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About Taggert1313

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I have heard people say that only certain calibur rounds can hurt helicopters. I was wondering if it was true. If I had a makarov and all the ammo I wanted, could I break a helicopter? Or is that damage reduced to zero? On a related note, are there any hacks that make vehicles invincible? I saw some hackers flying around in a helicopter and my attempt to kill them had no effect. They were stationary hovering 130m away from me, and I opened up with a M249 SAW and got 170 rounds off into the helicopter before I died and the helicopter was fine. Granted I'm sure many of those missed, but most of them had to have hit. So is the SAW not high calibur enough or did I just wound it?
  2. Taggert1313

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    No way! I love barbwire. It does need to be fixed. It should not return after being removed. It should require a toolbox to setup AND take down. It SHOULD be easier to remove, but I have never seen barbwire I couldn't remove. I use it against zombies and players without griefing all the time. You just have to understand how it works.
  3. Taggert1313

    Tent under tree that I can not loot

    I placed a tent and had this happen. But I discoverd that if I layed on the ground, downhill from it, it was lootable if I targeted the underside of the tent. And I thought man, what a great tent! People will think it's bugged, and I will know the secret combination to loot it! When the server restarted, the tent was 1 foot downhill and no longer lootable in any way. :( All my dreams, ruined!
  4. Your first, last, and only line of defense is to log off and find a new server. I know it's a really lame tactic, but it is your only weapon. Sure, not all hackers have godmode, but you aren't going to know that till you are dead. And even if you killed a hacker, he is just going to respawn, teleport to you and try to murder you again. They get their jollies harrasing you, so the best thing you can do is make them bored. Don't give in to their demands. Don't put on a show for them. You don't want to encourage them. So the key is to identify a hacker before you are dead. Things To Look Out For 1) Someone Being Recklace/Noisy With Good Gear People who legitamitly find their gear, rarely run around Electro firing at every zombie, player, and building they see. People who started playing this week and scripted in some weapons, do. 2) Teleporter If you are on a low pop server, say 10 or less and you start seeing kill messages every 20-40seconds, stay alert. The odds that those people just randomly ran into each other is rare. It is most likely a teleport hacker. They will port themselves to a player and kill them, then port to the next. Which brings us to our next tip... 3) Someone Who Suddenly Appears If someone suddenly appears within 10 meters of you with a big gun, log out fast. Sure someone could just be logging in or lagging, but the odds of someone with decent gear logging out in a place other players might be is really low. 4) Battleye Keeps Trying To Kick/Ban the Same Name Battleye can detect hackers, but for whatever reason sometimes seems unable to boot them. If you see someone get kicked/banned by Battleye and they are still in the server (press "P" to see players online), it means they are still lurking somewhere. 5) You Hear Strange Noises Hackers will try to scare you by being invisible and killing zombies or opening and closing doors or playing spooky sounds over voice direct voice channel. Regular players very rarely goof around like that. Odds are you are being stalked by a hacker. 6) Zombies are Acting Weird Zombies will still attack godmode and invisible players. If you see a zombie chasing nothing, or a pack of zombies attacking the air, there might be an invisible hacker near by. Even if they are invisible, it doesn't make them silent. Listen for noises from thin air. 7) Someone is Bleeding And Doesn't Care Hackers can still bleed, it just doesn't deal them damage. They will often ignore that they are bleeding since it doesn't effect them at all. Now none of these things are guarantees. It can be hard to tell who is a hacker, but trust your gut and get outta there! If you have any more tips, please post them below.
  5. Taggert1313

    Whats missing? An Adrenaline Rush system.

