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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hello, I recently found mosin, got compensator and LRS but I cant snipe at more than 500m because my aim is moving. Is there still chance to put bipod on Mosin? Because I haven´t found any. And also where to find heli crashes? Thanks for answers
  2. Well, this topic went crazy as I see. Thanks for the advices. I used splint, morphine, vitamins, and antibiotics and now it is more easier to hit something. Also if you you remap holding breath to 2 buttons and you hold it simultaeonously, the aim will be even more precise.
  3. I use 2nd mouse button to hold breath which automatically zooms in so I dont know where is the problem. And BTW my first time with LRS :)
  4. Who would kill fresh spawns? It isn´t even fun. I mean, that best feeling is to kill full looted guy.
  5. When you are on airport and searching for a M4.
  6. No please no. I remember 2 years ago when you spawned just with your pants on the coast. Now when I spawned in DayZ mod I could choose where to spawn, and I even spawned with shotgun and silence pistol so WTF is this? Why doesn´t it spawn us directly to the base, where the server give us AS50, tents with full loot and 3-4 vehicles? It is radiculous. Modders are destroying this game. It was good as it was made.
  7. Somebody trolled him through mic. I do it to lot of players :D
  8. When you press Caps Lock people in nearby can hear you in game.
  9. Yep. Today I met palyer even in Zelenogorsk. And there were only 10 players on server.
  10. What´s your problem guys? Somebody KoS-ed you and you are angry and? It´s player´s decision if he kills you or not. One beautiful day I was looting myself in Sobor and met a guy with Firefighter axe in his hands, so I aimed my M4 againts him but he was jelling that he is friendly. I put my gun down, asked him if he wants some food or water he said yes. Till I was opening food for him he took the axe and chopped my neck to death. Since this moment I am KoSer and know what? I live much longer than therefore. Or also one scene happened to me today. I was on NW airfield and met guys with guns so I killed them. One of them stayed unconscious and he was raging as "kos motherfu*ker, sucker, killing idiot". Now srsly people, do you think they wouldn´t killed me if they were 2 and I just 1?(by the way guys thanks for LRS :) )Anyone who comes to the NW airfield and has his gun pulled out isn´t friendly. Why are you keep coming for weapons if you are "so friendly"? There aren´t too many zombs that you need guns. So anybody who was killed on airfield and complaining about Kos, please stop it.
  11. I forgot to mentoin, I am not killing guys without guns because I know, they cant hurt me just with hands or melee weapons. But otherwise I am also not helping them. I just pass by. By when I see someone with gun, even if he has it on its back, I kill him no matter how loud he jelled that he is friendly. He is dangerous for me,
  12. Hello. What I have to do if some cheater teleported me to the sea?? I can do nothing even my Respawn button dont work. Thanks
  13. Hello there I just want some tutorial how can i make my own server, adding zombies on in and so cause I want to start making some videos. Thank you
  14. Hi guys. Before installing DayZ I was playing classic missions on Arma 2 but since I have DayZ and I join to classic server on Arma 2, it crashes game. Do you know what is the problem? I have newest versions of everything
  15. Hello everyone! I am new here and actually, in game too. I searched all site but I couldn't find server rules/mod rules. Where can I find it? I would like to know rules before I do something wrong. Thank you
  16. But can I kill other players? Steal their items and so?