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Everything posted by MikeTupper

  1. MikeTupper

    your best moment of discovery

    Some guy drove a tractor to where i was hiding. He got out. I sneaked in and stole it right from under his nose. Only vehicle i ever had. It was great. Even better, id taken it from some dude who worked hard for it. mwahaha
  2. MikeTupper

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    if you just spawned, why not, ya got nothing to lose
  3. So I guess we`ll agree to disagree... lets move on now
  4. I just think someone disconnecting really isnt a big deal. So you didnt get your kill. Big fuckin woop
  5. there`s DCing in almost every game ever. get over it
  6. yeah. PK is just as dumb. My survivor is at 14 days and has a murder count of 0.
  7. until then... catch me if you can!
  8. watch out, that pony has a hatchet
  9. MikeTupper

    we want more people!

    Bigger servers! Now it seems it never gets over 50 people/server. We. Want. More! 100 at least! That would, in my opinion, increase the gameplay experience tenfold. People could still play on low-pops if they wanted, but high servers would be awesome to be certain to run into people everywhere you go. Now it seems everyone is holed up somewhere in Cherno/Elektro/NW airfield. Populating the servers would ensure that, say, Berezino would be just as dangerous
  10. how does not killing someone ruin your experience as much as a hacker teleporting you into a nukefield
  11. well, someone gave me their beans
  12. MikeTupper

    Suche mit spieler der deutschen fraktion

    schadenfreude. Sieg Heil!
  13. MikeTupper

    Dayz is done

    yeah whatever dude. see ya
  14. MikeTupper


    well i was there yesterday, but a hacker teleported me all the way north... too bad
  15. MikeTupper


    Lol I think you're dead
  16. MikeTupper

    DayZ struggling?

    ill stick with dayz because I hate WarZ`s attitude of "Wow, this is popular, lets totally plagiarise that and capitalize on this". It's sickening
  17. lol I play a girl. I think people are less likely to shoot me on sight. But i AM friendly. My survivor is 14days and has a murder count of ZERO
  18. MikeTupper

    Too many lone players?

    my friends are more of the casual kind, i dont wanna team up with them
  19. MikeTupper

    Anyone else experiencing this???

    Yeah sometimes loot is fucked up too, like supermarkets full of backpacks only
  20. MikeTupper


    cook meat for 800 blood
  21. MikeTupper

    Making new profiles and new lives

    i still feel characters should be unique to the profile. It would make life easier for people like OP. I don't think people will abuse it because theyll still have their one character they like.
  22. MikeTupper

    At least one more melee weapon

    yeah in the beginning i thought you could use it as a weapon but nope
  23. MikeTupper

    Will my PC run DayZ / Arma II?

    anyone can run the game. I play on a laptop
  24. MikeTupper

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    Get with the program, guy. Everyone uses 3rd person to see around corners. Why would I put myself at a disadvantage by switching to 1rst. Besides, cod-kiddies play 1st person, so....
  25. MikeTupper

    Train... Hear me out

    I thought of it first! I made a thread about that a while ago! You have to believe me! And people said it was stupid!