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Allie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Allie (DayZ)

  1. Allie (DayZ)

    The Bizon - Help

    Perfect gun for silent zombie killing. Not so good for PvP
  2. Allie (DayZ)

    Hosting DayZ from within the S.A.

    I think we have the MOD for that.
  3. Allie (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Old school, well you know the drill then, just download the whole fck and replace in your arma directory.
  4. Allie (DayZ)

    Domain instead of IP

    Did your domain uses the correct port, or is your domain still tieght to the port 80 of you webpage ? You should be able to get it working.
  5. Maybe servers will update quicker if you guys make the download on the main site the most recent version to download. It now stil says version, while the latest version is 1.7.3 Its just a suggestion, yesterday i wanted to play on my server, but the server was not updated yet, i don't know why, but at your website it is not really clear there is a new patch. Thank you
  6. Allie (DayZ)

    Usual night in Day Z?

    I'm playing on "GB 500" it is a GMT time server. (Private) At this server the hacking is reduced to a minimum, also if a hacker fucks up the server the server admin will roll back for 10 minutes and everybody is back where he was 10 minutes ago. We will never get rid of hackers for 100% but the system at this server is a very nice compromise. There is allways an admin around. Hope you will find a better server mate, and i hope you have a lot of fun with the game. Good Luck.
  7. Allie (DayZ)

    Is the G35c SD camo in game?

    It is not "official", but i'm playing on a server on which it is legal, on this server it spawns at the heli crashsite. It is my first self found fency gun i have :)
  8. Allie (DayZ)

    Dayz Night time playing

    I love playing in the dark, i always use a chemlight to do my looting at night. Even at pitch black nights i am able to navigate, or with the flashlight or a flare or my chemlights. Don't you think it is way more creapy at night, i love it. At least people without thermal or NV's can not see you in the dark.
  9. Actally, the last couple of games i'm playing without any gun, way more fun and it has saved my life a lot of time, not everybody shoots unarmed people. It is really a challange
  10. I'm always really happy with : Hunting Knive Axe Matches 2 bandages 1 Painkiller 2 Morphine M1911 or revolver or winchester Some drink and food Thats all, more i don't want. I don't like to give Bandits anything when they kill me :)
  11. Allie (DayZ)

    Noob looking for bandit squad

    Hi Mate, I see you were looking for a BANDIT squad, well as you have noticed, i'm not a bandit :) We did have some fun tho, i have waited yesterday, killed a cow and cooked some meet, i left some beans and a car wheel, so you guys would know i was allready there and left. I didn't go far tho, i logged out after 20 minutes. I hope we can meet up again on the other server and have a better loot run as that we did yesterday, really a pitty we didn't find any good stuff at the NWAirfield. I didn't know you were really a new player, see you8 only have the game for a couple of days. Well again it was fun, lets hope our blue van is still there :) Later mate, have fun
  12. Make sure the clouds move from your left to your right, lock a little screwdriver in your keyboard and go do some else for an hour.
  13. Please all, start using Team Speak or alike, i hate hearing all background noises in this crapy skype. Use something with the option of "push to talk". I never use skype for gaming. Just a tip.
  14. Allie (DayZ)

    Servers with advanced presets

    0-death = FULL GORE, FULL EXPOSURE Death to rules and regulations, fuck the system.
  15. Allie (DayZ)

    The Horror of Green Mountain Trailer

    Very nicely done :)
  16. Allie (DayZ)

    I have more errors than...something with errors...

    Get Dayz Commander, see what that says.
  17. Allie (DayZ)

    I can never find decent military gear

    Well thats not bad to find, i know your frustration, i have never ever found a NV for instance. I just gave up on the high end gear, these days i'm playing the game without any gun, its a new way of playing and it has saved my life a lot of times. 2 Days ago i found my first ever fency gun at a crash site, a G36c SD ( this server has adjusted loot table, so the gun is legit) Also it is a way better feeling when killing a bandit with a AS50 with just a winchester :) But again i know the feeling, i have never found a range finder. Goodluck.
  18. If one is not able to open up port, you think onee will be able to host/maintain a server ?
  19. Allie (DayZ)

    [Video] Friendly Russians - The Rat Pack DZP1

    Friendly Russians, isn't that called an oximoron :)
  20. Allie (DayZ)

    Survival servers

    How many people are you want to have on your server ? You can have your personal server up in 5 minutes, With personal i mean you host it from your own pc, this means you will not be able to play with 50 people, but if you are planning to play with 5 friends, it is perfectely possible to host it your self.
  21. What are you talking about ? Creating a new "addon" object which could be placed in the game ? Using existing "objects" from the game and place them inside the mission on the map ? Your title says some about 3d.... Then i'll point out this website, but know what you are beginning with, these things are going to take time and a lot of learning how to use the tools and such... http://community.bis.../wiki/Modelling But this is probably not what you ment. You want to put objects on the map your privat hives uses as the "playworld" Well this is easy, you openup the mission in your editor and place object on it. How to ?? >> well in the server "MPMissions" folder is a folder that should be the mission used for hosting the game. Move this folder to your : C:\Users\'yourname'\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Allie\MPMissions If you have placed it in there you open up the "multiplayer" editor of the game ( go to the multiplayer screen of your game, the page where all the servers show up, find the button "NEW", and click couple times ok, you should now be able to find the dayz mission and open it up in the editor, you can now add stuff...... After editing the mission, you place it back into the servers "MPMission" folder. Hope this helps
  22. :) you haven't manually updated the BattleEye .DLL files :)
  23. Allie (DayZ)

    Adding More Vehicles To Your Hive?

    You might be able to download the "DayZ SQL" file from the server ( so the entire DataBase file for the Dayz Hive ) If you are able to get that, you can then alter the database at your own pc and then when you have adjusted the file upload it again to your host. You say you have FTP access to the database server, there must be a way to extract the whole database and replace with an altered database.
  24. Seems like a patch problem. You have to make sure you install arma2 first, then update that game completely and play it for 1 second, then install ArrowHead and make sure you patch it all the way, then play that for a minute too. Only then implement the DayZ MOD, make sure you have the latest version. I presume you just miss one patch somewhere.
  25. Allie (DayZ)

    Looking for a partner/battlebud

    The first i read was, i need a ButtBattle partner :)