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About antiskub2.0

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. antiskub2.0

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    just checking with others. I planted a tent, and it acctually pitched the first time i tried to pitch it instead of having to do the dance where i move around trying to get it to work. was just wondering if i got lucky or if the tent placement issue was fixed.
  2. antiskub2.0

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This is self serving and only pseudo-logical. Think about it for a second. Think about what a mod is, Look at this game in context of how it was originally released to the public and the expectations of a mod released for a game with a limited and close knit community. Only since the beginning of august has rocket offically been working at BI to start work on the standalone game. He is still not getting paid to make this mod. Honestly, I wish he would drop the mod all together and just get to work on the stand alone instead of feeling like he has some kind of obligation to people who bought arma 2 to play a mod and who feel ripped off because now that mod is going on to become its own standalone. This MOD team, The arma 2 community, and Bohemia interactive owe you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Hell, I still have no idea when Black Mesa mod for source engine is coming out. I've been waiting for that for a good couple of years now. I'm to understand that they are still working on it, and I await its release with baited breath, but I can't get angry at that team because they are not getting paid to make that mod. I can be more impatient with valve for giving me no info on when they will release the next half-life installment, but not to the point where I feel they owe me anything. Have faith in the process my friend. If this is the kind of thing you find yourself getting overly upset about, count yourself lucky you don't have any real problems.
  3. antiskub2.0

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    can prolly lock the thread again. :) good to have updates and such. just unlock it to post any other updates the team may have
  4. antiskub2.0

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I ,personally, have been digging into the back catalogue of amazing arma 2 community made content, as well is trying to wrap my head around scripting in the 2D editor. wanna make a mission based on the movie "Battle Royale" on the island of utes. :) thanks for the update.
  5. antiskub2.0

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Take a look at Armaholic.com The community behind Arma 2 is absolutely ridiculous. Fully voiced, quality campaigns, new maps, a ludicrous amount of single-player, multiplayer, and co-op missions? Oh and Dayz aswell! Even if Arma 2 didn't come with a full fledged single player campaign, The content from the community makes paying for this game an absolute steal at $30.
  6. antiskub2.0

    Zombies are getting annoying.

    Zombies behavior is glitchy and unpredictable. Something that I'm sure will be worked on with the stand alone. Once they get into the source code, gut it out, and retool it to what it is they are doing it will be a lot easier to take a methodical approach to increasing difficulty in increments untill it feels right. If we make the game too difficult at this point it would just be that more frustrating when some bug breaks my legs or kills me. If they do a good enough job smoothing out the hitches, I don't see it as an impossiblity of switching to higher volumes of slower moving zombies.
  7. antiskub2.0

    DayZ - Currency/Shops

    i think rocket said he was leaning away from an in game currency system and more towards giving the community the tools to figure it out themselves.
  8. antiskub2.0

    New toolbelt item: Duct Tape

    tie 3 cans of beans togeth to make a bean bomb!
  9. antiskub2.0

    New toolbelt item: Duct Tape

    makeshift bandit mask!
  10. antiskub2.0

    Spawn with a Map

    Hell, I don't even think you should be told where you spawn when you start up. The idea is that death needs to feel like it has weight to it, It's been stated as such by the developers. I think one of the greatest things about the game is that initial disorientation you feel when you realize how big the world around you is, and you don't know the first thing about which direction you need to go to find supplies to survive. So you just pick a direction and hope to hit a town or something where you can find some kind of crude way of defending yourself. You don't find that enjoyable?
  11. antiskub2.0

    Automated blood transfusion

    make it risky, maybe it takes longer than the standard blood transfusion we have now, which means more time sitting there hoping someone doesn't walk through the door and blow you away. allowing people to play how they want means that if someone prefers lone wolfing, they should be able to do that assuming they accept the risks involved. Having a friend and having them give you a blood transfusion is a lot less risky than having to go into a hospital and wait for a machine to fill you up.
  12. antiskub2.0

    Please make Dayz standalone CLOSED testing.

    I think that if they intend to keep the game in open-alpha or open-beta or whatevs, that maybe they should think about how they can design their forums to utilitize the community more effectively. I thik what the OP is sick of (and I am totally emphathetic here) is the number of people who have knee jerk rage posts without any kind of actual contribution outside of "Hey, I'm angry, and I need attention and this is an easy way for me to get that attention, listen to me!" I think the spirit of social experimentation inherent in the DayZ mod needs to be carried over to encapsulate the entire community aspect. Some ways you could do that are (and these are just off the top of my head examples without too much thought put into them) 1. Quality, contemplative and well thought out posts should some how net you more audience and forum status that "LOL, fuck thsi broken game LAWL" Calculating spelling errors, length of post, and a few other blatant factors into how much "status" you can build would be one way to start. 2. as you invest quality ideas, bug reports, and such and such to the community, earn more posts per day. 3. limiting communication ( I know this sounds stupid, but try and feel me out on this) -allow new members 4-5 posts a day, as they contribute they get more posts a day, this way if someone just wants to go from topic spewing visceral bullshit, then they can only do it so much. -this also allows trolling to have a consequence by taking away someones max amount of posts for a while without having to outright ban them. -can be used to combat spam.
  13. antiskub2.0

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    rolling with your friends at night with only flashlights and some flares to guide you can be really exciting and tense. hacking needs to be dealt with first before we can really get a feel for how the spawn rates effect things prioritys: 1. nip hacking/duping in the butt. 2. minimize loss of gear to bugs and such. 3. analyze stats and behavior and adjust spawn rates accordingly.
  14. antiskub2.0

    The announced base building + Suggestions!!

    Here is an idea for underground bases that I feel would make it slightly less jarring in context of the game. I'm not sure how they plan for people to enter these, But I'm thinking they should design the underground bases around run down subway/metro stations, sewers, natural caves, and perhaps industrial basements, and then, depending on where you set up the entrance to you're "base", give it a aesthetic environment that suits that. For instance, if the entrance to my base is a man hole, my base will look like I built it out of an old sewer. This could also lead to the possiblity of having bases that were more or less desirable. For instance, there could be a select few places where you could set up shop in some kind of military bunker, which would be the ultimate fortifiable palace, as opposed to the previous suggestion of a sewer or something like that, which would be a little less secure perhaps, and also, you know...the whole sewer thing...
  15. antiskub2.0

    degrading weapons

    In my mind, I see this increasing the value of the Ak-47, seeing how so much of its long standing popularity comes with how resilient it is in harsh conditions. :) This should make choosing weapons a whole lot more interesting. Sure, you could take the gun with the most dmg, or a thermal scope, but does it jam up constantly? Will it be useless if you get it wet or if you don't clean it every day? If I were designing the feature, I'd make the in-game guns relative to their real life counter parts, without adding any kind of stats system you can read by looking at the gun. In this way, if you are the kind of person who is knowledgeable about fire arms in real life, you can carry that knowledge into game.