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About sfvkye

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  1. Why not change to see and be the groups passaround?
  2. sfvkye

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Just need direct chat fixed and global removed. How long has the Arma 2 beta patch been in beta?
  3. sfvkye

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Is there a reason why we can't switch back? Because your character reflects YOU. This isn't fucking WoW This will probably cause problems for the people who dont read patch-notes, but its their own fault. I honestly cant wait for the first person to whine about it on the forum :) The first person to come on the forums to moan that they cant change back to a male character will forever be known as Roxane. You are also openly telling us you are trans-gender curious so we should all respect that.
  4. sfvkye

    I just have to ask

    My current "character" has been alive for over a week. I cant imagine what would happen if I died in-game. You know its got you when you dont want to think about it.
  5. My girlfriend put her name as the computer name so ive been using it in-game. It makes people more...empathetic, and im sure its saved me a few times. Teehee :heart:
  6. I support cross-server persistence. If this was disabled two weeks ago you wouldnt of got half the people playing it now. I dont want to know the same 50 people.
  7. sfvkye

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I think we should start calling them Builds instead of patches so people will know its in alpha and in development.
  8. This is not The Running Man. He does not communicate on the forums, on voice, in-game. No-one is sure if he is control by anyone, all they know is once he sees you, no matter how far away you will never escape.
  9. sfvkye

    The Running Man

    If he had time to type he would say "HELP! SO MANY ZOMBIES CHASING ME, KILL THEM BRO!". Poor guy just wanting help, specifically from the same person he happens to see.
  10. sfvkye

    Dev may stop?

    Better buy the guy some pepsi if you wanna see more Dayz.
  11. Two clans on a server with a remote chance of bumping into eachother is good enough. If people are seriously considering this then maybe its time to lower the chances of food and drink in the game.
  12. sfvkye

    Perma Daylight Servers

    HTFU. Its great to see where people are at nighttime running around with a flare in their hand.
  13. sfvkye

    bounty hunters

    Not know who your dealing with is alot of the fun. Having skins to show you the dealings of people would kill alot of the tension. No-one would kill someone in real life and then try and make themselves look like they did through appearance. You are also making the game easier and a bit more dumbed down by taking messing with the element of who to trust and the risk of teaming up with a stranger.
  14. sfvkye

    Radius of Direct Communication

    Anyone know roughly when 1.61 will be released?
  15. sfvkye

    People with helicopters

    That response is probably why he does it.