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About obama

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    On the Coast

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  1. hey there survivors and bandits! maybe some of you remember me from our old dayZ switzerland server. we have put up a brand new Private Server with a custom Chernarus Map! if you are looking for a great adventure with a friendly community be sure to visit us at www.day-z.ch - we also have a team speak server what's new so far? Custom Chernarus Map with many many New Stuff Bigger Airfields with many new Hangars, Loot etc. Random Plane Crash Sites all over the Map Big Base Camps all over the Map which you can defend or sattle down The Whole Coastside (south) was reworked More Helicopters and Planes 1500 Vehicles Admins can help you when you get stuck or lose everything because of a bug and many more 5000m View (standard 1600) as an example here some screenshots: the north west airfield custom player bases/camps
  2. helly survivors! here to announce we have one of the first DayzLingor Servers online and running. welcome to new players as much as expirienced ones. we also have a lil community overhere at www.day-z.ch if you are now to the lingor map or just want to enjoy new adventures in dayz you are very welcome our players also do random events on weekends like bandit/police or races etc. we also have TS3 sincerly larusso moinmoin leute also wir haben kürzlich unser server umgestellt auf cherna/lingor. fals ihr neu bei dayz seit oder einfach so nach ner netten community sucht dann besucht uns auf www.day-z.ch wir haben eine nette kleine community inklusive TS3 server wo ihr auch ratschläge, tips, oder hilfe kriegt, solange jemand da ist ^^ fals ihr vorbeischaut hinterlasst doch nen kommentar in unserem forum :) bis bald hoff ich in lingor :) larusso here some pics as a lil gift for reading :D
  3. ehmmm... NO :D like on all servers, its always depending on what kind of person you have in front of you ^^ but we have a forum and a friendly TS channel where u can always communicate with players. also we have random events organised by other players.
  4. hi everyone like to introduce our pretty new server CH175. we are quite a new community and have about 10-20 people constantly online on the server but still looking for more! theres are also some crews you can join etc. or make your own as the map is quite fresh and theres still a lot to gather. we are overal a friendly server so if you just started dayZ, you just found a good place with us there are also random events organised by players just like the SOBOR DEFENSE which just happened that saturday and was a great fun, but could still need more people! if you are interested, check out our website www.day-z.ch for more info! heres the server facts: CH175 IP: 2372
  5. hoi zäme / hi there english translation: as I was starting with dayz few weeks ago I remember browsin throug the sixlauncher and seen no server in switzerland 8O so I have decided to lease one from Vilayer.com and put it up for a growin "mainly" swiss community DayZ - CH175 (1.7.2/94444) (Veteran|3D:OFF|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - Schweiz | art-bugs.com art-bugs.com is currently our website it'll soon change to day-z.ch just be patient. german translation: Möchte an dieser Stelle eine ganz neue Community gedacht für Schweizer vorstellen. Unser Server ist DayZ - CH175 (1.7.2/94444) (Veteran|3D:OFF|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - Schweiz | art-bugs.com und auf unserer website www.art-bugs.com (bald auch über www.day-z.ch erreichbar) findest du auch ein forum für fragen und allem drum herum es würde uns freuen dich bei uns begrüssen zu dürfen und fals du öfters auf dem server spielst, hinterlass doch eine nachricht. wir haben auch einen eigenen TS3 server. Viel Spass Good Luck!