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Everything posted by Tithonus

  1. I recently started playing DayZ again, but it will not update to, and I use sixlauncher so I don't know what to do.. It usually auto updates.
  2. Tithonus

    death of a legend

    I could tell from the title this was going to be one of those threads..
  3. The sickness goes away after time, reguardless of having 6000 hp
  4. Tithonus

    Slendermans in DayZ?

    You don't see the slenderman move... Obviously you haven't played Slender.
  5. Tithonus

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Removing scum.. *puts on sunglasses* ... One forum post at a time.
  6. Tithonus

    What's your guilt moment?

    I was on top of the Cap Golova mountain walking around it trying to avoid the shore with my newb gear and an Enfield, when I saw a newb on the shores running around. I turn to my bud and say I won't kill him I will just shoot around him to scare him. As he ran by some buildings my bullets attracted zombies to him, and I thought I would be helpful and shoot them. After a few shots I see one of my bullets hit his leg and it breaks it, and then I have to watch as the zombies feast on his corpse. I am sorry :\ I swore to myself I wouldn't become that kind of person..
  7. So I have been playing on this server for awhile, and I have researched other problems and there have been multiple problems about hacking for this server.. and just recently I was in the game the admin said over chat "The Great Pumba demands a sacrifice." Not too much longer before people started dying from the bottom of the list to the top of the list. Luckily me and my pals aborted when we saw that message. Shortly after a friend rejoined to see, "Sacrifice Complete".
  8. Tithonus

    Day Z Urban Legends

    After several days of repeated looting of the Airfeild and/or Stary, me and my two other friends decide to make a camp north. Whilst looking for points of interest someone claims to have been to the Misty Peak and had said it was a good place, so we decided to head for it and establish a base camp.. and after a long trek through the wilderness we arrive at it's base. Looking up toward the misty peak we can't even see the top, for near midway (I assume) thick fog cut it off. The path up the mountain was long an steep, like a spiral moving about the mountain, and when we got far up we looked down and couldn't see the ground. Shortly after in game we heard this loud screeching, and looked up to see a figure moving about. We readied our guns because we thought this was just another player screwing around with us but all was not well. Reaching the summit with no more encounters of this entity we chill and talk and forget about that strange occurrence. about 10 minutes after we made a campfire we heard it again except this time it was closer.. A lot closer. To our left on the very edge of the mountain was this shape in the darkness and as we stand up and prepare to fire it leaps from the mountain. We look over the cliff and all we see is a hawk flying away.
  9. Tithonus

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Too much text? I don't want to live in this world anymore.
  10. Tithonus

    Day Z Urban Legends

    That wasn't even about the cursed Dew :(
  11. Tithonus

    World too big for own good?

    The same thing happened to me aswell... on a server of 7 people I was in a small unnamed town far north looting some barn when two people on an ATV sped through..
  12. Tithonus

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    When it starts to rain in game.. I usually play the song "No River to Take Me Home - Neurosis" It is pretty damn good if you like the atmospheric metal types.
  13. Tithonus

    Jesus. I'm so sorry, Andy.

    I like how you all are going to persecute him for what most of you probably do... practice what you preach and don't be the pot calling the kettle black.