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About kilsalot

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  1. kilsalot

    DayZ Dancing

    Emm dafuq? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWWAyDWBl2o&list=UUlrsl9hhGEUynRX81MUp8OA&index=0&feature=plcp
  2. kilsalot

    New skins - A question

    How do u get the skins. I have the bandit one now and feel bad about it is there any way to get the hero one
  3. kilsalot

    New skins - A question

    How do u get the skins. I have the bandit one now and feel bad about it is there any way to get the hero one
  4. Hey guys im just gonna post this to see if you guys have any suggestions to fix my problem. :3 Ok so I was teleported to the debug plains by a hacker so I logged out then when I joined another server Im still there. So I decided to jump servers for a good hour but to no avail. So I gave up and decided to ask here. I would kill myself but the respawn button was removed and I dont have any grenades. Just wondering if any of you guys have a fix? Thanks :D
  5. kilsalot

    Quick cheat warning report

    Ok so our group has been torn apart because of this and other unfortunate events but our squad is of no importance to this topic so: Yeah I teamed up with this Rowan guy as vlat has posted my story he picked me up in his heli. It did seem odd that he had 2 DMR's and enough to give me some but i Didn't question it. After a little battle in Gorka I have seen that this Rowan was a hacker and I am aware of that now so if this post doesn't get him banned then I hope that it warns people that there is a possible hacker on there that goes by the name of Rowan but remember he could possibly have changed his name.
  6. kilsalot

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    It gives the player another choice. If you wanted to play dead in a real zombie apocalypse you could. So why not in game?
  7. kilsalot

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    Good point. :D
  8. kilsalot

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    Bit off topic but. Hey ho
  9. kilsalot

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    I guess you'r right in some ways but it would not just be a tool to steal loot but do give new players and combat-incapable players a second chance and for those who fear that they will be shot in the face at the first encounter with players.
  10. kilsalot

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    The word you used there "forced" is not really true if they wanted to be cautious then they would have the "option" of putting a bullet in dead survivors which isn't really a bad thing
  11. kilsalot

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    Play Dead: DayZ Suggestion My suggestion for DayZ is based off of a personal gameplay experience here it is: I spawned in a fresh character on the outskirts of Cherno and decided to head into the city to gather some loot etc. I headed to the church first as I tend to do when I explore Cherno then to the firestation and finally to the supermarket. It was what happened in the supermarket which inspired me to create this thread. I entered through the back door of the supermarket and began to look around for various general loot when I heard automatic rifle fire from all around. I saw two players shooting at each other both entering from different sides of the supermarket. As i had nowhere to hide or no weapon to defend myself I went prone between the shelves in the hope that they wouldn't see me. They continued to fire at each other until one was dead and the other victorious. To my surprise neither player had noticed me during their firefight and the player who one even decided to look around and see if there was any loot to be found he even walked right past my prone body! It wasn't until after this ordeal that I thought that maybe they thought I was dead and seeing as though they both had good rifles (AK's, M4 etc not sure on a specific gun) decided not to bother looting me. This curious behavior of the other players encouraged me to try this tactics in other crossfire scenario's but unfortunately it never worked again to the same effect. So now to my suggestion. My suggestion is that if the dev's could implement a stance that replicates the position a player goes into when he/she are dead (face down in the ground, gun laying in one hand etc) then I believe that this could lead to some interesting new play styles as an unarmed player is not going to want to get into the middle of a firefight and a heavily armed bandit isn't going to bother looting a new player with nothing on him/her. I have no idea how this could be implemented or if it would only be possible in a standalone version but like the name of this post suggests its only a suggestion :P. Please reply to this topic and let me know what you think of my suggestion. Thanks. :D [EDIT] Other Features: Another thing I had forgotten about was that if this was to be implemented to show the difference between dead body and alive player playing dead would be that there would be no flies buzzing around the body, the body could not be looted (only open backpack), You could possibly add a feint heartbeat like the current bandit system whilst looking over a body, No blood and Perhaps a feint breathing coming from the player playing dead. Again these are only suggestions if you can think of others please post them below as i'm interested to hear what others think
  12. kilsalot

    GB #1337 Bandits/Hackers

    Yeah I just wanted to hear what people thought about this and if it turns out they weren't hackers just wanted to warn people that there are bandits in the area. :D Thanks
  13. kilsalot

    GB #1337 Bandits/Hackers

    Knew this would happen -_- well. Explain why i couldn't see them when I got kicked out the game then rejoined and they are all around me? Oh and maybe I do suck at this game but that's hardly relevant.