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Everything posted by thehumandove

  1. thehumandove

    Passed out and then...

    Its on the mouse wheel if the person is down. I was dragging my buddy once, and he regained consciousness and I got all glitched out from it. Pretty cool though
  2. thehumandove

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    Of course most snipers will shoot on sight. There's a reason they're shooting at you from far away. Think they're using those scopes for zombie hunting?
  3. thehumandove

    What should i do next? Surviving is easy!

    Look deep within and you'll see that you already are the bandit.
  4. thehumandove

    Raging clusterfuck

    Your friend should have taken vengeance with the M9
  5. thehumandove

    Very Frustrated

    The trick is to get better at the game, and then all these problems magically disappear.
  6. thehumandove

    CoD players.....

    I'm a quake player. Now everyone is fucked
  7. thehumandove

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    Eh, a little out of the way for me. Not that I know of...
  8. thehumandove

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    where are you located?
  9. thehumandove

    respawn ramdom ?

    Yes, its random where you spawn. Pay attention to the name of the closest town on the bottom right when you respawn, use an online map, and coordinate to meet your friend. Might be a while
  10. thehumandove

    Guy who sniped me in Electro

    Do you know the name of the person who shot you? If not, I shot you.
  11. thehumandove

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Yeah, everyone wants to play with someone who freaked out after losing gear and decided to hack. I'm saddened to hear you've decided to purchase the game again
  12. thehumandove

    Admin kills everyone on US74

    So you know it was the admin?
  13. thehumandove

    y game so hard?

    Are you talking jive?
  14. thehumandove

    A few simple questions.

    Press the enter button on the numpad side
  15. thehumandove

    Super Noobsauce :(

    Your friend is a zombie
  16. thehumandove

    How ruthless are you?

    I'd probably leave them be because I'd be outnumbered. Probably throw a flare at you and be on my way.
  17. thehumandove

    y game so hard?

    Some say there is no bottom
  18. thehumandove

    y game so hard?

    I'll just add some chinese proverbs up in this bitch When the wind of change blows some build walls while others build windmills. Fortune does not come twice. Misfortune does not come alone. If the wind comes from an empty cave, it's not without a reason. Not only can water float a boat, it can sink it also. I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.
  19. thehumandove

    Why you should never trust an unarmed man...

    He didnt respond because he was stroking it
  20. thehumandove

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    I just had to mention your sig made me lol more than it should have
  21. thehumandove

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    How so? Lots of movies depict facts. Just because something is fiction, doesn't necessarily make it any less plausible in certain circumstances.
  22. thehumandove

    So I logged in, and then this happened

    Coolest of stories, bro