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FogeyZ Gilly

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About FogeyZ Gilly

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  1. FogeyZ Gilly

    Epoch Taviava Ramp Jump

    Found the document and built that ramp to jump our bridge :D
  2. FogeyZ Gilly

    Epoch Bandits - how to duck them over

    Thanks for the title edit mods ;) haha
  3. is this the REAL reason you left the server? Toilet Roll :)
  4. FogeyZ Gilly

    Day Z Videos

    your base came Last mate. unlucky. is this the REAL reason you left the server?
  5. FogeyZ Gilly

    epoch squad killers

    Ayup munny how's it goin. We're on cpc#1 on epoch mate. Jump on ts dude , come have a game with us. I'll pm you
  6. FogeyZ Gilly

    Epoch Ninja base raid

    So you'd have left him the chopper to just jump in and beat me home? If I was gona grief him I'd had ran his chopper up with his own ural.
  7. FogeyZ Gilly

    Epoch Ninja base raid

    He keeps his proper gear in his safes but they were locked... I think . Been on the server enough to know who's who ;)
  8. FogeyZ Gilly

    Epoch Ninja base raid

    Saw him at bash trading and beat him home. Glad he sold all his guns ... Saved me a job
  9. FogeyZ Gilly

    Airfield execution

    Bumping cos its a top 'fuckin vid
  10. I think the standalone will be in for a shock as most people will prefer the new mods. Put it this way after waiting so long I won't be rushing on to it just to go back basic and I know alot of others who feel the same.
  11. FogeyZ Gilly

    Epoch Taviana - look what we found ! :D

    From flatline fireing the boom sticks
  12. You need to get it on six updater ( play with 6 ) as the latest epoch isnt out on commander yet. This is also a whitelist server so you'll need to apply. Been on there since bit started and not witnessed a single script kiddie and the admin are fair and reliable. Single players can request a micro base with a dome around it I beleive. 5 more in your group you get to design your own base http://www.dayzforever.com Check it out remember to whitelist .