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Allie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Allie (DayZ)

  1. Allie (DayZ)

    Private Hive Information

    Privat Hives all the way !
  2. Allie (DayZ)

    Non-pvp Servers

    Since a couple of days i now play with a group, the gameplay of Dayz has changed because of this. I now am not that much busy trying to survive and find loot, we now have different goals, like stealing choppers on other servers and search out the island for camps and other high end gear dudes. Not that we are any good tho, 2 days ago we had a rival clan raiding our server and they found some of our tents, they took there time to slowly transfering stuff from our tents on our server to there own server. Some other dudes have stolen our chopper, it took us more then a day to find it back. There is now some really interesting things developing, like spy's coming to our server and we spying on them. every night it is a surprise what happened on our server while we were away, its exciting. We are not noob killers, we just find other well geared clans and try to find fair fights, zombies are at this moment just extra fun in our games. i just love it, i have been playing on my own for a couple of months and i was getting bored, but now the game took a completely new turn. I really suggest you try and find some friends to play with, just join some TS and start talking away. Good luck, and have fun.
  3. Allie (DayZ)

    Non-pvp Servers

    Start going to low populated servers, go on the servers TeamSpeak, go to Veteran Servers without 3rd person. But best way of beeing able to do some more then beeing afraid for your life is to go into Team Speak servers and start talking to the guys, make friends. Keep an eye out for the little messages when you join a server, some servers have there own ts server. Use the ingame voice option on "direct communications" channel, talk to other players, if they do not react to your voice, just kill them or evade them. Talking to people seems to help having there trigger finger to be some what more relaxed. Also if they do react, from there voice you can make up if they are to trust. I once had a guy who was way to friendly, i just evaded him, i didn't trust him.
  4. Allie (DayZ)

    This day!

    Awesome !
  5. Allie (DayZ)

    To Rocket and Team

    I suspect they will not bring out any patches anymore for the "mod" version, they know they can not make money off off that. They are probably busy on the stand alone version. As soon as we know this for a fact, the community scripters will go wild on the version of Dayz, and solutions will come. As soon as the stand alone version is there the masses will go for the stand alone version. At this moment the Arma scripting community will go wild and within a couple of days 1001 variations on the Dayz Mod will come out. Both groups, Stand alone and Arma Mod players will have a bright future....................
  6. Allie (DayZ)

    looking for playmates, or group , clan

    I was just thinking, i'm looking at playmates all my life, but they not seem to see me :(
  7. Allie (DayZ)

    How about a bit more realism?

    I'm a die hard arma player and i miss indeed the effects of fireing guns standing up, it seems way more easy in Dayz then it is in Arma without dayz. The example of fireing a .50, is indeed very hard in Arma without Dayz, it is way more easy now in Dayz, so that is what i mean with them easying it up. Also i have the idea that it is harder to kill somebody now in Dayz, in Arma every bullet hit is a serious situation, and you die much easier. Also the trajectory of bullets is something BIS is very serious about, in Arma you will have wind and gravity effects on your bullets, so if you say the trajectory of a .50 is now just straight, then they must have made that "easier" too. I'm not complaining, i just try to get more people to discover Arma, the actual game underneith the Dayz mod. A lot of people do not know what awesome "game" this Arma is, and what is actually possible with this engine. If you can think of something it will be possible with Arma to implement that, thats the real power of this software. I have made a couple of islands for this game, i have made Bingo balls in the game ( just because we are building automated bingo machines i was already busy creating 3D objects for my work, for a laugh i just imported these models into my game, i have now the product i sell in real life in my game) It just to ilustrate what possibilities you have with this game. Just for giggles : And trust me, realism is in this OFP/Arma series, i'm really nervious about the release of Arma III.
  8. Allie (DayZ)

    How about a bit more realism?

    If you want realism, just play arma itself. In Arma you can not keep your target in sight standing up fireing a 50cal, also the ACE mod will make it not possible to run far with full gear, the more you carry the less quick you go and the quicker you get tired. OFP/Arma are "real" militairy simulators, for dayz these things have been loosened up for the regular FPS players, Arma and OFP have never been popular "games" because they are to realistic. To get some more player for Dayz they had to make the game easier. ( i hate 3rd person, if you want to start make the game more realistic, stop playing it with 3rd person active). See where this game comes from : http://www.vbs2.com/ http://www.vbsworlds.com/ Pff we want more realisme...... Dayz players don't want realism they want a PvP FPS game. OFP/Arma players want to get rid of these FPS players, thats why i say, GET RID OF 3RD PERSON FISRT, this will clean out the kids. Just wait for the stand alone game, then we will split off the die hards from the console players. Dayz is a MOD for ARMA, ARMA is the "game" get more information about arma, start playing that, dayz is just a super small part of it. http://www.armedassa...cat=news&game=1
  9. Allie (DayZ)

