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Everything posted by pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

  1. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Looking for a large, mature clan

    So i left my last clan about 3 months ago due to the fact that the whole clan got scattered and no one were active anymore(hackers). I'm now ready to come back and give another chance to this great game. I've played it for too long to just give up(It's been a year since i started playing and i've been active for about 5 months in total). So i'm now looking for a new clan, a large, organized one with mainly mature adults who are willing to have fun. So if anyone can invite me or even tell me about a clan that meets those requirements, it would be useful. About me I'm 17 years old, my main occupation right now is college so i may be busy due to the exams. But i'll be available at weekends and during the Christmas breaks. I live in Canada so a North American clan would be preferable. I also do some 3D modelling so i can create some contents for you guys if wished. But, i don't know all of the tools so i have my limits. Thanks in advance! :)
  2. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    CSA Recruitment Center (International Clan)

    Dayz Name: PixelBlast How long have you played Dayz: About a year now if you don't count the time when i was inactive(5 months active) Time Zone: EST - Eastern Standard Time(i live in Canada) Age: 17 PvP experience: I mostly take people out at a distance or i kill them before they notice i'm around. I also noticed that each time i found myself in a firefight, my heart would start beating really quickly(One of the reasons why i love this mod). Favorite Gun/Combo: Any weapon that is lethal and efficient is fine to me, i don't have any preference even thought i feel safer with a military grade weapon then say a shotgun. Team Experience: I used to be in a clan of over 100 people, we used to play with about 20 players at a time. Communication and team work was basically what made us. Unfortunately, hackers started being way too common and the clan no longer exists. That's also why i'm looking for a new one. How familiar with the map are you?: I do know vaguely the location of the main cities and airports. But if i was alone, without a map and in the wild, i would most probably get lost. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Well for the coords, i simply state what's written for X and Y. I do know how to use a compass as well.
  3. Intel i5-2310 Quad Core 2.90 GHz Sapphire HD 5750 1GB 6 GB ram Windows 7 64-bit I get around 50-60 FPS with the lowest settings possible. I've seen some people with inferior builds and they're getting better FPS with higher settings Those are my additional launcher parameters -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause I also tried to run this game on higher settings and it doesn't lag less, it lags even more, especially when i'm looking at those damn forests.
  4. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    I'm still wondering how i'm running this game so badly

    That's according to "system requirements" But how do i disable ambient occlusion? I don't see it anywhere.
  5. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    I'm still wondering how i'm running this game so badly

    Of course i am. Dude, with this PC, supposedly i can run the game at max settings without a problem but no, the optimization is so bad that i'm stuck with lowest settings.
  6. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    A simulation is a game.
  7. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    The almighty M136.

    So me and my bandit clan were playing around in DayZ and we were kind of bored in the server my clan was playing on since we had a lot of camps with military grade gears so we decided to try out the new map: Takistan. We quickly found an adequate server and decided to hop in and after several hours of running around being lost(one of our members even ran in the debug land too far in so the only way to kill himself, is to run until he starves to death which took him about 1h30 lol) we finally find some decent gears and regroup without getting killed. We quickly found 2 helicopters for ourselves and we decided to go to one of the airstrips. We found diverse high ranking weapons such as M4 CCO's and i even got myself a ghillie suit. So coming back to the helicopter, we decided to check in the heli and guess what was in it? That's right, an M136 AT4 rocket launcher which removes more then 6 millions blood when shot by one of those baby. 3 rockets was already stocked in it. How are we going to use it? To blow up people of course :)
  8. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    The almighty M136.

    Lol you made me realise how unoriginal my gif was, i'm gonna switch right now.
  9. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    The almighty M136.

    No worry, we'll put it to good use :D
  10. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*

    So why are you guys continuously flaming him? And by "worst" insults, it's just a way of of speaking. Since you said it yourself, it's just a way of play, so why aren't you guys calming down? Just my 2 cents
  11. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*

    For the sake of God, everyone here are such hypocrites. You guys assume banditry is part of the game and tell people to deal with it but you're going to flame this guy with the worst insults because he killed this dude after playing with him for several days. You guys are just following the other people's point of view just to stand in the crowd really.
  12. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*

