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Everything posted by Robertxfannar

  1. I'm looking for a group of people to join to have fun and maybe anger people for fun (Bandit). Skype username: Koalabear983
  2. I've been playing DayZ for awhile and i still dont know the map and i am looking for a group/clan to join :D. Steam: Robertxfannar Skype: Robbie983
  3. Robertxfannar

    Looking to group up.

    Skype: Robbie983
  4. Robertxfannar

    Looking For A Team

    And i dips on crossbow if we find one hehe :D
  5. Robertxfannar

    Looking For A Team

    I would love 2 join i got the game like 2-3 weeks ago i havent gotten a chance to play with other's Skype: robertxfannar Steam ID: Robertxfannar your's truly - Robbie