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About sudden2k

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. sudden2k Backpack-Weapon Slots, how to?

    no, that is false. czech backpack has now 24 slots, alice is down to 16. basicly every slot count has changed accordign to the link i posted
  2. dear dayZ community, the new patch just been released and according to the patchnotes the backpacks have been updated regarding slots and those new "weapon slots" (https://github.com/R.../wiki/Backpacks) im curious how these weapon slots are finally working my character has an alice pack pack which should have 16slots + 2 weapon slots. so i tried to fit in a pistol and it still uses up 5 slots for a pistol and 10 slots for a regular gun. so it is exactly how it was before the patch and im not sure how they work and what i might do wrong? greetz sudden
  3. sudden2k

    LU160 Ceasefire please.

    i am....confused o0
  4. sudden2k

    LU160 Ceasefire please.

    we defended our camps multiple times, you came to us ? i dont know what to do with this situation but whenever someone is at our camps we shoot them
  5. i ban everybody who uses hacked gear / vehicles. thats it.
  6. sudden2k

    I killed my friend.

    sad story....
  7. Offering Pipe Bombs (Satchel Charges) FNFAL AN/PVS-4 looking for: ghillie suits, camo suits, m16acog, m240, dmr pm if interested
  8. nabend ! bist du heute Nacht noch on? komme gegen 23Uhr zuhause an. suchen Leute haben sowohl einen ts Server als auch einen dayz Server. Gru
  9. im just telling you there are situations where you cannot see without extra light no matter how much your eyes adjust. i just want to see flashlights used more often i mean look, if you are going into a house, when there is not light, you are not able to see and especially not be able to spot little things lying on the ground
  10. what about a nice m24? way more cool than a m107
  11. @supercalleh ye right i want to see you being able to see in the woods on a moonless night. i guess you have never server in the military otherwise you would know better...