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Posts posted by fanat2007

  1. There should definitely be an option to change gender - maybe once a month or have it profile bound or something like this but to have it bound to my CD key is something I do not really appreciate :-/

    rofl again this shity whining :D Rocket already give the correct uswer to all whos got problem with their gender

    I can change to female only once???

    Can't we make it changeable like every 1 month??

    This is a really really hard decision..;

    Back to WoW ye go :)

    Oh yeah' date=' one other thing, rocket: can we get an image of the female model in game so people can decide if it's worth choosing always and forever?


    1. Go to bathroom

    2. Check whether you have a penis or a vagina

    3. Select gender in game according to results

    4. If you have a gender identity disorder, choose whichever one you feel most comfortable with.

    PS Arma and this mode is not an RPG game with different characters and stories its more like a tactical combat simulator so stop whinig about ur character alter ego

  2. I've been playing with my brother for a few days now. I started a while ahead of him' date=' so by the time we ran into each other, I'd had a few run-ins with the zed element in the game, so my blood was significantly diminished. We made it to the outskirts of chernogorsk, crawled to the hospital, picked up at least 10 bandages and 5 or six blood bags. After we made it out, he performed a successful transfusion on me, and the bandages worked fine as well.

    I've never had an issue with the bandages or blood bags, even with the new system. It's perfectly simple for me. If you want to bandages yourself, right click it in your inventory. If you want to bandage someone else, use the scroll wheel. It doesn't seem to have any difficulty at all for me.

    That being said, though, what exactly does a cold do? I got one last night, and so did my brother. We've been coughing for the good part of an hour in-game, but nothing else has happened, despite our temp level being below 28.... Is there anyway to remove the coughing? Apparently, antibiotics are about a .22% drop in a hospital....


    U can spend days and u wont get this bug if u didnt act with tents or vech. its unreal to fill vech atm cuz after each can of fuel u need to relog

  3. May have found a bug. Picked up a crossbow earlier' date=' twice in a row I was unable to retrieve my bolt after taking a zombie down with a headshot. I was informed that this problem only occurs with bodyshots.


    not only with body shots i loose some when i test at tree.

    what about fallen helicopters? i can get in but cant open inventory when im in i try trow map
