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Everything posted by thehumandove

  1. thehumandove

    Shared Map Locations? O_o

    No. It shows up regardless on other maps
  2. thehumandove

    Shared Map Locations? O_o

    in my experience, the map points are shared by anyone with a map on a specific server. I haven't noticed any that havent been this way.
  3. thehumandove

    Kill all bronies.

    Wow, you're getting a little too bent out of shape over something that's just for fun. I'd suggest you calm down. I mean really, your replies so far are just convincing a lot of people who don't even care to join in on this, because you're taking it so personally
  4. Elektro, because if someone else is there you're going to see them. Cherno I could hit the apartments and slip out with some decent findings at least.
  5. THE PLOT THICKENS! What if they use DayZ Dan's voice against him!?
  6. And by goat he meant cow, and by CZ550 he meant enfield from a foot away
  7. thehumandove

    Dogs are comming!

    Maybe I can use one as a seeing eye dog to navigate through the artifacts.
  8. thehumandove

    I love UK servers.

  9. thehumandove

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Can I please have the location of this meeting
  10. thehumandove

    I messed up

    Come back in five years
  11. thehumandove

    Bad losers and accusations of hackers.

    Yeah, I guess when I got warped across the map and shot at, it was my lack of skill. My mistake OP
  12. In the end, I'd prefer a standalone anyways. Until it's out, the mod is good for me
  13. thehumandove

    The curse of the Dew

    Alright so here's a cool story. I was a fresh respawn...so fresh that I still smelled of daisies and a gentle summer rain. All I had on me was the standard spawn gear and a double barreled shotgun. I was in Elektro, and I thought I might hit up the diner first. To begin with, it was standard looting, not much to write home about...but in the last room on the second floor stood a fucking Wookie geared to the max. I assume he was just logging in, because he wasn't moving upon my arrival...unlucky bastard. A headshot made short work of him, and I was like a kid in a candy store. He had good gear. Yes, Coyote backpack, AS50 sniper rifle, some other rifle, GPS, NVG, you name it. But that's not what it was about. I saw it for the first time...a mountain dew. My shotgun had alerted zombies. Lots of zombies. More zombies than would be characteristic for a shotgun blast. They just kept fucking coming, so I had to loot the corpse and shoot zombies in turns. My greed eventually punished me, as some zeds got a little too close and made a swipe at me. I survived the ordeal in the end, but I was badly wounded. No matter, I thought, I have a mountain dew now. It was my precious. Upon exiting the diner, I made my way across the street to the school with a spring in my step. I looted away, as happy as a clam when I noticed I had brought some zeds up with me. I shot them with my silenced rifle, feeling quite good about the day's fortune. That was when I fell through the stairs and died. This happened yesterday. I can only imagine some poor hapless stranger had since looted my body. I can only say beware the Dew. It brings only death and misfortune with it.
  14. thehumandove


    Ah yes, using the word entitled at strange times.
  15. thehumandove

    Dear bandits, is this 'evil?'

    Never trust the man with the AKM. He is a desperate man.
  16. thehumandove

    Got killed by hackers 3 times today.

  17. thehumandove

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    Suggesting that bandits can't also kill for the hell of it, alongside stealing from the dead
  18. thehumandove

    Hacker Freaks Out

    I lol'd when you said 'no!'
  19. I'm skeptical if that's really the way Filip spells his name, tbh
  20. You're skipping the part where he could simply show the proof, instead of being dodgy about it. I don't assume the admin is the hacker, I just don't see the gains in withholding evidence from the public when accused
  21. thehumandove

    100 million dollars...

    I didn't pay $100