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Everything posted by Jordala

  1. ROFL, you actually gonna play WarZ? pathetic game that will fail in every way.
  2. The next stage after veteran is actually mercenary if i've read right, which online makes the zombies better by the slightest, So what you really are looking for is veteran, and what do you define as a good server? atm not that many people playin cause of all bugs with the graphical glitches, I myself play on UK205 which i enjoy much, great performance server side, veteran settings(tho something bugged in the file so the crosshair is still on even tho with the same setup settings on another server its off), active admin.
  3. Weapons and attachables. To find a weapon without any scope at all or maybe just a standard one, but being able to find diffrent scopes. Lets say i find a red dot scope and that i then find 2 weapons, i would be able to attach and detach this scope to any of then. Ofc some scopes should be just as rare as the rarest weapon. This will bring a whole new aspect to the game. You can then customize your favorite weapon in anyway you want. Also do the same thing with silencers and bipods(and make bipods actually usable), the silencers should have an option to remove it and put it back on quickly, even while moving(like reloading is atm), but attaching a scope or a bipod would need you to stay still.
  4. idd its a great mod, but he is making the priorities of his fix list wrong, 19 hours on animations for animals(this we didnt need), in that time he cud have fixed the glitches and not mess up the hive for
  5. not only locally, their position and id of the player that saved them is saved on HIVE.
  6. I find it funny how people just says he is alt+f4 guy that just sits in a bush all day shooting noobs, surely you guys must know that sitting in a bush all day shooting in places where there are fresh spawns results in death by any other highgeared sniper that does the same thing, unless he is server hopping. But even then it is a great achievment to have lived so many days and gotten so many kills without dying, those off you saying a sniper rifle is isnt impressive, lol. Sure an AS50 kills on one shot, so? you can hear it from miles away(450 meterish) and the exact location off the shot isnt hard to locate. So all nubs here just saying he is normal noob laying in bush, shud get over to the survivor section, kthx! great achievment bud!
  7. Jordala

    LU15 - Server thread

    lu15 looked great at first, then noticed it still had builtin rangefinder and nameplates if u scroll aka boring as hell, doesnt matter if u are the sneaky master, even a noob can spot you with that thing
  8. Jordala

    LU15 - Server thread

    they dc all the time and suck at combat. plain bad hackers, tp:ing everywhere
  9. Jordala

    LU15 - Server thread

    As soon as I shoot at a guy on this server I see [HV] "insertnamehere" is losing connection.
  10. A friend of mine just got oneshotted by a zombie when he was on 11k blood then he ends up as new character on day 3 and passes out.. any ideas?
  11. Ok, so yesterday i had a nice day of playing dayz got some nice gear to put in my tent etc. I logged out safely at my tent with a friend of mine, but today when i logged on all character was wiped and i started all over on the beach. Is it something with server restart and the database not transfering my character correctly? I know a friend of mine got that recently. Any help is appreciated :) Weirdest thing, i tested to kill my new character on the beach and then i respawned with all my stuff and on the right place
  12. A friend of mine just got oneshotted by a zombie when he was on 11k blood then he ends up as new character on day 3 and passes out.. any ideas?
  13. Got that when i tried joining a server that had rolling, i just thought it was that since all worked except it faded in and then out
  14. Jordala

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/dayz_code_v1.7.2.1.rar works for me
  15. Jordala

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    That I don't know, but you should be able to play on. 1.7.2 with that patch i don't know. Edit: Tho my sixlauncher now shows the option to update to Guess I have to wait till my server does the same :)
  16. Jordala

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I just put on my ghillie in and i was fine, everything still there etc. To those just getting wait for host, or saying you have 1.7.2 and server running First make sure you uncheck "update beta patch" on six launcher. Then download the latest beta patch manually(http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/) and install it. Now download http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/dayz_anim_v0.4.rar and http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/dayz_code_v1.7.2.1.rar. extract them into your addons folder in steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\addons and replace the old ones(make sure you have your dayz patched to 1.7.2 before you do this). Play :) Worked for me and rest of my friends atleast.
  17. Jordala

    Experimental test patch

    Its more a harddrive speed and processor problem, mine works just fine in citys aswell with a radeon 5770 ;)
  18. Jordala

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Very good question!
  19. Jordala

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    was wondering that 2, rocket announced would be released today and now is released? seems odd edit: just saw reply from ander ty
  20. Jordala

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Very nice! Can't wait! :)