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Everything posted by thehumandove

  1. thehumandove

    stuck in debug plain

    I really just want to get out of the plains. Have already tried respawning, and I'm still stuck there
  2. thehumandove

    stuck in debug plain

    Hi, same issue as the rest. Hoping to keep my gear if possible. Name: Caz ID: 24709504 thanks!
  3. thehumandove

    No gun for new players

    Keep playing. You'll find you can gradually get a lot better at grabbing shit quicker as time goes on.
  4. He should have rode off into the sunset
  5. and I accidentally killed my friend because I didnt know what the hell was going on, but it spawns me in a field without trees or bush, and random people are standing still in the field. Apparently (just on my friend) I can kill them through the server. This is completely new and I couldnt always play normally before todayt (12/07/2012). edit: I should just mention that I meant I only tried to shoot my friend (and he died). There were two or three others in the featureless plain.
  6. thehumandove

    hey im in a plains of poor people

    I tried respawning and Im in the same place...will try to the east though, thank you. Luckily have many beer to keep me company. Lost a lot of good items suiciding myself.
  7. thehumandove

    hey im in a plains of poor people

    Well from what I understand, the friend I killed was in the same barren field. When I killed him, he respawned normally? Sorry guys, its pretty confusing
  8. thehumandove

    hey im in a plains of poor people

    really? Its just odd. Been playing the game for a week and never had this happen before. Will try though, thanks
  9. thehumandove

    calling out whoever just shot me

    But not with the last name COD
  10. thehumandove

    My player killing addiction

    There can be ONLY ONE!
  11. thehumandove

    How do u get passed barbed wire?

    Get a running start at it
  12. What makes this game enjoyable is the uncertainty of interaction. Deal with it
  13. thehumandove

    Am i doing something wrong?

    Not exactly. A good tactic in this case is to use a flare or smoke grenade if you have any, and throw them about midway between the compound. It lures the zombies out from under the towers and gives you ample time to take what you want from the deer stand you're after. Rinse and repeat for the others. Have done this several times.
  14. When in doubt, bluff
  15. thehumandove

    Dont Shoot a Player Day Truce!!

    This would be beautifully exploited
  16. thehumandove

    One scary moment

    So your friend tried to DC before dying, and you DC'd right after, shortly after sniping at cherno. Brilliant tale
  17. thehumandove

    need morphine please.

    Tell me where you are. So I may "help" you.
  18. thehumandove

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Dont you see? They were all once like you...the cycle continues.
  19. thehumandove

    I Can't even Play this game!!!

    Protip- Stay out of cherno. You will find only death and tears there
  20. I'm not a bandit, I just kill in self defense. Sometimes self defense means a preemptive strike.
  21. thehumandove

    was it bait?

    In my experience people ditch bikes pretty nonchalantly. Anythings possible brosef