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Everything posted by thehumandove

  1. I love night in DayZ. Them theres is my stompin grounds
  2. thehumandove

    For the millionth time magazines are NOT clips!

    I call rifles 'gunz' Where is your god now?
  3. thehumandove

    A somewhat odd experience

  4. thehumandove

    What's the reason that Zombies must walk in buildings?

    I heard they'll run indoors, but take their shoes off at the door to buy you some time
  5. thehumandove

    Why I kill.

    Riveting account, broseph
  6. thehumandove

    Female characters.

    I like your Billy Dee Williams
  7. thehumandove

    Female characters.

    I remain cold and calculating
  8. thehumandove

    Ok I feel like i've tried about everything

    You might want to try updating battleye manually. Sorry brah, I'm out of ideas to help. If worst comes to worst, uninstall everything, and then do those steps in my second post.
  9. thehumandove

    New player...a few questions

    Not all buildings are going to be accessible. To know which ones, you should check a dayZ map, just look on google or something. Also, for the whole running tactic, your best bet is to run into a bigger city like Cherno or Elektro. A lot of those smaller towns only have one entrace so if there's no gun in the building, you're toast. That's why barns and larger buildings are your friend...you can always escape.
  10. Remember your ABCs. Always Be Cool
  11. thehumandove

    10 murders in 7 minutes

    Fail medic is fail bandit Please tell more
  12. thehumandove

    Hackers Read up.

    Yes, Rocket is the mastermind behind the hackers.
  13. thehumandove

    A tense standoff at US195.

    Cool thread brahs. Highfives all around
  14. thehumandove

    I did it.. And i quench for more.

    You're a liability to the good doctor. You've tasted man flesh!
  15. thehumandove

    Ok I feel like i've tried about everything

    Yeah, you might have to reinstall the battleye files. Sorry brah
  16. You wascically wabbit
  17. thehumandove

    Ok I feel like i've tried about everything

    Dont bother uninstalling them until the servers are back up and you can give it a shot. I've needlessly uninstalled and reinstalled in the past before doing what I suggested.
  18. thehumandove

    Truth Time Rockett

    Sometimes when I'm feeling a little dumb...I read this thread.
  19. thehumandove

    DayZ Question

    We all make conversation mistakes
  20. thehumandove

    Horror Stories!

    Pitch black in elek. Me and my friend decide to make a run for it to a building a distance off. Flare dies out as we're halfway there. End up getting disoriented, getting hit without seeing much more than a foot ahead of myself. Manage to get into a building, and turn around with my revolver. Pitch black. BOOM, muzzle flash lights up the room for a split second, with ten or more zombies piling into the entrance. Then pitch black again. BOOM, again the place is lit up, revealing all the clamoring zeds making their way towards me before everything went black once more. I ended up using all my ammo with just enough to clear the area. Stumbled around until I could find a chemlight to light the way for my friend.
  21. thehumandove

    Problems with 6launcher/dayZ

    Double rainbow
  22. thehumandove

    How long...

    Depends. Timer restarts if anyones in the area.
  23. thehumandove

    Dayz commander question

    You betcha