumandove

    I Found A Dog

    Could be a hacker. They've been known to change people/themselves into that dog
  4. thehumandove

    To my saviour in US 257

    I lol'd
  5. thehumandove

    "Soldier Clothing"

    My friend found soldier clothing from a crashed heli. Unless a hacker put it around a crashed helicopter...seems legit. I always thought it was hacked, but I've seen otherwise yesterday
  6. thehumandove

    In-game journal

    Oddly enough, I was reading up on War Z, and it sounded like they were going to have that in the game. Might be decent, but you just know someone's going to leave a 8===() note.
  7. Sweet lemonade. It's stuck in my head
  8. Never call friendly at NWAF
  9. Zombies are going to carry chemlights
  10. thehumandove

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    No reason to lie. Yet is a shitty troll. Hmmmmn, something isn't adding up.
  11. thehumandove

    Dear hackers...

    Because they need to feel victorious about something in their lives. If they have to take the win by making pixels do stuff...so be it
  12. thehumandove

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Ignore OP. He's just a lame troll that uses multiple accounts so he can agree with himself since no one else is going to.
  13. thehumandove

    Upcoming Patch

    I just want a patch for that shitty artifacting that makes the game unplayable.
  14. thehumandove

    Congratulations Community, You have become scum.

    I dont think you're going to shame hackers into praising the glory of our Dear Leader
  15. thehumandove

    Graphical Issues

    No, it's still a major issue. I almost died from zombies because I couldn't see where the fuck I was going and got stuck on something. Sometimes I can't see shit at a full 360 degrees.
  16. thehumandove

    Re-implement side chat?

    If I had the option to turn it off, I wouldn't really care
  17. thehumandove

    Roflmao Angry Players

    Maybe he wasn't angry. Maybe he just wanted to run at you with a hatchet, but remained peacefully calm as he did so.
  18. It's all risk/reward. I don't fault them for it. What they do compared to what you do is essentially 30 minutes to an hour or so of difference. If they survive the gauntlet, there's always a decent chance they'll come out better equipped than you
  19. thehumandove

    Player names on No-Nametag-Servers

    Maybe it was a hallucination
  20. thehumandove

    The List of Daily Threads

    You forgot the stop complaining threads
  21. thehumandove

    Dear Rooster...

    This single event changed Rooster's outlook on life forever. He's a bandit now