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Everything posted by thehumandove

  1. thehumandove

    Dayz commander question

    Servers are down at the moment
  2. thehumandove

    Ok I feel like i've tried about everything

    Ok, so exit steam. Right click on the steam icon and choose 'run in administrator' or whatever, try then loading Arma 2. Then exit, load Arma 2 expansion. Then leave steam on in the background while you launch the Six launcher. That should work, unless you have to reinstall the battleeye files for the game
  3. thehumandove

    Dayz commander.

    Hit join, close your eyes for ten seconds and see what happens
  4. thehumandove

    Augh, utterly lost, Help! Ack!

    Use an online map. I'd suggest heading towards the shoreline anyways.
  5. thehumandove

    Dayz commander.

    It's safe. It even shows the server in-game time if you're wanting to know if it's night or day. That said, I usually stick to Six, because I'm stuck in my ways
  6. thehumandove

    Hackers have gone too far

    Oh, happy prelated birthday brah
  7. thehumandove

    Hackers have gone too far

    Kurtis you're not a retard, you're a gentleman and a scholar and let no one say otherwise
  8. thehumandove

    Ok I feel like i've tried about everything

    And is the game downloaded on steam? If so, are you running steam as administrator?
  9. thehumandove

    Little help please?

    best way is to die
  10. thehumandove

    oh my god i just witnessed a murder

    The axe put him into berserker mode. The weapon can't be put away until it has tasted blood
  11. thehumandove

    Mtn Dew Cans

    They say the cans are haunted by the ghosts of christmas
  12. This turned out sort of anticlimactic. Was pushing for a grudge war. Ah well, my time here is done. Goodbye all involved
  13. This. Often times the loot wont be there if you connect on top of it/close to it
  14. thehumandove

    New Player Survivor Log

    Awesome. Glad to see another creative player
  15. thehumandove

    Question about bandits.

    If they have any murders, that means they killed people who haven't murdered others. If they killed people who had murdered others, then it counts as a bandit kill.
  16. I demand a rival clan be born and an ultimate grudge match last forever
  17. Crystal clear to 50 meters, fades to nothing at 100
  18. From what I hear it's just a bug. No actual AI member joins in game
  19. You appear to be an evil clan.
  20. thehumandove

    Biggest Annoyance in the game

    If it doesnt load within 5 minutes, I go to a different server
  21. thehumandove

    My first human kill, justified? Video inside

    I lol'd. As timothy olyphant would say..."it was justified"
  22. thehumandove

    Top 10 weapons

    Your list is insane
  23. thehumandove

    Meeting friends in-game

    No, you need to pay attention to the city name/location on the bottom right of the screen when you join a server. That's the closest location to where you're at. Check with an online map (It'll be somewhere along the south and east coastline) and collaborate how to meet up with your friends. This can take 20-30 minutes if you're unlucky. If you're too far away, try respawning, since it'll be random where you're located.
  24. thehumandove

    DayZ difficulties - which one do you love to play?

    I jump between regular and vet