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Everything posted by Badhaggis

  1. Badhaggis

    Any Newbies want to team up tonight?

    Aye, ill be on tonight, just looking for sutible servers ATM. Ill be on a French Server UK14 ( 94876) run by M8D International. @ Pie Flavor I don't have skype, my steam ID is Bad_haggis try that.
  2. Badhaggis

    New European only group

    Im from the UK, but ill join your clan if you'll have me :) Steam name; Bad_haggis
  3. Badhaggis

    DayZ Stories

    After 5 minutes of wonder around a forest, a saw another player in the distance, as i didn't have a weapon i decided that i had nother to loose by wondering over to him, after chasing him for around 500m, he stops beside another player with a sniper who turns round and shoots me in the gut. Bad times, but fortunatly i don't die and inform them that i have absolutly nothing worth stealing. The one who shoots me wonders over and heals my wounds, shoutout to Warren and Krogen.
  4. Badhaggis

    What gun did you find the first time?

    3h in still havent found one :C, keep being chased off by zombie bouncers.
  5. Badhaggis


    Everything with this bloody game is broken >:(
  6. Badhaggis

    stuck on loading forever

    Battleye is in that folder but im still stuck on a loading screen.
  7. They could just not let people retain their equiment if they log out, yes it will piss people off but it'll get rid of this problem.
  8. Badhaggis

    ArmA2: OA Error upon startup

    ? Try Reinstall first then see if problem happens again.
  9. Badhaggis

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    It one of the ones that people say just to ignore, missing Bin\config.bin.cfg weapons or something.
  10. New Patch didn't solve the black loading screen with full white bar problem for me.
  11. Badhaggis

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    New Patch hasn't solved anything for me, still have loading screen with full white bar after clicking continue at an error message.
  12. Badhaggis

    Error Fixes

    Yeah, I have Loading sceen with a full bar after clicking continue at an error message in the lobby.
  13. I think the respawns should be slightly more dynamic, for instance a zombie shouldn't just respawn in a city on top of a player as it makes trying to take and hold strongpoints impossable, possably make it so that zombies are spawned whenever no players are about, in that specific area.
  14. Badhaggis

    Please read BEFORE posting

    ^ This, I was going to suggest a better way of encouraging teamwork that doesn't piss off all the whiney Bandits.
  15. Badhaggis

    Arma II: CO $5 off on Steam

    Yeah, just bought it and am DL-ing now, haven't played Arma II in a long time.