    Well I would say the first hurdle is that the experience would be very different for different people. There is a lot of research of this topic: http://www.athletici...irical_Zone.htm When an athlete talks about being in the zone, they are using their endocrine system balanced perfectly. If you have ever gotten scared in the game, you might notice your aim is suddenly horrible as you are filled with adrenaline. It would allow you to ignore pain and increase muscle performance at the cost of fine motor skills. To answer your questions: It would activate whenever you were aware of extreme danger. But when it is a zombie apocalypse, when wouldn't you be scared? So maybe when you break a leg, or a sudden drop in health, or when X number of zombies are close by? I would say you might have a tunnel vision effect, blur the sides of the screen. In reality it would probably make bandaging and firing worse or cause you to fail at them. Maybe fumble a reload or drop your bandages? So maybe it goes like this, zombie knocks you down and breaks your leg. Adrenaline rush starts. You can choose to hobble away at a slightly slowed speed at the cost of losing extra blood for say 30seconds before you will collapse. I would also say it would need a cool down. You can't just constantly being using adrenaline. Say twice a day or something.
  6. With the new humanity system added, what if when you shot a zombie chasing another player it gave you a small amount of humanity? Say 5. I assume the zombies have an agro target. And if the killing player isn't that target, small humanity boost.
  7. Taggert1313

    Bug or Hacker?

    So my friend is trying to loot a body, and I am rounding up the zombies to keep them off him. I get the zombies caught in a building about 10 meters from him and throw a grenade in there. Grenade kills the zombies but also destroys the building. My friend says he is blind and hears ringing. The collapsed building brings lots more zombies, he gets hit and starts bleeding. We run zig zags through town to find a safe place. He goes to bandage and I go to give him a blood transfusion. Suddenly, my fps goes down to about 1, I see a cloud of dust leave him and he is dead and my leg is broken but I take no damage. It was about 2 minutes since the building collapsed and neither of us were lagging. Was that a delayed death from the building or a totally random hacker kill?
  8. Taggert1313

    Server List Problems

    Starting today, I went to filter the server list within Dayz and nothing came back. I removed all filters, and I found maybe 20 servers, with massive pings and all others had "?" for pings. I tried filtering for servers that I knew were up, and it found no results. I turned on Dayz commander and all the pings showed as normal. I tested my connection and it was fine as well. I connected thru DayZ Commander and the pings were normal on the server and I played fine. I am I played with this setup last night with none of these issues. Anybody else having this problem? Is it me or something on the Arma2 server list side?
  9. Taggert1313

    zombie spawning in v1.7.2.5

    1) The loot SHOULD spawn at the exact same time. There are several factors that can prevent this, such as server congestion and other player's proximity. 2) All zombie spawns can respawn eventually. The less spawn nodes the longer it will take for them to return. Go into downtown electro and you can just keep killing them seemingly forever. The more players around, the more zombies. 3) It is my understanding, that the heli crash will be there until the server restarts. But I am not 100% on that. Heli crashes are super rare, and can be all over the map.
  10. I would say mostly luck. I had figured that the enfield guy disconnected in the firehouse.
  11. Taggert1313

    (PvP) What's your combat preference?

    On the statistic thread, they said that bandits rarely kill other bandits. Something along the lines of a 12:1, survivor to bandit ratio. Made me wonder if it was just because survivors are more common or if bandits think other bandits are too dangerous. Half the PvP posts on here talk about it being exciting to hunt players, but you aren't hunting the dangerous players? To me, the more dangerous the opponent the more fun. If I hear gunshots and see a kill message, I make a beeline to the sound.
  12. I was hunting down a bandit in Electro using an Enfield. I come upon a guy in a camo outfit using an Enfield near the church. Not sure if this is the same guy, but close enough. I fire on him as he leaves the church using my silenced M4. I hit him 4 times and he is bleeding but he escapes and hides in the firehouse nearby. I change position to wait for him to exit the other side, and some survivor comes running down the street with no weapon. I let him pass and another survivor with an AK is right behind him. I don't have a good line on him, but I fire at the AK guy and he gets hit twice and runs into the firehouse for cover. At which point I hear a hail of gunfire and see the kill messages for the AK guy and the Enfield guy. Work smarter, not harder! ;)
  13. When you are engaging in killing other players, who is your preferred target? Do you like hunting down helpless people? Or do you like killing other bandits?
  14. Taggert1313

    Proximity Login/Logout Notification

    You should read posts before you comment. Yours is on Alt+F4ing, mine is not. ALT+F4 will be fixed one day, but even if it is, my issue will still exist.
  15. Taggert1313

    Proximity Login/Logout Notification

    Yeah, I've done that for DCers. Parked around the corner from a guy who Alt-F4ed, waited till he logged back in and ran him over with a bus. Even on Vet, you can see the kill messages for their name to watch if they return.