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About lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

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    On the Coast
  1. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    I agree its to PVP now, people dont even go and loot dead bodies. And example for me was on the route to mogilevka via Vystoa. Im running minding my own buisness, i hear a truck. I stop and prone in the bushes. The guy stops, shoots me in the face, i then hear the engine start up and he drives off. Didnt even loot my body. I wouldnt mind if players looted each others bodies, but people just kill and dont loot. Its ruining the effect of the game for me personally. And i agree with the killing with fresh spawners, its happened to me multiple of times.
  2. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    A little addition to make things a little more... 'personal'

    Great idea, i was thinking this yesterday when playing, Id probably update my journal each time before i log off (obviously in a safe location) just to add a increased personal response on what i had accomplised. It also be nice if each time we died our journal was available in a text file out of game, just so we can read over what we had accomplised each life. And just to add; If i killed someone and read their journal, it really make me feel remorse for what iv done. Hope the devs see our want for a journal system.
  3. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    Disconnect in trucks question?

    Cheers, shame i lost all those good items in the back :S
  4. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    Disconnect in trucks question?

    Hello, I'm just wondering what happens if you lose connection to host while in a truck, or even aborting in a truck Do you respawn inside the truck with all the gear, or do you just spawn with no truck? Just I was driving along with a found truck and the server crashed, what happens? :S
  5. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    Firearms Should Not Be The Main Instrumentality Of DayZ

    I love how people go on about realism, when we have never had a zombie outbreak and the downfall of humanity, How do we know what would, and would not happen is the question. The only thing we can guess is the need for food, water and shelter. And a way to defend ourselves from the zombies. And there wouldnt be a unlimited suply of ammo
  6. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    End goal

    The idea is to survive as long as possible, that is the aim of the game. Although a running story line of clues would be nice, to suggest how the infection was started, how it spread, and how society completely collapsed. I disagree with the idea of a ending, the purpose is to survive, if you complete the game to respawn, it defeats this objective. I also disgree with "medals", dayz isnt implementing a ranking system or "whos the best because they have done this", Dayz is all about survival, who can survive the longest from the items they find and how they use them. Another point about medals, Dayz aims to be a "real life zombie simulator", so going along that idea, if the zombie appoclypse was real, 1: you wouldnt escape 2: you wouldnt get a medal for surviving.
  7. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    Food Traps

    Yes very true, i was trying to think of a general time to allow a person tracking them to get to their body, loot it and run off. Would 2 Minutes to 2 Minitues 30 seconds be better? Expanding on my original idea, Sleeping drugs should only be found within hospitals or stores, with a very rare spawn chance of about 0.20%. Poisen should be available within sheds with a spawn chance of 0.20%, or within shops with a spawn chance of 0.18%. Anti Poisen Tablets should only spawn within hospitals, with the same chance as other hospital loot (41.67% chance) There should be another item that allows players to test items for poisen or sleeping drugs before consuming items, such as a "Medical Test strip" which can indicate to players whether and items been tampered with. This should be available within Hospitals, Millitary Buildings or very rarely in shops. Just to give a bit of fareness to players before they consume items.
  8. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    Food Traps

    Hello, After discussing with a mate, we noticed something dayz was missing. A kind of key idea that should be implemented to make players more warey of what they are picking up and allows players to put decoy items down. So the basic idea: Food and drink items can be drugged, either by sleeping drugs or poisen. This would allow a greater feel to the aspect of survival of the fittest, laying traps or laying tainted items in your clans base if you know someone keeps sneeking in and taking your items. Sleeping drugs would cause players to fall unconsious for about 5 minutes, this allows players to loot players without the need to kill or injure them. Players would of course have to track users untill they use the item and then take their loot, if they dont and you take the sleeping drugs by accident then you obviously dont lose anything. The sleeping drugs would take 2 minutes to work, during this time the screen slowly fading to grey then black. Poisen or Rat Poisen, this could be used to slowly affect players temperature and create a slow blood loss untill a player either dies or consumes Anti Poisen Tablets. Just a basic idea, if you guys could expand on our concept or suggest any changes feel free.
  9. lesovikk1@hotmail.co.uk

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    The only problem i have with the spawn system is spawning so far from friends. If we could implement a friend system into Arma II/Dayz, so people who are friends could spawn on each other or close to each other. Although this could be "abused" by players buddys could be close by when they die. The only thing i could think of for friend spawning, is that you can only spawn on your friends if they either: located by the coast, or just created a new character. This would stop people spawning on buddies for revenge, it also stop "noobs" spawning on their friend and getting half their load out. I think all of us agree we need a better way spawning on buddies, this would also decrease the respawn problem your talking about, the main reason people respawn it to spawn close to their buddy. But i agree a cool down system would be good or the game spawns you back in the same position making the user achive nothing from respawning.