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About malachy

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  1. just throw a nade in the water before you go to drink
  2. ooo so i guess it is safe to play again my char must be 3 weeks old by now :D i guess i will log in after work tonight
  3. try us 1722 its a nice server with good admins
  4. malachy

    Chainsaw ??

    I think it would be fitting for a chainsaw to be added
  5. Why not give the option to choose bandit or non bandit when you respawn in
  6. malachy

    Dedicated Server problem

    They run on a private hive budd
  7. malachy

    DayZ Public TeamSpeak (512 slots)

    GOOD IDEA however i have joined a public ts server in the past only to have some random enter the channel , listen to our comms and then kill us all so maybe passworded rooms
  8. malachy

    Steam update for arma 2

    Thank you all for the quick replies i am verifying the files now hope this works :)
  9. I opend steam and it decided to update both arma 2 and arma 2 operation arrowhead :/ now since this update i am getting kicked from every server i try to join any body got any ideas as to why ?
  10. lol i jam a bit of card board into my w key works a treat :D no need for shitty marcros
  11. malachy

    Day Z Urban Legends

  12. A hatched bandit tried to kill me yesterday he nearly did ! he had nice loot but no gun so i got to thinking that there is axe murderers out there watch out people )
  13. malachy

    [DayZ] What's your reaction on strangers?

    7 days alive and only 1 bandit kill and 1 murder i just watch other players if they shoot first i will kill
  14. you need a team pal find other peopleto play with , however not all people are nice