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Everything posted by Badhaggis

  1. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Im in the fort but im bleeding out from a fall, when someone is in the fort with some bandages can you say so here, and ill rejoin.
  2. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Yee Haw! (thats what you yanks say right?) Okay im logging on now to see if anything can be salvaged.
  3. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Ha, no hard feelings.
  4. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Okay, im begining to think that we should set up the new camp at either the power station or Dam at Electro if we do move from fort Friendly. As Hordeslicer pointed out the town is sniperville.
  5. Badhaggis

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    Yup, Bandits have a great time, everyone else just dies a lot.
  6. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Okay does anyone know any good places in Electro to set up a Base?
  7. Badhaggis

    Toxic, a new dimension.

    It would just be Metro 2033 with zombies online then.
  8. Badhaggis

    Better Security.....

    Yes but ATM it is impossible so quit suggesting it.
  9. Badhaggis

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    Congratulations, the self preservation gene has passed you by.
  10. Badhaggis

    Punishment for banditry?

    I imagine there would be some blood if you are shot :rolleyes:, thats a graphical limitation anyway.
  11. Badhaggis

    Better Security.....

    Not their fault its bohemia's ...... look im not even going to explain, around 1 minutes of research would have shown you that this topic has been debated to death, there is nothing rocket can do.
  12. Badhaggis

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    But again you can't really see who is a bandit and who isn't without a bandit skin.
  13. Badhaggis

    PVE Servers

    Because 1) It is just people trying to troll each other 2) No one has actually given a decent reason why recruit servers shouldn't be PvE, It won't ruin you fun that really green players won't be around for you to nick their bandages.
  14. Badhaggis

    Punishment for banditry?

    Im aware of that, i want the bandit skin back, but some kind of "not kill currency" won't improve the game one iota, there are already a big surplus of weapons.
  15. Badhaggis

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    I don't, i haven't shot at someone who hasn't shot at me first.
  16. Badhaggis

    Punishment for banditry?

    There are over 9000 topics like this one, if you value your sanity just delete everything you just said, and ask the mods to close this thread and suggest this (rather poor idea) on another thread.
  17. Badhaggis

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    DayZ isn't a social experiment it's a FFA FPS now, everything intresting about the game has been gotten rid of by KoS.
  18. Badhaggis

    PVE Servers

    Why not let new guys play on PvE servers? if they are that boring and will eventually go to PvP servers so whats the problem? oh yes you wouldn't be able to shoot noobs ahhh.
  19. Badhaggis

    Caps, Town and Bandits

    They did go away after a while though.
  20. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    This fort debacle just showed me how much we need the bandit skins back, sorry but it has to be done, Survivors are already wearing a uniform why not bandits.
  21. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Im begining to think that Electro Would be a better place to found a Base.
  22. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    How? If a big enough group of survivors walks around trying to take out bandits the bandits can just pretend to be survivors, at the rage we were at you couldn't use that heart beat thing. Rocket needs to give us some tools to be able to fight back, because at the moment the game is badly balanced.
  23. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Im gonna go on at around 7 GMT and try and rebuild it a bit, it was best at night TBH.
  24. Badhaggis

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Yeah, which really shows why this mod is doomed to failure unless some radical actions are taken by rocket and his team.