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  1. Response i got: We do not at this time have an ETA for the update but we will let you know the moment you are able to apply it to your server.
  2. I had the same problem. I ordered a server in Chicago, only to find out that its in the Dallas,TX. I was never notified of this change, I only found out by doing a trace route to my server IP. They also refused to move my server. They shouldn't be listing all these available locations if they are just going to provision them elsewhere.
  3. Its nice to see other peoples servers are up and working, but I am still having issues with mine. It has been completely down (status: unknown) for DAYS....
  4. I've been noticing a lot of zombies spawning right on top of me...repeatedly.
  5. Still waiting on server setup..been over 24hrs like you mentioned above.
  6. Same problem....and basically same response from their staff. I am waiting for them to make the update available to us.
  7. If I order a NY based server, will it actually be located in NY and not some other state?
  8. Whats the current turnaround time from ordering a server to when its up and live?
  9. I ordered at 10:30am EST this morning. Order is still at "pending" and no word on when it will be up. Hopefully you have better luck.
  10. So if I literally just ordered a game server...whats the ETA for it being up and working?? Thanks!