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Everything posted by CrackNMurder

  1. Hello everyone, join us on our private server and start anew!
  2. CrackNMurder

    50 Slots DayZ Takistan Server 80 vehicles

    good times, Ill see you around. I already have been playing on t5his server.
  3. CrackNMurder

    US 1230 Join the game

    Good Dayz server indeed.
  4. Thank you, I now can ban from our server as well.
  5. CrackNMurder

    WHAT THE..........

    If you gain any info on user names on us 1230 that are hacking, please let me know so I can Ban them.
  6. we got two the other day, kick and banned. BrOnX and I are on the server daily so pass on any info you can. BTW, any info on hack attack heli's around electro last night please let me know. C&M
  7. 27 male, not a douch bag. ts3