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Everything posted by thehumandove

  1. thehumandove

    In Game Communication?

    Direct chat is used. Group chat only acts as the pre-game lobby chat. Also direct chat can be typed or you can use a mic. it's effective up to 50 meters for typed, and for voice the effectiveness of sound is reduced after 50 meters until you can't hear it at all at 100 meters
  2. Time to go about this spy business
  3. I dont think his intentions could have been more obvious if he blindfolded you and tied you to a pole.
  4. Snipers dc as soon as you locate their position anyways. I got shot once, figured out where he was and fired a few return shots with my ak74. He was far away, but that was enough to scare him off. I lawl'd
  5. thehumandove

    Do you kill on sight?

    Depends. Some dude was sniping me from a rooftop while I was in the grocery store. While that was going on some guy with a revolver walked in the side entrance. There was a chance he was working with the sniper, and he was armed and I had already taken a bullet...wasn't about to risk it. Had to put him down
  6. thehumandove

    Crossbow...worth the trouble?

    The crossbow is next to useless
  7. thehumandove

    Dr. Wasteland will pay...

    A supervillain was born
  8. thehumandove

    Curioser and Curioser- Female zombies?

    y? u lookin 4 a d8?
  9. thehumandove


    You're a standup citizen
  10. thehumandove

    lack of servers recently?

    keep clicking refresh servers, it adds more to your list (still not all of them). Also DayZ Commander seems to load them all just fine now
  11. thehumandove

    Loading Screen.. How Long Is Too Long?

    I give up after 5 minutes. I've noticed if there's that white progress bar above the 'loading', it never seems to want to actually load into the game. Or if it does, way too long for my patience.
  12. I don't think it'd change a single thing
  13. thehumandove

    Ever got shot a few seconds after logging in?

    a few seconds? I got shot instantly connecting. Granted I was new to the game at the time, and I logged at the shopping center entrance (lawl). Still managed to turn around and take him out with me
  14. thehumandove

    Way to tell hive server from non-hive?

    You could always install DayZ Commander. It's an alternative launch program to Six. It has the option to remove non-hive servers from the list
  15. The aggro is hilariously bad right now. I saw a zombie come at me and my buddy from like a KM away across a long and open field.
  16. thehumandove

    Why this mod is failing

    Cry more. cry harder. keep crying, sir criesalot. Boo hoo, bandits. Guess what? I had a lot of good gear just yesterday, and someone connected into the game behind me while I was in the barracks, and they shot me to death. The game wasn't ruined. I respawned on the shore, and carried on with the game. People that give up after being killed just don't get that half the fun is scavenging for shit. Bandits are here to stay, and if you can't handle it, War Z awaits you
  17. I'm going to side with the invisible guy
  18. thehumandove

    Have Zombie Spawning Mechanics Changed?

    Ive noticed zombies that I've killed respawning next to me in a short time period lately
  19. thehumandove

    the mysterious creature

    it's said that green mountain leads to willy wonka's underground chocolate factory
  20. So because you say 'friendly' we're not allowed to shoot you? I guess we can play patty cake instead edit: Upon further investigation, you didn't even say friendly. You're full of shit. I use fraps too, and I can hear my voice in the recordings. Check for a direct chat mic icon on the screen...there isn't one. You deserved to die
  21. Well, I remember talk about dogs being implemented at some point. Who knows whats up with that though
  22. thehumandove

    How do you fire guns?

    You have to press F to cycle through items and your rate of fire
  23. thehumandove

    I found a radio, is it legit?

    Take the radio to green mountain. Ask if you're speaking to a dead relative. Find the truth about Green Mountain
  24. thehumandove

    Some people are real dicks

    I've recently killed two well armed bandits with a hatchet. One was camping like a little bitch in the Balotta air tower with a shotgun. The funny part was that he was prone and was basically waiting for me to come up the stairs, more than ready. Chopped that one up to little bits, I did
  25. thehumandove

    Can't see the same servers as friends?

    Yeah, it's still annoying but seems to sort of work