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Everything posted by antiskub2.0

  1. antiskub2.0

    moving forward to Beta (suggestion)

    w That's actually part of my thought process. With the crazy success of the MOD it seems that most of development has gone into maintaining and moving servers. Cutting back the players will let him have solid numbers to test the outcome of changes to the game while at the same time not continuously have to waste time on massive server issues. In a sense, it is backwards, I just don't view that as a necessarily bad thing. rocket started this Project off as a MOD with out any idea of how popular it would become, let alone that he would shift over to making a standalone product. In a sense, it also isn't backwards. going from an open Alpha on a MOD to a closed beta standalone. two different ballgames. A big difference is that with the standalone, your ArmA 2 Key isn't going to have anything to do with your ability to access the game. Though you are right about the fact players have to pay for ArmA 2 in order to play hasn't had an impact on hackers, that was a good point. Though, I think with the standalone, If it went open BETA you would see a flood of griefing. Tysn. I love you, and would like to some day be the father of your children. It is not the time for that though. You see, We are star-crossed lovers. My family lines would never accept your tainted blood. Maybe in another life, when the world grows accepting of our kind of love, we can be free of the chains that bind our love. forever in my heart, Emanuel Deletoro P.S. I read your note, and am responding in accordance to the message I myself formed inside of my head based very loosely on what I read. I hope this isn't me putting words into your mouth or anything.
  2. antiskub2.0

    hackers- US 249 LA

    how does one gather evidence? video capture about the only way?
  3. So in the spirit of authenticity (which I think someone should probably get around to giving us a operational definition of), I was thinking of what a final DayZ project would look like, how we would share information and such and such. I know Rocket had mentioned in interviews that perhaps having some kind of trading post or something like that operated from the forums was one idea that had surfaced. I suggest going in the opposite direction and putting the forums in the game. Basically, we want to influence people in a way that nudges them away from using out of game sources such as DayZwiki, or DayzDb. Not that these are bad things, just that stopping to alt-tab and look at a loot map, kind of breaks the atmosphere a little. Having fairly common places in game to gather certain world information, and perhaps a global billboard or message board (in the form of a telegraph machine?). This allows you to maintain the atmosphere while still retaining the ability to gather certain helpful information. Another idea, in line more with meta-game connection would be something like a DayZ (telegraph?) App. Look up info, monitor character status/gear. If they wanted to get really ambitious, you could implement alarm systems into the game world and if someone trips it in game, you would get a notification through the app. :P just throwing out there. feel free to tear it up.
  4. if there were clues that gave you an idea of where the shot came from. that could be cool. like, if you saw a body lying face down with a point of entry wound on the right side of his head, you could assertain where the shooter may be holed up.
  5. not too specific. "He appears to have died recently from a gunshot wound". if it were an axe, perhaps "severe lacerations" If it were a zombie. "blunt force trauma" and/or something that mentions the flesh being torn from the body. i like this because. you could make it look like someone was killed by a zombie if you (for instance) beat them to death with a crowbar.
  6. yeah, I agree with gulch. needlessly offensive.
  7. As far as killing on site goes.. I usually carry extra morphine... And aim for the legs. Once there less Threatening, Then we talk. :P
  8. title pretty much sums it up. keeping the gps a rare spawn, maybe take it outside of military spawnpoint perhaps, and add a limited range sensor for finding vehicles.
  9. antiskub2.0

    gps, 100m range vehicle detection

    as it stands now I don't see much of a point in the gps I guess the other idea would be to make it so servers are not allowed to show your location on the map if all you have is a map.
  10. antiskub2.0

    gps, 100m range vehicle detection

    100 meters is an arbitrary number
  11. antiskub2.0

    gps, 100m range vehicle detection

    also, I'm not sure if knocking this idea for its lack of realism is really logical. unless you can put two car tires in a backpack and run 5 miles without stopping of course. ;)
  12. antiskub2.0

    gps, 100m range vehicle detection

  13. I'm thinking you have a gauge, not a visible one, just one that runs in the background of the game. You spawn at about 75% (I'll explain that in a sec). It regenerates up to 100% or so. Time spent out of combat regenerates you back up untill you hit 100% at which point additional time spent out of battle will increase the percentage at a significantly slower rate to about 125% or so. This is you're stress/morality/karma/(whatever) level. For the sake of this post we will just call it your "stress level" but it's a lil different than what that name implies. Everytime you kill someone your stress level takes a hit, decreasing in percentage. The percentage it drops is based on a plethora of different factors possibly including the following: What stance the person you shot was in (were they "combat ready" or "at ease") (would also add a use for the "at ease" stance) The stress level of the person you killed. whether or not they were armed and what they were armed with. what you killed them with. (these are just some of examples that I can think of at the top of my head) So if you kill a bandit, you're battle fatigue takes less of a hit than if you kill a freshly spawned noob. If you're more of a pacifist, the 125% extra allows you a little more leeway when it comes to killing, but requires long periods outside of combat. The reason I say start fresh players at 75% (or lower) is because if you started them at 100% than there would be too high of an incentive not to kill them, so what you would probably get is people who understand that, and run their hatchets at people with guns knowing that the hit that person will take for killing them may make them hesitate in shooting them. I'm thinking you end up in the 35-45% range and the effects of battle fatigue kick in. ( I don't know exactly what this would cause, nothing major, mostly as a warning.) **dropped the idea for a bloodlust" effect** I'm honestly not sure how well I explained this, but I tried..
  14. antiskub2.0

