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About directorpr

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    On the Coast

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  1. directorpr

    NPCs, Quests

    Ya know. I wouldn't mind some survivor fortification which was completely neutral, and you could receive quests there.
  2. directorpr

    M4A3 CCO Question.

    Probably should just make the SD mags, and regular mags interchangeable like the .45 rounds.
  3. directorpr

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    Guys, the only way they get feedback is from bitching. When you report something you're practically bitching. Bitching is the only way these guys get feedback. Don't hate on the bitching, also, I've seen several people talk about bugs that I haven't ran into, but I would have if I hadn't read them talking about it. So maybe lets take a step back, and look at how them talking about the bugs could save our ass, and help them advance into the development of DayZ.
  4. directorpr

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    Yes its Alpha, and yes we are the testers, but I don't think thats the issue. Its people being complete assholes about it. You see this is how people are when someone is not completely understanding its Alpha. "Oh, so you're having problems? Well suck it up buttercup, its Alpha don't you understand?" And then simply leave it at that, no explanation, no thorough talk, just simply being a dick. Oh what a joy, yes? To be told by someone over the internet to suck it up simply because they won't explain it to you! Yes its the internet, yes there will be dicks, but do you have to be one all the time? No, no, no my pretties, its far easier than that, be a dick to those who deserve, and not to those who don't. Its okay to be a dick to someone saying, "This Alpha sucks, so many bugs, and glitches. Ya know, lets just roll it back, far more easier, and shit," but not to people like, "You know, theres alot of bugs, can someone explain this to me?"
  5. directorpr

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    Only thing they really should add is fix some bugs, make a delay for Alt-F4ing, and have some sort of anti-cheat script.
  6. In DayZ I've always been the type to shoot on sight, or if I can take the shot I will, but lately my friend has been making me rethink my entire idea of survival in DayZ as he had managed to find a friendly player in Elektro which shocked me greatly as any player I met tried to take pot shots at me. My total kills of players has been at least 20, and its usually because I get the heads up on them first. Now back in those days I called myself a proud survivor, and I took many notes from the YouTuber DevilDogGamer as he had many valid points. But now I look back, and think, "Were all those kills really needed for my survival?" As I had food, water, ammo, a good gun, and a partner whom I could trust when I killed those people. I mean it could just be a wash of guilt, and the next week I kill 20 more players. I still have this mindset, but I know question myself with every player kill. Personally now I think I'll be a bit more nicer, but it doesn't feel that way. My last player kill was at the NW airfield, and it was some poor guy just crawling along going to loot the barracks me, and my friend had just left. He hadn't seen us as we had foliage on our side, and well..... third person. But I saw him before he saw us, and I just shot him in the face blatantly without calling him out to my friends, or in Direct Chat. When we had looted his body, he had a CZ550, and really just nothing worth of value. But also, at the same time I had fairly okay supplys, and not a whole lot of health so one shot with the CZ could put me out. I mean yes majority of you will call me a bandit, but I do believe I've seen some form of enlightenment whether or not I'll stick to it is only to tell in the future.
  7. directorpr

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    Herp derp its a game, herp derp in a real zombie apocalypse you would kill people. Not really contributing are just really spouting shit people have already stated. Yes its a game, but this is the reason people say the community is shit because you have assholes like you guys who say, "Oh its a game," or "Oh its something you'd do in a real zombie apocalypse." Honestly DayZ was meant to teach people about survival, and how people need to lean on other people, but its taught a more broader meaning. People are general assholes, and no one can get along with each other. You have the people who are constant assholes, you have the people who are constantly nice, and then you have the people who just are fed up with it. Its a three sided argument each with valid points, but all misinterpreting the message. People simply don't know shit about understanding.
  8. directorpr

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    I'm the fabled DirectorPr in these words. I honestly had no idea these guys fucked us over, and honestly I have no idea right now if they did, or didn't. Either way I'm still gonna put a bullet in their head first time I see em. I'm the type of guy who shoots you if you're not in my Skype, which makes my kill list pretty large. Honestly I've been killed so many times I'm not surprised, if Zero still wants to get back into DayZ I'm up for another round of shooting mofos.