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Everything posted by jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

  1. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Small Crew looking for more avid members - More Info inside

    I'd likle to join, could I add your skype and speak there? EDIT: English but play any server.
  2. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Wrongly accused GLOBAL ban.

    I was playing on any normal DayZ server, running around balota being a fresh spawn, no loot had spawned in the military area so I moved on, I heard my Skype go off so I tabbed out to check it, when I tabbed back in I was kicked of the game with the message "Battleye global ban #a2f7" I have never used hacks and think that it is completely outrageous that a normal player like I get banned when hundreds of REAL hackers are out there. I sent an appeal to BE but still have had no reply. I need some advice on what to do, or where to get new Keys for the game. I have done nothing to deserve this ban and quite frankly very annoyed how this stupid thing can happen to a normal dayz player.
  3. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Wrongly accused GLOBAL ban.

    I hear that, I sent my email and still no reply with 2 days. They have no reason to ignore it. This is a problem that just saying "Oh, it's in alpha" doesn't help. I will just wait for the standalone. I don't feel like buying a new key just for it to have the chance of happening again, I mean, it happened once, who says that If i buy lots more keys it wont happen again, again and yet again.
  4. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Wrongly accused GLOBAL ban.

    In this post I also ask for peoples help on what to do, e.g getting a new CD key. Hence it is not all just directed to one site.
  5. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Hacker named Finchi on DE 733

    Lag sometimes makes it look like you have hit somebody but you actually haven't, even though blood appears.
  6. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Disconnecting my internet

  7. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Hacker on AU2

    Why make a useless needless to say pointless post, obviously it has a car in it, every server does.? I do hope this thread gets removed.
  8. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk


    Dayz Name: Nexus How long have you played Dayz: 4 months What time will you be usually on. (We dont care if your actually on at that time were just trying to get an idea) Any time of the day. What is your requested role (medic sniper support etc.) Sniper What you want to get from joining. More days of survival and better team experience Will you stay loyal. Of course. P.S Don't have time for the webstite, sorry.
  9. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    A Question directed to rocket.

    Seeming as this game is being considered becoming a stand-alone game, what happens to those who have already gotten the mod itself? Would they have to then buy DayZ when/if it becomes stand-alone or would they be emailed a code for the game. Seeing as lots of people have bought ARMAII for this growing Mod I was curious of how the mechanics would work for the people already playing and enjoying the Mod.
  10. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    To the peeps on ANZ 3

    Where is that dam? What is its closest city/town? Nvm, found it ;)
  11. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Random Dancing?

    This happened to me yesterday, I was a fresh spawn and this happened, apparently its a hacker cause.
  12. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    What I find awesome is that when the game comes out we can say "Yeah, we were here when this game was a free mod, merely in alpha, we rode through them bugs and what not, and still, we are here. Stealing yo' beans."
  13. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Just another DayZ Wallpaper by Messi

  14. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking to start up a small base.

    By what he has just said to somebody openly speaking on his forum post, I for one wouldn't join him, would be surprised if anybody did.
  15. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    I would prefer reading the comments and seeing the memes on this thread then a 20 second video. GG
  16. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Just another DayZ Wallpaper by Messi

    I cant get over it its awesome!
  17. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Just another DayZ Wallpaper by Messi

    Love it, new background for me and more beans for you good sir. P.S Make more? :D
  18. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    A Question directed to rocket.

    If you read what I said I never said that we bought DayZ, I say many have bought ARMAII FOR DayZ...
  19. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Script kiddie on US 760

    Why did you not just alt+f4, these are the only times you should.
  20. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [3:45 Video] Why I never go to big cities

  21. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Graphical bugs

    It happens in all military locations, e.g. Balota/NWAF
  22. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Balota suprise.

    It was around 3 PM with my clan and we was at the Balota Airstrip, we were already loaded out with Sniper rifles, M4a3 CCO, ak's etc. The server had just given a restart warning so the safe people we are we log out behind the hangers in the dense (ish) tree line. We log back in with only 5 players online, my clan being 3 of those. As we log back in we hear shots. "That's a Winchester shot right there." I point out, scanning the strip "Nah, I hear Ak shot's." Says my buddy to my left. We wait it out, and decide to come to an agreement that the person/s is/are in the 2nd hanger. I give the order for shoot on sight, and to move up the the small bushes. Then, two guys run out the back, not knowing the moments that await them. "Open fire!!" I shout to my clan. The small bursts of the M4a3's and ak's surround the air. We had the best advantage. The element of surprise. The did not have a clue of what was going down and ran like headless chickens. I get a kill on a guy with an M1014 and he falls. The guy with an AK spots me as I reload and opens fire. I prone behind the small bristle and hear the shots hit the dirt. I quickly stand back up, open fire at his head and get my second kill. We wait 2 minutes, nobody was given the all clear to check the bodies. One of our AK guys walks out, (at this time we was on shoot on site) as he walks to the body, we was un-aware of him doing so and we opened fire. The most tragic thing in a team just happened, the loss of communication. He shouts "I'm down, I'm down! Somebody shot me!" We stay silent, knowing the inevitability that we just shot on our own guy. "D-did you just go out to the body?" "Yes, yes I did! I went to check it and was shot!" "Dude, that was us, I did not give the all clear to check the bodies...." Luckily he spawns in Balota and heads up to us. We then log, and discuss about all clears and when not to walk out in a fire fight. The most important thing in an organised team in a zombie rules world is communication, without it. You Are Dead
  23. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Balota suprise.

  24. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    WTF is going on wid six launcher?

    I cant find any of the server my friends are on on six launcher???
  25. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Balota suprise.

    OK listen, my clan is mainly shoot on sight, they were not even fresh spawns. We did not specifically go to the AIRSTRIP for supplies, if you did not realise there is a small town next to Balota AND the military tents. Besides, two guys run at us with shotguns and ak's, I for one wont take the risk.