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About Plasmafrog

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  1. Plasmafrog

    I've learned a valuable lesson

    Also note that I was only carrying low-grade items since as a winchester, a makarov pm, two cans of food, and some soda with quite a few bandages. He had no idea that I was carrying these items.
  2. Plasmafrog

    I've learned a valuable lesson

    Nope, he was just interested in killing me. It's likely that he spawned his items since he had some pretty rare stuff.
  3. Plasmafrog

    I've learned a valuable lesson

    I want desperately to find someone to coop with, but this never happens.
  4. Treat everyone as they would treat you, shoot everyone that you meet. I just met a seemingly nice fellow, help clear out the street below. He was well equipped with silenced automatics and a dashing rifle to go along with it. I figured that he'd have no interest in killing me, so I attempted to partner up with him in hoping that we could begin a fresh journey. This player didn't seem particurally experienced after all. He climbed ladders without a bit of caution and sprinted where ever he deemed fit without even a glance. Surely, I could have killed him at least seven times in our short time together. We get to the floor and run into the hospital across the street. I help him with some supplies, tell him that I'll be off now, and then he proceeds to shoot me in the back: a coward's move. So, for the folks that complain about bandits and constant "deathmatch" style gameplay, you should know damn well that you can't trust anyone with a gun, period.
  5. Plasmafrog

    Needing graphical performance enhancement

    This is the exact remedy that I needed. Thanks.
  6. Plasmafrog

    Needing graphical performance enhancement

    Intel Dual Core @2.33Ghz ATI Raedon 5450 HD w/ 1024mb 4Gigs Ram 500g Baracuda @7200rpm w/ 32mb cache size Windows Xp SP3 Loca resolution: 1024x768 DirectX 9.0
  7. Plasmafrog

    Needing graphical performance enhancement

    It runs fine, but things get incredibly choppy whenever I look at trees.
  8. Basically, I'm wanting a better framerate for my outdated rig. I wanted to completely reduce shading and other performance hogging details, but I can't seem to find the file to change these things. Is there a way to actually lower the graphics than the lowest setting ingame?
  9. Plasmafrog

    Mass murder on EU20

    Worst thing that has happened to me was jumping over a fence and then immediately falling through the map. But this takes the cake.
  10. Plasmafrog

    A suggestion to fix the PvP system.

    Do you know what would fix this?: Improved AI for zombies and more spawns. Zombies aren't a threat and that's the issue. They're only a problem if you're defenseless or are trying to hide from another player.
  11. Plasmafrog

    What is the Minecraft model?

    I'm alright with buying a mod as long as(In order of importance): - Zombie AI and spawning is drastically improved: I want to be able to actually survive from zombies, not players. Zombies in this game are only threatening until you find a gun, then it becomes deathmatch mode. - More unique areas customized into the map like survivor camps and new builds to better suit the AI - A better loot system with searchable objects - The ability to forage for food In a brief summary, I want a zombie survival game, not a player survival game.
  12. Plasmafrog

    Exactly how rare are animals?

    Lies! I've scoured every single plot of land to the west and have found nothing but zombies and lootless towns.
  13. I've placed about eight hours into this game already and have only seen a single chicken in the most unlikely spot: in front of a warehouse in the middle of a city. The wiki claims that animals spawn in fields and near farms, yet I haven't even seen a single animal. Canned food is a terrible resource for blood and transfusions never happen because everyone would rather shoot you, so the most logical thing for me would be to go hunting! Oh boy, how wrong was I. I searched forest, fields, even farms and not one damn animal. Surviving is hard because your blood is nearly impossible to maintain without a fellow mate. If you have a group, surviving is easy. Solo? Not so much. Can someone else confirm that our barnyard friends are nearly figments of our imagination?
  14. Forums are turning into 4chan.