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Everything posted by MikeTupper

  1. MikeTupper

    DMR one shot?

    belongs in the bandit campfire
  2. MikeTupper

    Random tents spawning?

    found some too. Some had nothing. Others had EVERYTHING
  3. i had a SVD camo ONCE, it was yesterday. Some dudes were stupid enough to set up camp on top of the hill next to elektro. I just looted their tent, picked up a ghillie and sniper. Sweet
  4. so something weird happened to me recently in dayz. I logged in a random server, like i always do, and continued play with my 26 day old survivor. Unfortunately, my lucky streak came to an end that day when i suddenly died in NE airfield (like so many others, by someone i never saw and bullets i never knew came from where). Now, you can imagine, since my guy was 26 days old, and my other survivors usually last at least a week, that im an extremely careful player. But on that server, i died 11 times in an hour, and guess what? it was all the same guy. Some dude in a ghillie suit with a light machine gun on the coast. I spawned in the quarry, cherno, elektro, balota, otmel, and every time the dude found me in under 2 minutes, chased me down, and mowed me down with his seemingly endless supply of machine gun ammo. It seems he was on a server-wide rampage, because everyone on the server seemed to die at regular intervals. Now, i dont know how i can explain this. I'd be tempted to yell HACKZ! but it seems it was just some random rambo dude with an extremely keen sixth sense. Does it seem like a hack to you, or just some real badass dude? or maybe there were twelve of them
  5. Six didn't update to, im still on .4 Did i miss something? whats going on? there are servers rolling with .5
  6. So I just shot a cow. For shits and giggles I try "inspect body". This is what I get:
  7. MikeTupper

    i seem to be missing something

    oh ok cool ill wait then... i guess i can live with the artifacting... does anyone know whats wrong with .5?
  8. MikeTupper

    release the hounds

    we need infected dogs. They would be quick and mean (because they're soviet dogs) and would cause immediate infection (need antibiotics). This would ramp up difficulty by about 500% (margin of error more or less 2%)
  9. MikeTupper

    How the "inspect body" system works

    forever alone...
  10. MikeTupper

    Better inspect bodies!

    yeah right now it says "His name was unknown, he died from an unknown cause"....... i'm like "are you fucking kidding me? I just shot that rabbit!"
  11. have some beans. i like that idea. As soon as you get 2 weapons, your hatchet basically becomes a wood gatherer. its dumb
  12. MikeTupper

    release the hounds

    then i should cut off your nose
  13. MikeTupper

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    because bandits use terror tactics. See what i did there?
  14. MikeTupper

    what do you carry?

    Just thought id make a thread where people can share what items they like to carry around and why (not counting tool slots because everybody wants to have all of them). Here are mine: 1 bear trap (i like to place it at the top of ladders) 1 Mountain Dew (for good/bad luck) 2 painkillers, 2 morphines, 1 antibiotic (for personal use) no blood packs or epi-pen (i travel alone), instead i have 11 cooked meat at the ready, more than enough to refill my blood should i catch a bullet or two. 3 water bottles, because they're refill-able 1 wood pile, saves me the trouble of finding a forest 1 Grenade, i've never used it but i like knowing that i can blow up a squad of people. 3 canned foods, for the hunger meter, so that i dont waste cooked meat. Of course, to carry all that I have the magnificent Coyote Backpack. What about you?
  15. MikeTupper

    explain it to me

    because i dont understand humanity. I know that it goes down by killing people and goes up by bandaging, giving blood. But what does it really do (what are the postivie/negative effects of good/bad humanity). I havent logged in since humanity has been restored, so i dont know where my guy stands. He's on day 25, hasnt killed anyone nor helped anyone, would that mean my humanity is zero? explain it to me like youd explain to a six year-old because i'm really dense
  16. MikeTupper

    explain it to me

    its been restored it seems
  17. it all comes from green mountain
  18. MikeTupper


    its some magic emanating from green mountain... it has to be
  19. MikeTupper


    I am a man and i dress-up as a woman......... wait what?
  20. MikeTupper

    Dayz dream land..too much

    Kill your family... they are trying to steal your beans. Kill! KILL!
  21. I'm fascinated by green mountain. I know it's the only taboo in Dayz, but care to share your stories of green mountain?
  22. MikeTupper

    its not that bad!

    I play dayz in most of my free time, and i always play on different servers (i usually pick the one with the lowest ping) and i've encountered hacking ONE time, total. It was a teleportation to nowhere where everybody got reunited for a shoot-out. I hear people saying hacking is making dayz unplayable, but i hardly encounter it at all. Just sayin
  23. MikeTupper

    its not that bad!

    well youre wrong on all three counts
  24. MikeTupper

    Always Spawn at low altitude

    you beat the game?
  25. MikeTupper

    Manly stubble

    the most badass of men would then shave it into a handlebar mustache