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About Dazura

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  1. Name: David Age: 18 TeamSpeak Name: David Mic?: Yes Why do you want to join?: My old clan went inactive and I am looking for a real clan to roll with. Experience in game: Been playing a few months, very versatile as I play on my own. I'm a good driver and decent with semi-automatics mostly, I am not a bad sniper but obviously I use them as I find them which isn't that often. Because I play on my own I know what spawns/where and the easiest way to find stuff, also my current server doesn't use waypoints so I can basically drive from one side of the map to another without checking a map. Timezone: GMT+0 Bio: I'm 18 From the UK, Work full time as an engineer but I play almost every evening and at the weekends. Gamer by heart and this is definately a game I have gotten good at. In game Name: David.
  2. Dazura


    So guys. My name is David, I am 18 years old from the UK. I've been playing for a good few months now (can't remember when). I was part of a clan but everybody pretty much quit due to the crazy amount of hackers that popped up a while ago. This was when password protected servers and whitelists were frowned upon so it was impossible to play. Anyways they are all inactive now and I am looking for somewhere else to go. I have a lot of experience, especially with solo work i.e. looting electro/cherno/berzino/NW and driving vehicles since the server I play on is pretty low population. I know a huge amount of vehicle spawns. Also the server doesn't use waypoints so I can pretty much drive from one side of the map to the other without looking at a map. So yeah I have a mic so let me know if you want me to join you guys, my steam is bylt94.
  3. So essentially I'd tell you that there is a sniper in cherno and you'd check the 2-3 big rooftops in the town (from the hills, mind) and shoot him. Pretty much anyone can do that.
  4. Dazura

    Looking for a group. UK, 18y/o

    I'm still looking.
  5. My old clan has become inactive and I am henceforth looking for another group to play dayz with. I am 18 from the UK, I have been playing dayz a few months now and I would say I am quite good at the game. Let me know on here if you want to contact me or add my steam: bylt94 And yes I have a mic/teamspeak/vent/skype ect. Thanks.
  6. Dazura

    Radeon HD 7850

    What do you think in regard to performance with this game. I am thinking of buying at xmas to improve my games performance since it doesn't run very well. It's not a bad price atm and think would be worth getting.
  7. Whats the difference between 8GB and 4GB of ram? If it isn't that big I'd love to save almost £100 . I could always upgrade to 8GB at another time if really needed.
  8. Right, thanks a lot for your help . I'll keep an eye out for that pc and similar ones when I decide to buy something Thanks again
  9. I live in the UK, I don't really have a price range but I can't go too crazy on my useless apprenticeship wage :( However I don't really want to spend more than £500. Ideally 300-400, I don't need a monitor/headset/mouse ect.
  10. Thanks I think my current card uses around 150-200w anyway so it might not be a problem, however if I do decide to buy a gaming pc ready built sometime after christmas can you reccomend one that would run dayz in high detail ?
  11. It is this. http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bpcl=39314241&biw=1356&bih=560&wrapid=tlif135437302789910&q=corexstream+500w+supply&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=17143407226889216927&sa=X&ei=pxe6UIu0IaXT0QWR74HwCQ&ved=0CEUQ8wIwAg
  12. Ok. Well can you be sure that a new GPU would be compatible in a computer as old as mine? and I only have a 500W power supply, will I need to upgrade that too.
  13. Correct, Yes my computer is quite old It's why I am looking to buy a dedicated gaming PC, could you reccomend one ? EDIT: Ninjad if I am going to spend that much on a card I'd rather just spend twice as much on a new PC.
  14. OK :) Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 3.1 GB RAM My gfx card is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 NVIDIA High Definition Audio sound card (not really important though) 2.4ghz Quad CPU :P
  15. How much am I looking for rock a setup like that, Delta? I was looking at this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360519336488?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D360519336488%26_rdc%3D1 but I'm not too sure. And @john, I'm just asking why these websites tell me my machine CAN run it, but for some reason my computer can't that well. I.E. is dayz quite a demanding game.