    I see nothing wrong with this. From the point of view of another bandit(me, in this case), i see it as a genuine way of banditry. I actually did something similar when i was still a rookie in this game, i made a group of about 5 people one of which was a complaining kid who couldn't play adequately, so we decided to kill him and block him from Skype. There's nothing to get mad over, he's playing as a bandit, gained the trust of a person to betray him, it's an interesting gaming style from my point of view. You guys should stop whining over what he did. Call me a fag, a kid or a dickhead for having a different opinion, i don't give a fuck.
  13. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Just put a full bandit skin

    So i've always been a bandit and as it seems, they put the bandit skin back, but only the rag on the face and it looks kind of weird because that rag doesn't really fit with the rest of the body, so since you guys already implemented the rag, why not just put the whole body as a bandit? I personally don't see why people didn't like the bandit skin.
  14. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Just put a full bandit skin

    You mean this guy? http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/images/41974-3-1306228105.jpg
  15. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Just put a full bandit skin

    So somehow, a bandit skin is correlated with CoD? You're in no way better then a CoD fanboy, according to your way of thinking and your intelligence based on your replies.
  16. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Just put a full bandit skin

    You're not proving yourself any better with this reply. You just made a dumb assumption based on almost nothing. Hipsters...yeah hating on CoD is kewl now.
  17. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Hackers toying with us?

    Thousands of bear traps appeared right in front of us, it was all around our truck. I think the hacker was toying with us. I spoke to the microphone for a second and i got no response. Anyone had anything similar?
  18. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Hackers toying with us?

  19. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    How do i make a new profile?

    Trying to make a new profile because i'm showing this game to some friends. It's not making a new character, instead, it's still my character and my save but with a different username and face. Help would be appreciated.
  20. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Hackers toying with us?

    Was lost in my way to the airfield, didn't realize it was south of me and continued going north until it stopped generating grass and trees. Realized i was at the end of the game and turned around with disappointment. But now what do i see? An Ural full of goodies, took it and put it elsewhere. Was waiting for my group to come and they died several times on their way to my place. Was still waiting until some hackers spawned hundreds of bear traps all around us. It was in the Ural that i found the M4a1 CCO SD, there were 3 of them in the Ural
  21. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Hackers toying with us?

    Me and my group mate took what we needed and Dced, didn't want to lose my M4a1 CCO SD(there are at least 2 left in the Ural). Woke up this morning and tried to get in the server but ended up with "wait for host". I don't know what happened to our truck yet but i hope he didn't blow it up.
  22. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    DayZ - The game that tops em all

    Yes, i do feel the paranoia you're talking about. The second i hear a gunshot that isn't coming from me or my group, i feel my heart pounding and sometimes my hand shakes a little bit. When i'm on a pvp confrontation, i can feel the adrenaline rush and you get way more excited over rare weapons. Plus this game destroys literally games like Left4Dead or Killing Floor, it's not a small and closed area where you simply shoot waves and waves of zombies in a Hollywood movie style, it goes beyond this. Anyway, you have my beans.
  23. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Hackers toying with us?

  24. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Who's sweet little Ural is this?

    So i woke up this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so i decided to play some DayZ. We lost almost every single weapon we found in the truck we stole yesterday and i logged out near the airfield. So when i logged in, i just went straight for the airfield. The only problem was that i have a horrible sense of orientation and that server i was playing on didn't show me where i was on the map. So i just continued running without knowing that i ran past the airfield. I only noticed it when i saw that there were no more grass or trees appearing on my horizon, so i took a second look at my map and that's when i realized that i was at the very end of the map, to the north. Disappointed, i just told myself: "Alright, another 15 minutes of running until i arrive to the airfield". I turn around and what do i see: An Ural truck and a tent. I felt my heart beating very hard for a second and ran cautiously towards the hidden treasure. I searched the tent, nothing in there. Then i went in the Ural and checked out the gear...3 m4a1 CCO SD, 2 DMR, 1 M107, 1 M16 M203, 1 M16, 2 AKM, 2 AK-74, 1 AKS Cobra, 1 M14 and i don't even remember the rest because there were simply too many weapons not counting about the countless mags stored in there. I immediately took the Ural truck and went away with it. I called the only mate that was in my group that was online and told him the good news. So if the Ural was yours, thanks a lot for all those gears :D. Damn i love this game, 4 days in it and i already stole 3 cars. 1 which i stole it in front of those 2 oblivious snipers.
  25. pixelbl4ster@yahoo.ca

    Who's sweet little Ural is this?

    Not going to tell you the server since i'm not a fool :) But a tent was nearby and i'm not an admin in any server nor am i a hacker so it isn't me.