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Allie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Allie (DayZ)

  1. Allie (DayZ)

    stuck at "waiting for character to create"

    This has mostly to do with Battleeye not able to update itself. Make sure it is not blocked by some antivirus virus e.d. I noticed at my end i always have problems with battleye when my linux box is downloading porn.
  2. That is a laptop ? Then it is understandable, the game needs cpu speed and a big graphics card, mobile graphics will just not run it well.
  3. If you are simply banned we can not do anything for you. But i'm confused because you also say you have an error, the error has to do with wrong/corrupt files, solution is to reinstall your games and reinstall DayZ, see what happens then. But again if your just banned your doomed :)
  4. Allie (DayZ)

    Which Taviana?

    Making it possible to play on different maps can only be accomplished by editing the files yourself. (mission file and server.pbo, also some config settings) I have not come across a ready made file yet. Also the database will have to be created by hand. Better try make friends with guys that have already done that :)
  5. Allie (DayZ)

    Brand New Server Up Just Made Yesterday

    I'm still waiting for servers that run in "mercenary" mode at night as much as possible and with the default spawn settings. Where are the really realistic servers ???? ( no 3rd person, NO tags, No Crosshairs ........)
  6. Allie (DayZ)

    BattleEye: Failed to update

    I noticed that when my linux box is downloading i have trouble updating battleye too, as soon as i stop my downloads on the linux box all is fine again. Maybe this does anything for you.
  7. Allie (DayZ)

    Banned for unknown reason

    Do you have a "Global Ban" or a "Admin Ban" ?
  8. Allie (DayZ)

    Help please.

    vehicle save is now automated, don't worry.
  9. Allie (DayZ)

    Files downloads from servers...

    For DayZ you only download an empty folder !!! They are stored somewhere in your my documents/yourname/arma2/profile name/saved........ something like this
  10. Allie (DayZ)

    Need Help about My own private server

    If you haven't been able to do it in 15 days, maybe this hosting is NOT for you. You have to be able to figure it out yourself, if your not able, you will not be able to run a server. But i'm not a bad guy so here is something you can start from "again" :) http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/90991-dayz-private-server-files-pack-175/ Good luck P.S. I think we have enough servers !
  11. Hi, First let me say that i do NOT have any experiances with the pack you are using, but i do have experiance with setting up a server. 1) NO you do not need another cd key to be able to host a server. (just copy the whole arma directory to the machine you want to host from) 2) I always go for the stand alone, but it really doesn't matter. With a dvd version all is installed nice into one directory while the steam version makes 2 directory which when you want to host need to be combined 3) I myself have never used any of the anti cheat stuff(yet) So this is something you have to experiment with and find your favorite flavour. 4) The database is setup with the installer(it is a small self containing mysql installation) Make sure you practice some mysql handlings to get familiar with mysql and databases. When trying to host the database from a linux machine, you will have to rename some tables to have the correct capitals and small letters(linux capitals and such, not a big thingy). The database is needed from the start. 5) Like i said i have no idea about this version, i do have experience with this version ( http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/90991-dayz-private-server-files-pack-175/ ) maintaining and servicing your server is all up to you, you decide if things will break. Setting up and maintiaining a DayZ server demands a lot of your time and energy, making sure everything stays well, you yourself have to keep evolving and keep learning about how things are done and more importantly a constant effort to control your server so it keeps running smooth. Like all things from the house of BIS, you have to invest a lot of time and you will have to figure out things by yourself. There will never be an "EASY" "SIMPLE" installer to get a dayz server up and running, there are no manuals and they will never come. It is all a matter of searching trying and breaking things. (for instance, putting in a new building, demands from you, to know how to edit missions in arma, and this is also something you yourself have to figure out). There are always people who like to help, but be prepared to do everything yourself, be prepared to run into some trouble that will take you at least 2 days to overcome, BE PREPARED for stuff like that. People need to understand that running a privat server is a serious business, it will need a 24/7 admin presence, it will need constant updates and upgrades, if you are planning on playing yourself forget about beeing able to admin your server. Since some simple installers it seems we have more servers then players these days, also 90% of the servers(privat) are completely messed up, they are just really bad managed servers because the owner just want to legally be able to cheat or manipulate there game play ( see all the admin abuse the last months). Please before you start think about how much time you will need to maintain the server, only to setup the server and have everything save and sound meight take at least a week, beeing an admin is NOT funny, it is a serious job. Good luck, Allie
  12. Allie (DayZ)

    Trouble switching from DayZ+ to DayZ

    I am not familiar with Dayz+ but i think that the Dayz+ files differ from the "default" dayz files. To be able to play on regular servers again you have to deactivate the dayz+ files and activate the dayz files. As i understand i think you do not even have the default dayz files. In your directory you should have installed the dayz+ files in the correct folder for instance @dayzplus and you should have a separate folder with the vanilla dayz files for instance @dayz Try downloading "play with Six" see what they say.... In DayzCommander make sure the path to your MOD folder is correct
  13. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Update

    Great work mate, keep it up. We want very deadly zombie's, i love it, it was ment as a zombie survival game so i'm very happy with the development :)
  14. Allie (DayZ)

    Help? Game broken?

