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About Justice357

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Justice357

    Why do people call them zeds

    Ahh TC must be one of those pig headed americans you hear about on stuff like are you smarter than a fifth grader who know nothing other than their own country. I know you're not nearly all like that. But there are quite a few. We just found one.
  2. Justice357

    should i buy Soldier Suit from my friend?

    Our community. I love it.
  3. Justice357

    Stop fixing minor issues or call it 'BETA' !

    I like how the second post comes in all bitter and his name is a bush killed me like he made this account when a bush killed him so he could just complain. Heh. Anyway TC. He's adding german shepards soon. Change enough for ya?
  4. Justice357

    The shining moment of DayZ.

    I enjoyed it also. Second poster is a puff.
  5. Whoa I found a M4A1 Holo in a barrack a few days ago and have been using it for a while. It's a hacked gun? Wtf?
  6. Curious since the temperature gauge is gone now and what not.
  7. Justice357

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Can anyone give me the quick version on how to manual update if I've only used Six launcher before? I'd like to play this new patch without waiting.
  8. Justice357

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So I guess I answered my own question. Joined a server, still had a Restart button. Unless I'm wrong. Anyway, how hard is it to update without six launcher if I've never done it? I really want to rock a ghillied or camo outfit!
  9. Justice357

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Wait... So I use sixupdater and it had an update which I now play the beta number that Rocket mentioned in the OP. So, are ghillied suits and stuff spawning for me again?
  10. Justice357

    Where are Czech backpacks commonly found?

    Yeah I can drop my pack and then grab the other... THEN go back into my pack to take everything out. My friend who plays on his PC on my coffee table can't do that though. His backpack always disappears on his screen. I always need to go pull everything out of the pack for him and then either drop it or stick it in his pack myself.
  11. Justice357

    Pending Update: Build

    That update that just happened. That wasn't this was it?
  12. Justice357

    Ghillie suit question

    Yeah did the patch release that re added them into the game and got rid of the respawn button?
  13. Totally agree that we need more barracks added to the other airfield or something else that has high powered loot as two buildings and random locations aren't that great. It leads to server hopping and people trying to clean out all the loot then wait and hunt kids that enter till the loot respawns..
  14. Justice357

    Good Guy Bush Wookie

    That last story made my day. My beans sir.