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Everything posted by Ceallach

  1. Ceallach

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    Well, If I had to specifically translate Zelenogorsk into czech, it would be Green Mountain. If I am not mistaken. Of course, I am no linguist. Just basing this on the czech mindset of the developers. ... but now you know where the name for that hill with a radio tower come from, eh? :P
  2. Ceallach

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    Are you talking about the town/village names? Because they are russian-based, not czech. For example a czech equivalent of Chernogorsk would be Černá Hora (Black mountain) if it were based on that.
  3. Ceallach

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    I am from Czech Republic. The cyrillic isn't that hard to understand and russian is a slavic language in the end.. so I can usually navigate my way. Usually.
  4. Ceallach

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    Gratz, you've discovered the Gym. Now where is that IP? You big fat liar. :P
  5. Ceallach

    Sniper Rifles

    It's actully used by the British Armed Forces (a DLC) in ArmA2. Though most of their action in the ArmAverse is taking place in Takistan from what I've seen.
  6. I've seen people complaining about weapons and all (military vs. civilian, european vs american etc. etc.), but what about the things mentioned above? Personally, what I think the mod game needs is more russian/eastern/central european centric equipment. Why those? Well, apart from the fact it takes place in Chernarus and it looks much more acceptable (in my opinion) as a high-level loot/gear for an post-zombie apocalyptic eastern european/south-Zagorian/whatever enviroment, I would really prefer to look like this: as opposed to this: (something which we currently have more or less, due to lack of variety. ALPHA, I know.): I'll start. How about the Maska-1 Helmet? Hell I'd love to see one of those. It's used by the russian GRU, you can use it with a visor and whatnot.. I think it would fit in nicely as a high-level military loot. Surely better than the Payday masks and some of the British equipment and harnesses you can find. :P So eh... anyone else have any other suggestions for equipment, armor or clothes? I'd like to see them as well. :)
  7. Ceallach

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    I am surprised their bodies haven't dissapeared. Like 80% of the players I kill always log after that.. I haven't actually looted anyone in a looooong time because of this.
  8. Hell yeah! Nice to see someone who shares my hardon for russian equipment! (that came out wrong, I know lol) I am liking your suggestions and I agree that the TTsKO camo is not enough. I think fatal headshots should stay but maybe there could be a slight chance that wearing the helmet with a visor could just knock you out? Of course, depending on the caliber and the angle. If you empty a mag into someone's face - he should die, no matter what he has on his head.
  9. Ceallach

    Have you ever looked under the skirt of a zed?

    Something is supposed to be there?? Tell me!
  10. Oh, and we also absolutely need this, just replace the badge with a Chernarus Yellow/Green star symbol and we are set. Can you imagine leading a bayonet charge while wearing this? :P
  11. True, but I wasn't advocating total removal of western-centric stuff. All I am saying is there should be no reason not to include the eastern-centric equipment as well. Also if I am not mistaken, there was a great number of russian or pro-russian forces (Chedaki) involved in the ArmA2 conflict as well, so that's why I am suggesting this ;)
  12. Ceallach

    Guitar and bonfire

    Heh, that's not what I meant actually. I do enjoy some Windir or Summoning myself. :P
  13. Ceallach

    How do I....

    You can also flip someone off. Just go into your controls and look for the "Taunt" function. I have it for F4 personally. Hmm... Page Up and Page Down? That's how it always worked since OFP.
  14. Ceallach


    Splendid idea. Just right clicking on the hoodie in the inventory could show the option to pull it up over your head. I approve. Who cares if it clips? So does a Radar/Baseball cap with most masks. :P
  15. Ceallach

    Guitar and bonfire

    So edgy. I bet you listen to Darkthrone or Burzum.
  16. Ceallach

    The only sign that isn't in Russian on DayZ -_-

    There's a whole game, bunch of DLCs and a lot of lore about Chernarus... it's called ArmA2. :P
  17. Ceallach

    Server Hopping (Character Reset?)

    Same here. After getting geared up yesterday, joined a random server today and found myself back on the coast with nothing. Checked on the main screen and confirmed that my char was wiped. Happened to me 3 times in one day now. :P
  18. Ceallach

    Underground structures are possible

    Indeed. If it were that easy, BIS Games (up from ArmA1 to ArmA3 and onwards) would already have all these features, including shooting from a vehicle, walking inside of it, dismemberment etc.
  19. Ceallach

    Dat fists

    Yeah, I just got face-fisted yesterday as well by a friend. We were messing around with the damage, and while it took 300 years to kill someone down with it, one punch to the face knocked me down good. I am also curious to see some proof about this apparent "combat logging". Otherwise, this is one of the most laughable tantrums I've ever witnessed.
  20. Ceallach

    [suggestion] Crafting a ghillie

    Guille? You mean this Guile? :P But yeah, I would like an ability to create my own camouflage stuff, including a ghillie. Perhaps adding some leaves and branches to my headgear etc.?
  21. Ceallach

    Sniper Rifles

    Uh.. that's not an Enfield. Just sayin'
  22. Ceallach

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Actually, this is how you mod a Mosin. ^_^
  23. Ceallach

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    I have been able to connect to maybe like 2 server out of 5.. It just takes shitload of time. While I waited at the "Waiting for host" screen, I went to do something else for like 10-15 minutes.. then I finally got into the game.
  24. Ceallach

    Much rage ensued.

    Much rage ensued in this thread as well, I see.
  25. Nice! I've already been playing on some of your past servers (Cherno, Lingor) and I can say that the admin and staff are great, both in communication and dealing with scum, aka scripters B)