    Change servers and see what happens then.
  15. Install Arma2 >>>>> after instal play one game. Install "play with six" after install update Arma2 to the latest patch with "six" (alternate is to download latest patches from the BIS website, then you do not need "play with Six" Ok now install Arma2 Operation Arrowhead >>>>>> after instal play at least one game. Again update Arma operation arrowhead to the latest patches ( you can use "play with Six" for that again or just manually download the latest patches from the official BIS website. Then download and install "DayzCommander" Run that and install DyaZ true that. DayzCommander can also update your arma to the latest patch. Now use "play with six" or "DayzCommander" to start your game in the correct "mode", so if you want to play vanila arma you don't select any mod in the Dayzcommander and start your game >>> it starts vanila, yeaaaa. Now load a MOD in Dayzcommander and start your game again, WHOOOO, we now start arma with a mod :) If posible DO NOT BUY FROM STEAM, just buy yourself a hardcopy on DVD, trust me in the longrun you thank me, also the installation true the dvd's is way easier and more nicely installed then this crappy steam.
  16. Allie (DayZ)

    How to remove a downloaded MAP ?

    Go into your main arma directory and find files with the @ infront, all that are NOT "@DayZ" can be removed. Nothing will be damaged when deleting @folders
  17. Allie (DayZ)

    Hotfix Looking for Testers

    Keep up the good work Mr. R4Z0R49 I would be your man, but the last weeks i have a lot of work. I have to excuse me for a message i have send to you on the github forum about the "lag", after your next update all was fine then, but i'm sorry i didn't react back to you on github. Good luck mate, Alphons
  18. Allie (DayZ) Appreciation Thread

    Best update yet, bugs are always there. I love the zeds, way better then what it was. Game was meant as a zombie survival game, but it had became a full out PvP game with the zombies only beeing annoying, now the game will change for the better again. Zombies should also go and investigate a sniper shot from 500 to 1000m away. I love the update, keep up the work....... Script restriction #44 beeing a bitch though.........
  19. Download the DayZ mod manually
  20. Allie (DayZ)

    3.5mm to 3.5mm (X31's to PC)

    You have a solder iron ? As long as the Voltage is the same :)
  21. Allie (DayZ)

    Need helpful advice

    Are you overclocking ?
  22. Allie (DayZ)

    Day/night server Question.

    I Really miss the night time hardcore servers :(
  23. Allie (DayZ)

    Operation arrowhead not working

    Just go into the main Arma2 Operation Arrow head folder and find the "Arma2OA.exe" file and run it
  24. Allie (DayZ)

    Missing CAStructures_A_BuildingWIP

    My quess is that you are not running the Beta version of the game or you are not starting the game "combined" It is a bit strange if you are using DayzCommander. I have DayZCommander and Play with Six, sometimes the one does all and sometimes i need the other application to update my game. Maybe try "Play with Six" :http://play.withsix.com/
  25. Allie (DayZ)

    Enabling different vehicles?

    3 tables are important for vehicle spawns : 1) "object_classes" table, this is the list with allowed vehicles to spawn(do not know if this is also the so called "dayz locked" vehicles), i do know that any vehicle you want to spawn in has to be in the classes table. 2) "object_spawns" table, this table hold ALL data to spawn a vehicle, this list has all spawnpoints of all vehicles. ( if you want to spawn 2 UH1, the "object_classes" needs to have an entry for a UH1, and the "object_spawn" needs to have 2 entries for a UH1, each with a different spawn location) 3) "object_data". this table are the actual spawned vehicles that will be read by the server and placed on the map in the server. This table is created true a script, each time the database is restarted it will check this list and if not available or changed it will respawn the vehicles again. If you are using this private hive version : http://www.tunngle.n...pdated/ ,the script is a "procedure" inside the database, it is called "pmain" And looks like this : Hope this helps you on the way. PS: Locked stuff is done true the "dayz_anim.pbo" it is "hardcoded" in !!