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Everything posted by jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

  1. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    {PAF} Recruiting!

    I sent a PM
  2. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Lol, I see no reason not to let me? This is pishposh
  3. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Can I join?
  4. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for a serious group to play with.

    Dont join Lewis he backstabs
  5. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    I think he already has a group, he posted it in one of his vids and asked people to comment if any1 wants to see more of them ;)
  6. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Yeah, still I say I was not backstabbing but I know that at the first possible chance luke is gonna start hacking.
  7. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    Please do! I love watching them try to run but never get to escape. You pin them in buildings like no tomorrow. Love it :D
  8. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    Dude if your hating then stop the postin'
  9. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    I freaking love these vids, make more man!
  10. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for a clan to join.

    Hey. I have been playing this game for a few weeks now and want to join a strong clan but not the sort that has tons of members. I want a tactical clan who plays strategical and knows what they're doing. Anybody got that type of clan?
  11. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Oh, so why tell me to get it to 500 likes?
  12. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Oh, and what was the video you asked me to like when I was part of the clan? Oh yes! The video that if reaches 500 like will give out their hacks! Oh, thats why you told me to like it. Well, there you go again, can't abide your own clans rules.
  13. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Yeah Lewis, face the fact that you can't run a clan properly. You wrongly accuse people and IF I did have a team then I would have said so by now. So im sorry, its not "End of" because My clan will find you.
  14. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    As soon as I come on the teamspeak you ban me, can't face the fact you cant abide your own clan rules makes me laugh.
  15. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Guys dont trust this fucking asshole! I was in the clan and he accused me of having another team that I was telling the camp position to. He then killed me and banned me from treamspeak. This guy's a fucking asshole with a shit clan. If you join and they get raided they will accuse you and shoot you. C K was the only guy that trusted me in this clan but was fking overturned by Lewis. IF you want to live do not join the dicks.
  16. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Bad serial number given in setup?

    When i try to join a server It just gives me "Bad serial number given in setup" Any body know how to fix this?
  17. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Recruiting | NerdCore

    Dude listen! That Lewis_Uk is a backstabber! He has a clan called the 101st Bandit Batallion!!! Do NOT trust him, I joined his clan before and he just shot me and stole my gear. Dude, do not trust him!!!!!!!
  18. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    BDB Recruitment

    I dont agree with all these age requirements. Who cares about age as long as your mature enough.
  19. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    My lucky freakin' day!

    Ah, one of the worst parts of DayZ; being spoilt for choice, lucky finds though man, what did you do with the vehicles afterwards?
  20. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    How do i update?
  21. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [AFU] Clan Dayz dedicated!

    I would LOVE to join you guys. I am only 13 but have a high maturity and don't mind a little bit of a joke. I have high experience in the game and do my best to support those who do the same for me. I like the sound of the clan and would be very interested in joining. I'm good in navigation and support fire so I think I would be a great addition to the team.
  22. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    DayZ Name : Nexus How long have you been playing DayZ : 2 weeks, but I am VERY experienced. What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] GMT Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] Of course I will! What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] I like to go as a support/ gunner. Skype name : Jay.Murphy
  23. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st BanditBattalion || Recruiting || International

    Well i did send and it says you accepted
  24. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    101st BanditBattalion || Recruiting || International

    hey, I added you on skype and would be happy to do anything in the team.
  25. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    A mix of bad, and good luck.

    It was a Saturday night around 12PM (GMT) and I was with 2 members of my clan at stary, we was hoping for a good vehicle spawn but seeming as the server had not been restarted in a while we did not hope for too much. Anyway, we got to stary and found no vehicle at the Military tents, but as we turn around we see two player tents, out over watch get a high point as me and my friend check them out, they both held an M24 each with some rounds. My friend got one of them and I stuck with my kobra. This is where the main story starts. All of us decide to call it a night and head of, the next day two other members of my clan log in and get onto the server, one of my friends went to the airport the night before on his own (He knew it was a bad idea) and bled out before he reached us. My friend (Luke) and I find each other and begin to head East. Around 5 meters East we see 4-5 survivors huddled at a tent. I make the call to move in, we sit behind some tree's (this is about 100 metres from start now) and I see I have one frag grenade. However, I am told not to throw it because of the noise, so I dont. We move to flank them but we are seen and are fired upon, I manage to kill one of them and my friend gets two. All of a sudden another of them with the name "MilkMan" pops around the corner, I open fire hitting him in the chest a few times, it, however, was evidently not enough as I am shot to the ground, dead. With Luke holding his position I respawn and head directly North, as I get to the wooded area I could not believe my luck. right in the tree line is a UAZ, straight away I jump in and drive of, I get farther away and check the gear, sharing the lucky find with my friends. I look in the gear and find the following of what I remember. Lee Enfield M1014 AKM (4-5 mags) Blood Bags and more medical supplies. I drive more avoiding the hot spot towns, I get to a far of woodland and hide the UAZ hoping for the best it is here today. Before I go on the server with my clan I write this. I will update the story after my next DayZ session. P.S; The server I was playing is UK101, and I have to say, GG to those who killed me. (I did however see MilkMan die in the side chat, maybe he bled out?)