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About jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

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  1. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I hope there are better sounds for weapons...
  2. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Elektro is mine!

    What a shame a better internet connection isn't yours...
  3. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Have I gone too far?

    Joke? I thought he was being serious...
  4. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk


    MAke your own base, see how others like the safezone. Tell me how long your first encounter goes ;)
  5. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking For A Small British/American Squad/Clan

  6. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk


    Yeah, I do that every 1 in 6 weeks too
  7. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk


    I tried combat roll, i glitched in a corner, legs broke and got raped.
  8. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk


    You mean up that ladder that takes you around 15 seconds to actually get on it, did i mention you would be getting chased?
  9. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk


    REMOVE THE DANG RUBBLE!!!!! I have died so many times trying to get past that...
  10. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [SWKD] Clan recruitment Thread.

  11. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [SWKD] Clan recruitment Thread.

    We play Chernarus, dependent on how recruitment goes we will move onto other maps.
  12. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [SWKD] Clan recruitment Thread.

  13. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [SWKD] Clan recruitment Thread.

    Blacklist, no thanks, can an admin please remove this current post, beandip's and blacklist's post please? (Will add that info later beandip)
  14. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    [SWKD] Clan recruitment Thread.

    Welcome to the SWKD recruitment page, SWKD is a group of gamers made a few years back. Many games were focused on in the clan then, now we indulge in DayZ. The team has drastically died down since and is in state of new ownership. Anyway, let's get too the point of the topic. SWKD Recruitment Thread. What we expect ​Commitment: To be with us you must be comitted, play at least 2-3 hours a day (Unless time-zones intervene) Age: We would like to keep a player base of 14+, if you are younger and still want to join, pm me and we can talk. Experience: Have at east a few months under your belt, we don't want to be carrying you around in combat whilst you are still struggling to get out of the options menu. Trustworthy: Every clan needs trust, it is the glue of the base, if we find we can not trust you, then you'll find yourself without us. Mic: You must have a working Microphone to join, or plan on getting one withing 1-2 days. Humor: Now and then we will joke around, don't be a tight-ass. Trials: When joining us, if you're accepted, then on the weekends you shall be tested, on accuracy and skill, if you pass, you're officially part of the group. Playing Style. The group will mainly consist of banditry, shooting anyone on sight, the only time we will kill coastal players, is if we are there for actual reasons. We will use military ranks and Command chains, with Military style movements, tactics and attacking style. We will tend not to shoot any un-armed players, unless for proper reason. What we need: We will be looking for 8-10 players. We will require good Snipers, CQB specialists, scouts Medics and Support Infantry (Some players will have the job of pilots and/or designated drivers too.) Communication: We shall be operating on the clan's home-server's TeamSpeak. Residence: People from any country can join us, although, the home-server is hosted in the USA, so join accordingly! Application. * means optional field. In game name: Nickname (What to be called ingame): Age: *Country: *Timezone: Preferred position: Experience: What can you offer to SWKD?: Playstyle?: Why would you like to Join SWKD?: When/if accepted, the TS i.p and other needed information will be given via inbox. -SWKD
  15. jaymurphy98@hotmail.co.uk

    RSB looking for members!

    I'm 14 and mature enough. Over a year of DayZ experience. Know my way around and can get to grips wiuth any weapon needed to be used. Where are you all from? I'm in the U.K. PM if qualify