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Everything posted by jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

  1. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [DKM] Looking for some good Players.

    So, i have had this game for a few DayZ and already know more then just the basics, I studied the game before purchase and learned a lot. My first few hour's of the game were glorious (I'm not going into story mode so I'll skip to the point) I soon met another fellow survivor being chased, I shot the Zombies chasing him and we started surviving together with skype and tactics, we have recently made a clan called the [DKM]-Delinquent Killing Machines. So we are looking for some members, they need to be good at the game and not a complete noob. We have awaiting roles for coming players and must have Skype. Please leave comments if interested :D
  2. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [DKM] Looking for some good Players.

    We are now full on members guys, thanks!
  3. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [DKM] Looking for some good Players.

    I am in GMT and would love you to join, add my skype- Jay.Murphy
  4. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [DKM] Looking for some good Players.

    yeah guys keep posting, we need 2-3 more people :D
  5. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [DKM] Looking for some good Players.

    yes please do
  6. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [DKM] Looking for some good Players.

    AH! Ok then, Well whats the teamspeak i.p and i can come on and sort some things out like roles?
  7. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [DKM] Looking for some good Players.

    Sure man, that would fill the clan :D Add my skype- Jay.Murphy