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About mordrag

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  1. mordrag

    us 810 asshole admin

    Zen take a screenshot of you trying to log in and show us.
  2. mordrag

    Running down a helicopter.

    Nothing to see here, just another kid using hacked weapons.
  3. We found 1 car in the forest, the other was on a road near stary sabor or whatever its called and the chopper was at the edge of the runway. THey were all fully repaied and intact.
  4. So last night I had the best time I've ever had playing this game. I started out in Electro and ran from the east over toward Sniper hill and found a guy driving a truck. He stopped for me and let me in because I was unarmed. He had ALOT of stuff in his truck, weapons, ghillie suits, etc. We met up with a buddy of his and they invited me to their skype call. We all got some gear and decided to hear north with our truck. A long the way we found 2 cars so we had a vehicle for all 3 of us and had a little convoy towards the NW airfield. We get there and find a Helicpoter fully repaired and gased, luckly I used to play Arma2 back in the day so I knew how to fly. We take off and head to Cherno broadcasting to help pick up survivors and shooting at people trying to hit us. Sadly our story ended when the server reset and we crashed. Still it was a blast.
  5. mordrag

    US 912

    I found a campsite with at least 20 tents, every tent had at least 2 or 3 high end riflers with NV scopes and a bus was there. Anyway I tried to destroy it but as I started throwing grenades I get kicked. I log back on and the bus was not there. Not sure if it was a hacker or admin but something was going on.
  6. Typical duche bag comment :/
  7. Look guys I get it you shoot first ask questions later but seriously, what is some guy without any gear going to do to you? Just don't do it. Come on guys let's try to make this community a better place.
  8. mordrag

    Revive other places from death.

    I like how half of you are claiming you can't revive from a headshot but in this game you can fix broken limbs with morphine. Hmm...
  9. Now before everyone comes in here yelling hear me out. I already know you can use the pen to bring a player back when they are knocked out but I think there should be some defibulators in the game. They can take up 4 squares in a bag or backpack and are destroyed when used. Also they can only be used on a player for 30 seconds after death. I think this would really encourage people to stop lone wolfing it.
  10. I took a break from DayZ for about a month or so now and I returned, before when I ran into other survivors I can usually make a friend and we would travel together. Now that I have come back? the last 6 (yes 6) times I've ran into another survivor I always say "hello!" or "hey dont shoot friendly" and every one of these 6 jerks have said "im friendly too dont shoot" needless to say they kill me. It's getting pretty annoying and it's really making me want to just kill everyone I meet. What's happened to this community? has everyone just turned into assholes or what?
  11. mordrag


    I think it would be cool if there were small backpacks full of clothing that when you pick it up it would change you're characters model. Or just give an option in the beginning.