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Allie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Allie (DayZ)

  1. Allie (DayZ)

    Zombie Master!!

    Watch closely at the 2 minute mark lol
  2. Allie (DayZ)

    Zombie Master!!

    I love this strategy, i have done it a lot too, i call them my zombie dog. You are able to collect about all zombies in a town and have them following you everywhere. Its really fun. I really liked this guy too : LOL
  3. Allie (DayZ)

    Global Ban #e6df

    Are you banned by Battle eye or by a server admin ? Did you get some message ? Dissconnecting and connecting a lot will not get you banned i believe, not that it is a very nice way of gaming tho.
  4. Allie (DayZ)

    New Update Problem?

    I have had this too, but i believe it had to do with the server, not my installation. I didn't restart i just went to different server and all was fine again, went back to the other server and i had the super lag again. So i think it is the server, not you.
  5. Allie (DayZ)

    Arma 2 Combined Ops Giveaway - on Steam

    Fake ! , Bitcoin scavanging ?
  6. Allie (DayZ)

    The ammunition for the m4a1 cco sd

    Stanag sd or stanag
  7. Allie (DayZ)

    Help ban DayZ Question

    There's your problem.
  8. Allie (DayZ)

    How do you handle insane aggro?

    Hit the deck, go crawling !
  9. Allie (DayZ)

    Movie scripting with Dayz

    Hi There, I have been asked to help some people out in creating a movie with the DayZ theme. As i am an oldschool OFP/Arma player and mission/island editor, i know the best way of creating a movie in Arma is to create the scenes in the editor, you have total control over everything with an extencive Arma command reference. With these commands you are able to control all aspects of the game. My question suggestion is : Is there a reference list of specific Dayz commands which could be used in the editor, i found the survivors and the zombie units in the editor, i know the normal arma editor is effected by the dayz mod, but is it possible and is it even allowed to edit with the days mod ? When i place a zombie it is just standing there and doing nothing, not even make sounds, i want to control a movie scene setting in the editor and control all aspects of it. Do i have to figure it out myself, as always :) The Hacker hystery = The terrorist hystery ? >> ruin it for all of us fair players :( Hope to hear some input.
  10. Allie (DayZ)

    Multiple Problems with my game

    The .pbo and .Bisign files stay together in the same folder ! Stay out of the Default "addons" folder, the addons folder in the root of the arma directory, dont chang anything in that folder. The message you get has to do with some pbo files not correct or even completly missing. I suggest a fresh install from scratch, make sure to remove everything fist. Start by installing only the Arma2 game, then make sure the game plays, test it, play a mission or some for a couple of seconds. When you start the game for thye first time chack the version it is running now when you come to the first arma screen, the version should be somewhere in the right corner. When you are sure arma2 is running and ok, start updating that game with the official patches on the official Arma site. Then test again, only then you start installing Operation Arrowhead, here the same story, after install test if it is working and then update that game with the official patches( arrowhead is more of an expansion then its own game) If the 2 games tart and work , then try to start them as 1 game, the so called combined operations version of the game. If that is working only then start fooling around with the dayz mod. The dayz mod is just a collection of pbo and bisign files that go into an "addons" folder inside a @Dayz folder in the root of the arma directory. If that is done only then you can start the Combined operations shortcut with a little extra parameter in that startup shortcut thingy. The exact startup parameter setting i do not at hand here, but you should be able to figure that out. Don't start just deleting or altering directory layouts and such, this will only break your game. The only folders which are of interest of us are the new created @dayz folder and the original "Key" folder in the root of arma. The key's folder houses the security keys of the pbo files, if used, i think Dayz does not use this tho so maybe you can even forget about the "key" folder. PS. i do not have a steam install, i have DvD's from the shop. But the install should not be that different, i only think you are able to update your game true steam, that way you probably do not have to download the correct game patches manually.
  11. Allie (DayZ)

    TRADING! Anybody want an L85? offers here!

    I like to trade, but only able to get to my game in about 8 hours from now.
  12. Allie (DayZ)


    The thing you need for serious gaming :)
  13. Allie (DayZ)

    What to search a scripts.log file for?

    Hi, Markers on the map are NO hack. Paste a piece of the log file here, make sure there is no information in the piece that would give away sensitive information about your server though. Maybe we can help.
  14. Allie (DayZ)

    How to put Map checkmarks?

    Hmm Waypoint ? My bad about the up and down arrow, it does not work in days, only one type of marker, but double click stands :)
  15. Allie (DayZ)

    How to put Map checkmarks?

    Just double click on the map, then with the up and down arrow you can choose your marker type, type text and you can communicate true the map
  16. Allie (DayZ)

    Scripts.txt files?

    By the way, are you sure its a hacked weapon ?
  17. Allie (DayZ)

    Scripts.txt files?

    The False CD key problemis a BattleEye problem, lets hope they can fix that, it did work once :)
  18. Allie (DayZ)

    Scripts.txt files?

    What do your server logfiles tell you ? I dont know about cheatfinder, but if your serious you have to figure everything out yourself and try to learn the script languages of arma/dayz. I have learned that you can not "download" a solution to your specific problem, you have to understand what is going on. I've seen a lot of server log files here on the forum and it seems they do tell you who is doing something, for as far as i understand the script language of arma. But i like your spirit of administratoring your server strict, keep it up and do your best :)
  19. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Project, helpers wanted!

    If you have the "cartoon", the movie in pictures in your head, please try and go and fool around in the editor, THE MULTIPLAYER EDITOR ! You will see that you have a lot of control. I hope you can find your director, camera man, mission/script editor, your actors and everything else you need to get some cool movie project off the ground.
  20. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Project, helpers wanted!

    Survivor and zombias are uneder PMC Faction
  21. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Project, helpers wanted!

    Manual to download : http://www.moddb.com/games/armed-assault/downloads/armed-assault-editing-guide
  22. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Project, helpers wanted!

    MAybe not the best site to start tho, let me find some easy
  23. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Project, helpers wanted!

    If you go into the editor of Arma, with the days mod active, and i do NOT mean the editor in the main menu. The editor is hidden behind the NEW button on the multiplayer server selection screen, the button all the way to the left. With this editor you can really quickly put scenes together which after editing can be Live multiplayer enabled Previewed. If dayz active, you are not able to place all Arma objects, but you are able to place all Dayz objects and stuff. I direct you to this website if you want to experiment yourself a little : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Missions
  24. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Project, helpers wanted!

    Your the editor i got the picture, but i mean you need to go into the Arma game editor and setup the scene where you want to go and film. Setup the scene with objects you need like a car or character. These objects and characters can be manipulated in the editor to set everything needed right. Then the director takes stages and delegate the actors aroung in the scene, the cameraman starts recording accordingly. All the shots will be handed over to you and you start editing the movie :) Or are you planing to use oll authentic ingame footage ?
  25. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Project, helpers wanted!

    You will need "mission editors " to setup shots and stuff. Or did you think of holding a handcam InGame ? in the real game i mean. You beter edit the shots and scenes. I do not have the time, but i like your idea.