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Allie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Allie (DayZ)

  1. Allie (DayZ) installation

    Do you start the Mod ? This needs to be added to the startup parameter : -mod=@dayz
  2. Allie (DayZ)

    Occupied city's and towns

    Hi all, I am surprised i am not seeing anybody taking resident in one of the towns. I like to hang around in one town, i was even thinking of making the town mine :) After a couple of weeks playing this mostlely solo, it is getting somewhat boring. Why are we not trying on holding towns ? Its a kind of weird people start building there bases outside of the map while it in my opinion is more likely in real life people start barricading houses and other well defendable places. I understand that we are not able to play 24 hours a day, so i understand that you think it is useless to try and barricade a city and after a couple of hours you will disconnect and you don't know what is happening in your defende town. Thats one of the reasons i ask battle eye to up the ping on which you are kicked. From my OFP and Arma days i know that i liked to play on US servers, sure it had a bit higher ping then servewrs close to me, but i have never had any lag on a US server while having a ping of 150. I'm telling this because it is needed to be able to play on a higher ping server, this way it is up to your clan to find people from all over the world to populate your defended town. So when Europe starts going to bed, the americas take over, and as soon as the americas go to sleap, the asians take over. So when it is alowed to play on a server with higher ping, we should be able to organize a group of people who will defend your town 24 hours a day. The high ping (max 200) does not mean you have a laggy server at all, like i said my best play i had on US servers while beeing in Europe. BlaBlaBla Greetings, Alphons
  3. Allie (DayZ)

    Have my friend been banned?

    Yes, did he update the Games themselfs, ArmaII and ArmaOA ?
  4. Allie (DayZ)

    Occupied city's and towns

    The barbed wire should work agains zombies as it does to human players.
  5. Allie (DayZ)

    Occupied city's and towns

    Let me have my daydreams :)
  6. Allie (DayZ)

    Occupied city's and towns

    You cannot go to a town and hide from zombies, You'll have to use 1000 of bullets every hour..Zombz keep spawning, and you cannot block a doorway from zombz.. only players You are right, but still..... :)
  7. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ - A Google Street View tour of Chenarus

    Awesome to see the real buildings :)
  8. Allie (DayZ)

    Have my friend been banned?

    RedCross means not the right version, nothing to do with beeing banned, our friend needs to update his game probably
  9. Allie (DayZ)

    Graphics Glitches ( artifacts)

    yesterday i had the atifacts at the army tents at berenzino, the atifacts showed and i did the flush thingy, all was fine and i was able to loot the tens without any artifacts.
  10. Allie (DayZ)

    Graphics Glitches ( artifacts)

    it is : left "shift" plus the minus sign "-" on the number pad. Press them together and then just type "flush" without the quotes. You will not be able to see what you type ! When doing the left shift and - , an invisible console opens up and you can type flush. Try it again, your screen should go black and some text apears saying it is flushing
  11. Allie (DayZ)

    Broken leg + no morphine = ?

    Find zombies is the best option, however if you have a map you might figure out where you at. Depends all on what else you have, if you didnt bring morphine before hiking off ....
  12. Yea he is even shouting at you, from now on you better not see him as your Dayz friend anymore.
  13. Nice to hear he got banned, i hope it was his payed cd key. Everybody gets a second chance, he can buy a new game and he will be welcome again :)
  14. Allie (DayZ)

    Battle Sucks :-(

    Maybe it happens to me tonight but if you are banned, it will be becuase you did something wrong, battle eye is doing a great job. Maybe it is very busy at battle eye at this moment and you should have a little patients, but buying a new game is probably the only option. If you really did not do anything wrong, all will be solved im sure of it. Maybe because of dayz, battle eye did make some mistake, but i doubt it. Again i have a very extencive Arma directory with all kinds of dodgy Mods and scripts, still i do not get banned, you will not just be banned for nothing, trust me.
  15. Allie (DayZ)

    Help with dual accounts and dual computers

    I don't know if steam is different, but with my dvd and one cd key i can install it on as many pc's as i like, the only thing is that you can not have more then 1 game active on the internet, this will give you the cd key conflict.
  16. Allie (DayZ)

    Help with dual accounts and dual computers

    He should have installed ONE game with ONE account on both computers, just don't use them at the same time.
  17. Allie (DayZ)

    Bandit makes a fatal mistake!

    LOL nice one you little pickpocket dude LOL
  18. Long loading does not mean you will join. Just try another server, for me it normally loads withing 1 minute
  19. Allie (DayZ)

    Yep, this mod is dying

    The dayz stanalone will be much worse then this. It should be an open mod for all, this way you can setup your own privat server and play as you like.
  20. Allie (DayZ)

    How can i lock out Hackers?!

    Read your server log files and find the bad guys, maybe use "#userlist" ingame to get the id number of the bad guy, then there should be a way to have a ban.txt file which will be used when starting your server, if you enter the id number of the bad guy in the text file, the bad guys should not be able to connect anymore. Make sure to report the info you can find on bad guys, to the correct forum treat, this will make a global ban possible.
  21. Allie (DayZ)

    How bad is the hacking situation?

    alive now for 14 days
  22. Allie (DayZ)

    How bad is the hacking situation?

    Like i said before, i have not have that many bad experiances with hackers. From the start of this game a couple of months ago i have encountered 3 times a hacker that did really bad, me ending up dead. Actually 2 times i was dead because of hacker and 1 time i had just enough time to escape the killing in the debug desert. So my opinion is that it is not that bad, its just the servers you go to, i have found a couple of servers, all NL servers, that are really nice to me, i must say that the servers are not that croweded tho, mostly about 10 to 15 players. I tend to stay away from the really popular high volume servers these days. It will all be fine in a couple of weeks, don't worry, battle eye is doing a good job at the moment.
  23. Allie (DayZ)

    Game takes FOREVER to load?

    But in the end you are able to play ? If loading takes really long just ry another server. Some servers i try give me the same problem, my game is froozen on the loading screen, only way to get out is to close arma completely the hard way, alt tab out and close true taskmaneger.
  24. Allie (DayZ)

    Gun box in the church

    Best is to stay away from stuff like that, how tempting it may be
  25. Allie (DayZ)

    Elektro Morphine!

    Here you go helps on the way, i'm at the office "working" so i cant help now