So here is the low down... I have been playing dayZ for a while now and I am quite good at reconing a town before I go into it. I paly alone bc I can not get my friend to ever get on. I have been very pleased with this game its had a few problems but they were minor. After the last update v1.7.1.5, I have noticed that where ever I am someone finds me and kills me before I even knew they were there and with out attracting zombies aparently. Here are 2 instances. 1.) NW Airfeild I am the ONLY one on a US server and am hitting up the airfeild bc I was like "wow no one is here I am going to get something good". I go into one of the barricks and find a silenced assult riffle. In the last room after sweeping threw and opening up all the doors. On my way out I notice something move and thought it was a zombie in the bathroom so I go to check it out. It was a player with a ghille and he instantly shoots me. I was like WTF did he literally just spawn there or what. I look to see who else is in the lobby and it is still empty, so who killed me? 2.) I had brushed off losing the scilenced weapon and decided that it was part of the game. 'I can rebuild'. So I manage to find a cyotte pack, gps, bizon, cco assult rifle, and Mk 48 Mod 0. I thought to my self no ones going to want to f@ck with me now right? I play with that character for a few days being very carfull reconning towns before I enter. And was in the super market in Vybor (S of Airfeild). There were 2 other people on the server and one just died. The town was empty I ran in and bent down to eat some food when I get shot with a makrov that kills me in 3 shots. I was looking right out the window were the shots were coming from but NO PERSON was ever there.... -I can understand if that person crawled not making noise but I was in that town for like 30 sec. What the hell is this crap? Maybee its time to go play Lingor Island I hear its pretty cool.