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About tiaitchsi

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Windows 8 are not for PC's, tbh. I prefer Windows 7 over anything anyday. And nah, keep it simple, keep it running on Windows. Otherwise you'd have to port the engine, recompile all code, rewrite code.. Maybe later, just like TF2 for Mac.
  2. This game isn't dead. It recently reached 1,000,000 players and it's still counting. If you're tired of cheaters (can't call them hackers due to copy+paste scripts), compose an email to [email protected] They are the ones responsible for this, DayZ has just begun.
  3. tiaitchsi

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    Because the War Z dev. team promises alot of features and cool things that will be superior to DayZ. It's the first game their company will release as producers, and all they have given us is a hint on an open beta and some lousy "screenshots" (images made in 3rd-party software).
  4. tiaitchsi

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    I believe that they'll use the mod as a guiena pig (sorry PETA) for major fixes and changes to see how game mechanics play out in action. There is no need to complain on hackers, there's nothing the DayZ dev team can do about this. "That means the alpha testing we are undertaking is no longer giving meaningful results." Of course they are. Why do you think new features are implemented when others are being taken away? Just becaue the alpha testers does not enjoy (I enjoy it, people who do not enjoy being an alpha tester to this mod should do something else.. duh?) does not mean the development stops. About the bandit skin: What would you like happen to them? Should they spawn with handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit? Wouldn't think so. If the developers have nothing to work on, or nothing to get inspired by, development is next to impossible to keep up (The War Z is an example of this). Cheers.
  5. So... You were unbanned? Are you able to join BE protected servers?
  6. tiaitchsi

    Same gear different server

    It's a central server that keeps your characters location, debug information (blood, thirst, hunger, pain etc.) and equipment. This server is called the "Hive". If you wish to restart without the restart having any effect on your currently existing character, you'd need to join a server without "Hive" as an expansion in the server browser (keep in mind, that server is the only one that saves your character, you will not be able to move it or access it on other servers).
  7. Hi mate. :) You need to boot up your computer with the Windows CD (Go into BIOS > Boot Options to change this value). When you get to the part where you choose what to install where, you need to create a new partition where Windows will be installed. This is a common "problem" amongst people who purchase new systems, but it is nothing to worry about, it's supposed to be like that. EDIT: You need to format your harddrive before creating a new partition. EDIT2: I'm tired, sorry. Thought you had problems with your harddrive. Here's something you should try:
  8. tiaitchsi

    Full Reset

    I wouldn't mind if they "cleaned up" the hive with every major patch that is released (to avoid gear differences and such, the M1911 and revolver for example). But otherwise, no.
  9. I KoS anyone I see. Hell, I've murdered my fellow friends that I actually were communicating with in Skype due to the lack of coordination and communication we tend to have sometimes. This will be a pretty neat feature, to be honest. It's good to see that rocket has been busy during the time he "vanished". :)
  10. tiaitchsi

    UH-1H questions,

    You never know when Spetsnaz comes by.
  11. tiaitchsi

    The BEST LOOT.. EVARR! Please read here.

    Nope, DMR'd some guys in a truck outside NWAF a week or two ago. >2 SVD camos >L85 AWS >2 GPS >2 NVG's >3 Tents >A truck Later we got rid of the SVD's, they didn't meet our requirements.
  12. tiaitchsi

    Banned for server hopping

    Yes. "Spawnkilling" as you call it is a legit way of death in DayZ. Logging out in the barracks is stupid and only done by server-hoppers.
  13. tiaitchsi

    Banned for server hopping

    You logged out in an obvious server-hop spot (NW airfield). It's very insecure, choose a safe place to log out or die when logging in. You server hopped, and you got banned for it.