    Day 1 - Survived

    Last Day(z) program: 1) Spawning in fresh after a day of work, getting killed due to a glitch with a tree, loose everything and stuck in debug desert. 2) Used the respawn button, because i had broken legs, starting at Cherno again. 3) Doing some quick scout of cherno and picking up some basic loot. 4) Friends online with chopper, picks me up at lighthouse cherno and flies me to my Bus parked in Berenzino. 5) Doing the special chopper eject, fucking myself up again, dead on the ground. 6) Spawning at Kamenka, call my friend to pick me up again, he does and brings me to our camp to gear up. 7) He brings me to my BUs at Berenzino, lands to get me out :), i survived. 8) killing some zombies and raid the Office building at berenzino. 9) Get to my Bus and load some extra food in it, killing some irritating zombies. 10) Get in my bus and drive off to a safe possition. 11) getting at my campsite, i pitch 2 more tents and transfere some guns and other loot stuff. 12 Having some bullshit talks over teamspeak and now its time to logout and go to bed, see tomorrow if bus has survived 18 hours with me not beeing on the server :) So i didnt really survive, but still had a good time. I'm really hooked to this game :)
  10. Hi All, The last couple of days we are trying to get back at some dudes that had stolen the chopper on our own server. Our server does a reboot every 6 hours, so every 6 hours the chopper is back to its default spawn location, so the trick is to quickly after server reboot get our chopper back up and running. Couple days ago some guys invaded our server and stole our chopper before we were able to repair it. This is all fine, i mean we are up for some invaders trying to steal our chopper and try to find our camps, it was all a fair win for them, but we at least want a rematch, so yesterday we invaded an other server, on that server the guys who invaded our server are playing there. So we managed to have everything with us to be able to repair there chopper, we did repair it and we did steal it. At the moment they knew we were flying the chopper they did a server reboot, we think this is very lame ! We do not reboot because some server hoppers are trying to find a fair fight ! Server that was lame to us : DE 1882. We are no hackers, we are not Alt F4 fcks, we are just getting bored with regular Dayz playing and try to find new fights with people that have same level of guns and people. I really like the idea of clans fighting eachother on there servers, we have our server up 24/7 we do not reboot or do anything special to protect our camps. Some other clan has just emptied all our tents on one location, you don't hear us complaining, it was a fair raid these guys did, for us the only thing left is hoping one day we can get back at them, we still trying to figure out what these guys home server is :) We are not shooting noobs, we are just looking for "game" :) For the noobs, this piece shows you there is more going on on the Dayz game then just surviving the zombies, more and more people and teams are getting the good stuff, they are not busy fighting zombies but trying to outsmart other teams and clans for the good loot. We are trying to find there camps and we do try and steal all choppers :) One thing we do miss tho is more servers playing on "veteran" without 3rd person active ! We like it HARD :)
  11. The arma terrain engine will not alow this to be possible, you have to create an object as a mountain and put your underground base in there, and then place the object(mountain) as a seperate object on your terrain. Some people have tryed to build underground stuff, but never did any of the solution became popular. But who knows, maybe somebody is actually busy trying to make a new terrain for arma, and maybe he/she is trying to create underground bases. It would be fun.
  12. Allie (DayZ)

    [Trade] Looking for Assault Rifle

    They are not that hard to find, go to berenzino and check the army tents, check deerstands.
  13. Allie (DayZ)

    Getting a vehicle fast ?

    It all depends, if low populated server you can just go for the bus in electro or cherno. They dont need to much work, 2 wheels, engine, fueltank parts and a jerrycan. These parts are all somewhere around cherno or elektro. Best chance industrial buildings.
  14. Allie (DayZ)

    Looking for someone to play DayZ with me?

