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About chuckwebb@live.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. chuckwebb@live.com

    Could this PC run DayZ?

    You should be fine, Just turn down most of your settings.
  2. chuckwebb@live.com

    Boom Boom Pop Pop Devils fun.

    A little bit of fun at Devils castle, Didn't last long though as I made a rookie mistake. But I did have a laugh!
  3. chuckwebb@live.com

    The Scent of Blood.

    Typically in all Zombie movies Zombies love Blood/Flesh. So the other night I was online and started bleeding after being hit, I managed to loose the aggro and they never found me again So I was thinking... What about if you had a blood trail that followed you if you were bleeding? Which Zombies and Players could follow to your location if You don't bandage in time? Also if un bandaged for a certain period of time your clothes would then become blood stained and zombies could follow that until they were washed? (Just go upto a lake/river/sea to wash them) Zombies are supposed to be able to smell Blood with their better sense of smell.