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Jean Jacques Serrault

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Posts posted by Jean Jacques Serrault

  1. Guys what if its got something to do with! camo and ghillie agains!!!!!! :wub: :beans:

    That would be nice! :D :wub:

    Dear lord people. The game is either down or being updated. Use common knowledge and think instead of all going "zOMG DER R NO SERVIRS, WAT DO?!"

    The problem is... They should have told us before updating. :)

  2. I was playing with some friends and my character was moving much more slowly than theirs. Their crouching run was faster than my standing run. My latency was only at about 30 so I don't think it was lag. My game files are current, but I had this problem before and after updating and on multiple servers.

    When you try to shift+tab using steam within the game, sometimes it will become like that. The solution that works for me is stop moving, shift+tab, wait 1 or 2 seconds, shift+tab again, and wait 1 or 2 second before moving since the steam overlay closed totally. Been happened to me many times.

  3. Everytime I try to update my game with a new patch, my game seems to crash whenever I try to open it. This is the error message I get whenever I try to open it.

    "Faulting application arma2oa.exe, version, faulting module arma2oa.exe, version, fault address 0x0059767b."

    Now, I've tried numerous different patches, I've tried reinstalling my game and patching it again. My game was bought off of steam, and I'm using the patches which directly update the game by itself. There seems to be no problems installing it, as all the files are in the correct spot. I've followed this guide three times now, and it just won't start.

    Here's the link to my troubleshooting problem for more info: http://dayzmod.com/f...needs-to-close/

    Everytime I want to update my beta patch, I just delete the entire beta folder, install the latest beta patch, and put arma2oa.exe to the main ARMA 2 OA directory. The game then always works for me.

    Anyway, you don't need to do the re-install thing. It takes quite a long time to re-download everything from Steam again. Just verify integrity of both arma 2 and arma 2 oa, then run arma 2, arma 2 oa, and arma 2 co once ( step 1 and step 2 ). then do the guide at the first post. I've experienced many errors before, such as both loading screen problems, waiting for character to create, kicked w/o reason, invalid cd key, etc and the guide fixed them for me.

    If it still not working, please post what you have done after your fresh re-install. I might identify the problem if you tell me thoroughly.

    the 2nd one I posted my comment while on the loading screen and checked out a ton of other threads about it so I will assume its a n error considering I waited 30 minutes before Ctrl + alt+ delete closing it ill be sure to retry the guide thanks.

    Sorry to know you get that error, Nubz. I experienced that error once and I just retry to join the other server and sometimes it fixes itself. If you don't mind, you can post what you've done since the last time you can play until you get this error. I might identify the problem.

    I did a shorter version of this.

    I did the update today with Steam. Then verified the integrity of the cache files. Then I tried to install the new beta patch and got Wrong CD Key. So I went looking for the solution and found your hint about running Arma 2 Arma 2 AO and Arma 2 CO. Once I did that the beta patch went through and I went and connected to a server that was running that beta patch and connected with no problems.

    Nice to know you fixed your problem, dude. :) Have a nice adventure in Chernarus! :D

  4. well after having hackers on my clans server i have realized the bigger problem at the moment is the hackers. Alt+f4'ing is the only viable means to surving the "OMG everyone on the map has been teleported to a killzone" crap.

    Soooo....I hope they fix the hackers first before they fix the alt+f4'ing. This way we can at least survive a hacker attack.

    Totally agree. It will suck if you can't instant dc in an unfair fight (enemy's using hacks).

  5. I don't know if it's a bug or to counter server hoppers but if this happens, go away from the deer stand 200m and wait 5 mins then check again, there will be some loot.

    Ah, nice to know that. Thanks, Izz3. :)

    Anyway, I've set up a camp far north. I'll be dropping loots in there and only some trusted people will be given the coordinate. Feel free to take what you need. :)

  6. Hey Singaporeans!

    I actually had rough ideas about the game when I was on exchange with the Singapore Armed Forces, doing JCC in Brunei as part of OCS, and I got badly injured.

    Sorry to hijack the thread for a shoutout to my Singaporean friends but I couldn't help it I miss wakeboarding at Pungol!

    Still got my badge though... ang moh damn garang one!

    Never knew that you've ever been that close to our country. :D Nice to see ya dropping by the thread, Rocket. Anyway, that singlish is so... Well, hard to understand.

  7. 2zz3whf.png

    I was once wondering... Whose face is made as the model of that meme? I saw so many use of that meme in many forums. LoL Just out of curiosity.

  8. So I'm finally getting the hang of DayZ, and log in for another night session of crawling around towns and avoiding bandits when a few error messages about files not what they expected. No biggie, this is alpha still right, but no. BLAM, kicked from server. When back to desktop, I do notice Steam has update something with the main game.

    So I try another server from Six Launcher, and same damn thing. Seems all servers are kicking me now immediately after connection.

    So I reinstalled battleeye. I reinstalled six launcher. I am reinstalling Arma2, but Steam wants to download 10 -15 GB after I deleted all my local content.

    So what are my next steps?

    I got the update and still can play atm. Try checking the link in my sig.

  9. By any chance anybody has a morphine at hand? Hiding in a supermarket with a broken leg. I'd rather not suicide

    Got 4 morphines. If you're nearby, I'll try to protect you crawling out to nearby forest then give you the item on the ground. You know, I don't know you yet so I'd better take a precaution not to show myself. Hope you understand. Don't post your location, drop me a chat.

    Also, it's a nice idea to make it 3DP off, Camper. Now bandits will have harder difficulty to mess with anybody. Anyway, I'm currently somewhere north, so if your team see someone, please refrain to shoot on sight. :D

  10. Hey Ive tried your guide but im still stuck on loading screen in dayz I bought arma 2 CO through steam and I use six-launcher

    Which loading screen? There are 2 of them. The first one with a white progress bar and the 2nd one is the final loading screen without progress bar a.k.a black screen with "loading" only.

    If you experienced the 1st one being too long, you might need to join another server or re-check if you've done everything in the guide, step by step without missing a single one. If you're stuck at the 2nd loading screen, there are 2 possibilities. Whether your chosen server is crowded and you'll need to wait for about 5-10 minutes in that screen or it's an error. If it's an error, please do the solution as the 1st problem. I've experienced both loading screens problem so I know that my guide which has fixed the errors for me might work as well for the others.

    Hope you can fix the errors. :) If you experience any other errors, don't hesitate to post them here so I and other successful players can help you.

  11. Hi guys,

    Something people have been asking for is DayZ t-shirts, so we have joined up with Joystick Junkies, to provide to you some t-shirt designs.

    Because we are so heavily dependant upon the community, due to members hosting servers and you all being fantastic and deciding to play DayZ. We want to give you the options of the t-shirt designs we have so far.

    I present to you the three options, please vote in the poll below;

    Option one - I Survived the DayZ Alpha


    Option two - DayZ logo t-shirt


    Option three - You are dead


    Big "I Survived the Day Z Alpha" ( #1 ) in the front and big "Day Z" ( #2 ) logo in the back with hood and camo-base colour. ( black is bad to use under the sun )