    I was getting bored playing dayz for months on my own, after a couple of weeks you have seen everything and beeing everywhere. I came accross a server that advertised a TeamSpeak server, i just went on there TS server and now i'm having a new way of playing Dayz. Just find some clan or server that has a TeamSpeak server and just hop on to it, see what happens, i was accepted instantely, they didn't trust me right away because it seems some dudes are acting as spy and spy out other clans to be able to attack them with inside information. I know of a very good server but it is a VETERAN server and you will not have 3rd person, this not having 3rd person seems to keep the noobs and hackers away, not a lot of people play Dayz the hardcore way. Good luck finding somebody, but like i said just invade a TeamSpeak server and introduce yourself, it worked for me, i have some new play friends now and i'm now playing the game with a team.
  15. All addons should be installed the same way as the dayz mod is setup. For BAF for example you create an folder called @BAF and inside you create a folder called ADDONS, now in this folder you dump all *.pbo and *.Bisign files. If there is a key file put that into the existing KEYS folder. Now start the addons the same way as days, add this to your startup parameter : -mod=@BAF;@PMC;@Moreaddons;@andevenmoreaddons. Hope this helps, but i advice all people who came to arma true Dayz to check out the arma websites, for example : http://forums.bistudio.com/index.php Later, Allie
  16. Allie (DayZ)

    A typical day in DayZ Beginners guide, ep01

    Just kill your game when seeing this tolong, just find different server or make sure you have the right version of the game, chceck battle eye. When i have this the only way to close the game is by alt tabbing out and use the taskmanager to kill arma complete then restart and find diff server. Nice clip tho :)
  17. Allie (DayZ)

    Leaving the mod to die..

    It seems the SPLIT is here, slowly but surely we are filtering out the regular FPS players and the Die Hard Arma players. I have noticed that on veteran servers without 3rd person you will only encounter Arma players. I'm having fun on these few Veteran servers, no noobs, no FPS regulars just die hard arma players. The stand alone version will remove all kiddies from the Arma mod version, the arma mod version will be better and more editable then the stand alone version, you are talking about the, but im talking about version 1.2.3, this version is now beeing edited and made compatable with just regular arma. But the mod for the arma community will be not one of a kind, some people will use the dayz together with ace, acre and other mods, the community will find new ways of implementing dayz. The fun thing is that the dayz mod has given us a new toy to play with, the SQL DB persistant character thingy, this will be nice to have on just your own server, this way you are able to host your own dayz and try to collect your own community with cool players. Maybe we even have the dayz mod as a new clan vs clan based game, maybe we will have militairy missions with encounters of zombies. Trust me be happy there will be a stand alone version for the 3rd person video game players. It will clean the arma dayz community, and we will be cleared of pussies and alt F4 fcks.
  18. Allie (DayZ)

    graphical glitches?

    When ingame and you encounter graphic glitches do this : Press "left shift" + the minus sign "-" on the number pad, then type "flush" without quotes. For now this seems to fix 99% of the artifacts, in the future i presume a patch will fix this for good.
  19. Allie (DayZ)

    Always stuck at loading.

    Battle Eye : http://www.battleye.com/download.html (you have to update battle eye manually ! And other solution is to make sure you really have the correct version of Dayz and you have the correct version of the latest beta patch.
  20. Allie (DayZ)

    joining servers

    Make sure you have latest version of BAttleEye DLL's.
  21. Allie (DayZ)

    DayZ Addiction?

    LOL I know its really bad :) I once had been playing for hours, planning all my moves and doing it really carefully, then Sundaynight 1am i get killed.... I have to go to work tomorrow morning argg, i can't sleep with a just slaughtered character, so i started again fresh and i was not able to go to bed until i had some good loot again, well it was 5 am before i really could stop and laydown a little. Adictive, NO.........
  22. Allie (DayZ)

    Few Questions before I buy a server

    But i do advice you to wait a little longer to decide if you want to pull your wallet for a server. We already have a lot of servers and still none of them jumps out to be very good. As soon as the stand alone version is there it would be early enough to see if you still want a server, i mean when the standalone version comes the free scripting community will have alternatives to the Dayz Stand Alone, and for that you do not need to rent a server, you can just host server games from your own computer, you will also be able to setup a dedicated server on whatever machine you like, maybe just a second pc in the same room as you, or you can also rent a server and host a dedicated server from that. Be patient and see what happens, Dayz Stand Alone and Arma III coming out soon, see what happens then.
  23. Allie (DayZ)

    Few Questions before I buy a server

    Answers: 1) Yes, as an server admin you have the power of banning people, but only local to your server. 2) Yes, at least warn the regular players you are going to restart or break for a couple of minutes. 3) I have no idea, but i think it should work that way. 4) i Don't know, but im sure you can have it how you like it.
  24. There are two ways of beeing banned. 1) You are banned because battle eye intercept you are trying to execute scripts or lines of code. This ban goes automatic. 2) An admin on a server decides to ban you, this ban is only local for that server, this ban is done by the server admin.
  25. Is this a global battle eye ban or are you banned localy on that server alone ?