    natural feeling "stress" system

    k, well we can ditch the "bloodlust" part then. perhaps just incrementally increase the rate at which you consume food and water under stress? Also, still important to note, that if you are firing in self defense, this is calculated into the equation as to how much stress you build up. So you would theoretically build up a lot less stress by defending your self from 5 bandits as opposed to say, killing two noobs.
  15. Hmm, perhaps...vest pouch as an outfit item? There for you have to pick between more storage space, or camo. I dont see a reason why you shouldnt be able to wear a vest pouch and a backpack. So if you are for instance, you're groups "medic/mule" you can carry more food/water/etc but are more easily spotted.
  16. antiskub2.0

    The direction dayZ is being developed in.

    Yea, you know, there are some "Triple A" games that release in a state like this (hi there Alpha Protocol). The fact that this game runs as well as it does, has managed to amass a player number exceeding 700,000 players, and at it's core hits the general atmosphere it is aiming for is pretty impressive considering it is still in alpha. This style of software development, similar to how they made minecraft, is by large a new frontier. We as consumers need to adjust to this and level our expectations accordingly.
  17. antiskub2.0

    natural feeling "stress" system

    I agree that bandits are not the problem, and that the problem is griefers. I think if you started out with the system on low and almost unnoticeable, you could ratchet it up slowly and tweak the levels at which your "stress level" returns to normal, and how much of a hit it takes when you kill someone. So I think general banditry (especially when killing other bandits) wouldn't be terriblly invaded upon, but just straight grief killing is more likely to have an effect. I like the sound of a system like this because it largely works passively in influencing peoples behavior towards killing. The thing about the griefer who grabs the next best gun and kills everything is that a lot of those top tier guns take some time to acquire. I think this is important to factor in. Also, I was thinking that perhaps with the on set of battle fatigue, your body is stressed out more, and uses food and water faster.
  18. antiskub2.0

    Hiding Bodies fix to be fair.

    i personally think it is a silly addition and really only used for the purposes of adding insult to injury. Just my opinion.
  19. I'm mostly looking to generate some ideas of how they can impliment ways to lose your zombie tail. I mostly stick to running through houses and let them get caught, but I think I heard they were fixing this soon and, well, it's really just exploiting the game world and doesn't fit well into the "authentic" feel of things. Something that may require some quick thinking or slight skill would be nice, as opposed to a kind of "hard counter" where you just drop a flare and they are gone... that being said, implementing flares and other light/sound items into the equation could be a good place to start.
  20. just looking for an alternative to running 4 miles with a tale of zombies behind me hoping the game engine throws some quirk my way. As it stands now, I feel like the majority of the time I've managed to shake chasers was due to engine an engine hiccup. I know the mod is in alpha, and that the Arma 2 engine itself can be sketchy. Those things aside though I don't really see anything in the game outside of trying to axe them down. I think it would be cool to be able to run through a building and shut a door behind me and lose them that way, but most of the time, the zombies just warp through the door. :)
  21. antiskub2.0

    DayZ Workshop?

    Hopefully Arma 2 will get steamworkshop support, than maybe we can see some of this stuff pop up on there
  22. My suggestion is to put a respawn timer on bicycles. If it's not used in a certain amount of time, it disappears/respawns. kind of like other loot in the game. I'm thinking bicycles only.
  23. antiskub2.0

    inactive bicycle respawn timer?

    also, the it wouldn't be the same length respawn timer as other loot, something a little longer...maybe 6-12 hours in-game time?
  24. antiskub2.0


    I like the idea of broadcasting and not knowing who would be picking up the signal or maybe make 1-way radio a fairly common find, and add in the ability for people to emit a short range broadcast (say the size of cherno or maybe a little larger). I'd totally Role-play as a post-apocalyptic DJ :) Or say, make a solid piece of the map a radio sation. It won't move and people can kind of fight for it.
  25. well, clearly we don't want tons of vehicles on the map, it would ruin the sense of accomplishment you get when you manage to find one or put one together. That being said. On all the servers I've been on, and all the weeks I've played, and all the searching I've done. I have only actually seen 1 vehicle in actual use and have never run across any in their natural spawn locations. A possible solution may be: Randomize the spawn locations more. Say, If a sedan spawns in elektro or whatever, have it's actual spawn loaction inside elektro be in 10 different spots. The spawn rate would be the same but people would still have to search them out and not know where they are going to be.