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Everything posted by gloopy

  1. gloopy

    Green Moutain

    In Soviet Russia, Green Mountain loots you...
  2. A description of the problems you're facing often helps a dev team rectify any issues in "da patch".
  3. Get NVG's Boost Gamma/brightness Use flares Use chemlights Stay in town with burning oil drums Wait for a full moon Get a car which has lights on it Night time is a requirement (and an amazing feature) of this game. If there was no night time you'd be on here complaining you got killed all the time because people could see you too easily.
  4. Bah, if it's only zeds just leave the server. It's hardly cheating if it's a bug and no players will benefit from it. At least it's a big old barn. I had zeds spawn on top of me in the barracks the other day, now that scared the shit outta me!
  5. Just wanted to post to say I've been playing all evening with 4 friends and we've trekked from Balota to Vybor, We're all still alive and everything is going well! This game is great fun and I can't wait to see new content for it. My only real gripe is that the zombies move way way too quickly. In my opinion it would be more intense and therefore fun if there were perhaps 2x as many zombies but they moved a lot slower. This would put the focus more on ammo conservation, accuracy and avoiding zombies altogether. It would also mean you could make the penalties for being hit higher because in theory you wouldn't get hit as much. Our current tactics involve scouting out buildings which are open and sneaking as long as we can until we get spotted or get inside, since the zombies move a lot slower inside they're easy to kill. We found "fighting" your way in to towns to be a bit of a nightmare because shooting + moving in Arma was never easy, ammo is too precious to spray and the zombies are so fast it's hard to register hits with any of the bolt action rifles/semi auto weapons. Overall though I love this game!!
  6. Agree with ExESGO, M9SD is the best gun in the game. Keep your big gun for players and have a nice silenced option you can quickly switch to to kill Zombies.
  7. gloopy

    Golden Revolver and radio?

    Just drop any hacked items onto a dead body and hide it. No one can benefit from it then.
  8. gloopy

    You deserve what you get

    haha nice post mate! You have my beans.
  9. gloopy

    Dayz Tournament

    The idea is good. Don't knock it. It just needs refining. People should be able to sign up on their own or in teams. Points should be scored for the numbers of items collected. Number of Zombies killed. e.g Secure a fully operational vehicle = 50 points. Obtain a Coyote backpack = 10 points 1 zombie kill = 1 point It would be great if a tournament version of the mission could be built by Rocket with triggers that add points to a player when an area is held for over 5 minutes similar to CTI maps in Arma2. It would also be great to have a few spectator roles added for a livestream of the event. Other considerations: Unlimited respawns? Points lost for a death? Gain points for tranfusing? Spawn in 5-10 minute intervals? Negative points for killing players but if they are carrying gear worth 100 points and the penalty is only 50 points then it's surely worth it?
  10. gloopy

    Barbed wire removal

    The only issue I have had is when they're placed in front of doors at NW airfield barracks. Yeah it's a pain to remove and it would be nice if it were easier but I guess it's kinda low on the list of priorities.
  11. gloopy

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    I am going to kill anyone I see surrendering. After I've taken their shit. I feel once i've stolen someones stuff they might as well be dead so I'm doing them a favour.
  12. Similar experience here. Gave my newly spawned friend an FN FAL. Next day when he logged on he had a new character to create and my FN FAL was gone from my backpack but I was still on the same Character I've been on for days. It was however right after 1.7.2 patch so I assume all of our actions weren't stored in the database and that period of time has vanished into thin air! At least me and my DMR/NVG's are still alive!! :D
  13. gloopy

    Weapons & Chernarus

    I agree with OP. More RU weapons would be nice.
  14. Where did you get the figure of 30m from OP?
  15. Kill everything. All the zombies, all the boars, all the cows, all the rabbits and most of all every single person wearing a stupid cap and carrying a backpack. Why anyone would leave another player alive unless it's their friend is beyond me. There is literally no downside to killing everyone all the time.
  16. gloopy

    All the loot in my car vanished

    Welcome to an alpha version of a sandbox game.
  17. gloopy

    dayz pvp complexity

    I think you should be able to pick OPFOR BLUFOR or Independent. You should still be able to kill whoever you want it would just mean you could potentially identify someone as "friendly" or part of your faction and then decide whether you're going to kill them or help them. Literally the only difference would be the player skin. No forced factions/teams just an option to choose from where you hail, a bit like your race in an MMO. (Currently me and my crew all have black faces and aviators. Kill all the white man....)
  18. gloopy

    Let Players "Synchronize" GPS

    Arma 2 has an entire group system built into it. If anyone ever played evolution or any of the campaigns where you could recruit people into your group and command/locate them they'll understand how the mechanic works. That is what I'd like to see implemented. Obviously the level of detail you get from this is directly related to what difficult setting the server is on so it's a win win scenario
  19. gloopy


    I would be more inclined to PVP because if the drop rates decrease because it's easier to kill someone and steal their stuff than it is to go all the way up north for a small chance of getting good loot. You're right about it becoming more valuable though. Personally I think you should spawn with nothing, absolutely nothing, then all gear becomes valuable and it would weed out the people who aren't serious about surviving because they'd just quit playing. Doing that would hopefully in itself make the game better because you'd only have "hardcore" players.
  20. gloopy

    Heli Question

    If you mean on the radar. In normal Arma 2 red = enemy, Grey = neutral/friendly, yellow = unknown
  21. gloopy

    Healing yourself? -blood-

    Kill an animal. Gut it. cook the meat. Approx 1k blood per cooked meat which means a cow will give you about 7k blood, goat about 3k. (numbers aren't 100% correct).
  22. gloopy

    What do I do now?

    Take over the industrial sector of Cherno and gank people running round with flashlights. You're right next to a firestation, supermarket and medical tents. No need to go anywhere else.
  23. gloopy

    DayZ Radio Show (TWITCH.TV)

    Good work mate. Tomorrows discussion should be on Chernarus as a "play field". Good things, bad things, loot spots, pvp areas, areas to avoid and fun places to explore!
  24. gloopy

    DayZ Radio Pilot broadcast!

    Remove the "." from the URL. It's 404'ing :)